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Con tintes de conspiración y todo... To be continued...https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/nov/13/pm-accused-dominic-cummings-of-briefing-against-him-sources-claimPM accused Dominic Cummings of briefing against him, sources claimAide’s exit from No 10 reported to have followed a tense 45-minute showdown with Boris Johnson...
La verdad es que a veces yo tambien me pregunto si el virus lo ha diseñado una mente superior .
Cita de: Derby en Noviembre 14, 2020, 00:04:16 amCon tintes de conspiración y todo... To be continued...https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/nov/13/pm-accused-dominic-cummings-of-briefing-against-him-sources-claimPM accused Dominic Cummings of briefing against him, sources claimAide’s exit from No 10 reported to have followed a tense 45-minute showdown with Boris Johnson...La verdad es que a veces yo tambien me pregunto si el virus lo ha diseñado una mente superior . Unas horas despues https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/13/trump-biden-white-house-defeat-electionTrump comes close to admitting defeat but stops short of formal concessionEl mismo tipo de votantes blancos de clase trabajadora que eligieron a un millonario en USA son los que Cummings movilizó para el Brexit y para votar a un pijo de colegio de pago (que cuesta un curso £40K y pico) como primer ministro
Cita de: Maloserá en Noviembre 14, 2020, 11:37:45 amCita de: Derby en Noviembre 14, 2020, 00:04:16 amCon tintes de conspiración y todo... To be continued...https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/nov/13/pm-accused-dominic-cummings-of-briefing-against-him-sources-claimPM accused Dominic Cummings of briefing against him, sources claimAide’s exit from No 10 reported to have followed a tense 45-minute showdown with Boris Johnson...La verdad es que a veces yo tambien me pregunto si el virus lo ha diseñado una mente superior . Unas horas despues https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/13/trump-biden-white-house-defeat-electionTrump comes close to admitting defeat but stops short of formal concessionEl mismo tipo de votantes blancos de clase trabajadora que eligieron a un millonario en USA son los que Cummings movilizó para el Brexit y para votar a un pijo de colegio de pago (que cuesta un curso £40K y pico) como primer ministroCabría no reducir tanto el fenómeno Trump o Brexit a chavs y hillbillies. Esta explicación puede reconfortar a un segmento de la izquierda, concretamente la progresista, que mira con superioridad compasiva a estos (infra)seres, pero está lejos de explicar los más de 70 millones de personas, de todos los grupos étnicos, que le han votado. Podcast de Quillette en el que explican algunos matices de este fenómeno: https://go.ivoox.com/rf/60031072Jamil Jivani on the Inconvenient Truth About Donald Trump's Non-White Supporters
Qingdao Port Building World-First Smart Transport SystemThe world’s first air-track intelligent transporting system is being built in Qingdao Port of Shandong Port Group, making China the first country to leverage air-tracking in its fully-automated container terminal.After the completion, containers from Qingdao Port will be transported directly from the yard through the air-track system to the rail port without tracking on the ground, which will greatly improve transportation efficiency.Qingdao Port told China Daily that the entire line will be about 9.5 kilometers and once finished, the annual transportation capacity will reach 1.5 million TEUs.As the new project was initiated in cooperation with CRRC Yangtze Co Ltd, the first phase of the demonstration project is about 612 meters and is planned for trial operation in June next year, Qingdao Port said.
Are money and wealth the same thing?Even as production of goods and services has declined as a result of the reaction to covid-19, governments have been issuing larger and larger amounts of money.The fact that this seems reasonable to many people stems from a common and understandable misconception: namely, that money is wealth. After all, aren’t people with a lot of money considered wealthy? However, while wealth and money are often found together, they are very different in their character and importance.(...)Money is a tool. It performs a useful service when it facilitates the exchange of different forms of wealth. However, it is not wealth. Under our current monetary system, though, the power of money has grown to the point where it is no longer a servant of wealth but instead its master and destroyer. Given this, the continued and accelerated creation of money, while sold as a means by which we might create a better society, is more likely to lead us in precisely the opposite direction.
Cita de: Lurker en Noviembre 14, 2020, 12:02:33 pmCita de: Maloserá en Noviembre 14, 2020, 11:37:45 amCita de: Derby en Noviembre 14, 2020, 00:04:16 amCon tintes de conspiración y todo... To be continued...https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/nov/13/pm-accused-dominic-cummings-of-briefing-against-him-sources-claimPM accused Dominic Cummings of briefing against him, sources claimAide’s exit from No 10 reported to have followed a tense 45-minute showdown with Boris Johnson...La verdad es que a veces yo tambien me pregunto si el virus lo ha diseñado una mente superior . Unas horas despues https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/13/trump-biden-white-house-defeat-electionTrump comes close to admitting defeat but stops short of formal concessionEl mismo tipo de votantes blancos de clase trabajadora que eligieron a un millonario en USA son los que Cummings movilizó para el Brexit y para votar a un pijo de colegio de pago (que cuesta un curso £40K y pico) como primer ministroCabría no reducir tanto el fenómeno Trump o Brexit a chavs y hillbillies. Esta explicación puede reconfortar a un segmento de la izquierda, concretamente la progresista, que mira con superioridad compasiva a estos (infra)seres, pero está lejos de explicar los más de 70 millones de personas, de todos los grupos étnicos, que le han votado. Podcast de Quillette en el que explican algunos matices de este fenómeno: https://go.ivoox.com/rf/60031072Jamil Jivani on the Inconvenient Truth About Donald Trump's Non-White SupportersLurker, estoy leyendo mi post anterior y puede sonar a ambiguo. No quería decir que sean la unica razón de que ganasen. Pero sí que votaron (eligieron) a los dos cuando parecería que votaban contra sus intereses de clase por usar la terminolgía marxista.Por supuesto que no es la unica razón para Trump y Brexit. Pero creo que es mas importante de lo que parece, porque han movilizado a votantes nuevos, muchos de ellos no votaban. Movilizar a un grupo de votantes nuevos puede influir a lo mejor unos puntos (1,2,3%??) Pero es que el resultado del Brexit fue 52-48. Por eso la influencia electoral es mayor que la que parece a simple vista. Idem con los margenes en 'swing states' americanosIn other newshttps://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/13/politics/pennsylvania-absentee-ballots-trump-campaign/index.htmlJudges rule against Trump campaign in 6 Pennsylvania cases over absentee ballots
Most people don't plan to resume travel regime even after virusThe realization that most business can be conducted virtually teamed with a confusing array of testing and quarantine restrictions means many people don’t plan to resume their regular travel routines even once the coronavirus pandemic has subsided, a study by Inmarsat found.
Why ‘waste not, want not’ is an unattainable energy goalIn the US, 67% of primary energy is wasted, with just 33% doing its useful, intended work(...)UK-based Inspirit Energy this month announced it had agreed a letter of support from Volvo Penta to develop a waste heat recovery system to improve the efficiency of its marine and industrial engines.
Manhattan Empties, Brooklyn Hangs on as Renters Prioritize Space, Amenities Over Commute in Pandemic EconomyThe residential vacancy rate in Manhattan has grown to an unprecedented 6%. But Brooklyn real estate has held fairly steady, proving the most resilient borough, new figures show.When the pandemic shut down New York City, new leasing at the residential buildings owned by Brooklyn-based Two Trees Management dropped dramatically.When New Yorkers began to emerge from their apartments, nervous prospects initially did virtual tours, and then started coming for in-person visits when Two Trees reopened its offices in July. As would-be tenants gained confidence, they started to sign leases.Now a majority of new leases are being inked by people moving from Manhattan.“They are looking for more space to work from home,” said Rebecca Epstein, the company’s managing director of residential leasing. “They are looking for amenities within the building so they don’t have to go out. But when they do want to go out there is a lot of life on the streets with social distancing.”New data released this week in a monthly report on New York City rents from real estate giant Douglas Elliman showed another steep decline in October for Manhattan — with a vacancy rate that topped 6% for the first time in the reports’ two decades-plus history.Meanwhile, rents in Brooklyn dropped by a smaller percentage. And new sales numbers from StreetEasy in the borough show that Brooklyn’s residential market has been more resilient in the pandemic than any other area of the city.“A lot of New Yorkers who are planning to stay in the city are taking advantage of record low mortgage rates and making commitments to close on a deal in Brooklyn,” said Nancy Wu, chief economist at StreetEasy. “Brooklyn is where people are committing for the long term.”Compared with a year ago, the median rent in Manhattan for a newly leased apartment fell 16% to $3,036, including concessions like free rent for a month or two, according to the Elliman report. In Brooklyn, effective rents fell 5% to $2,815.(...)
Yellen Under Consideration by Biden Team for Treasury ChiefFormer Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen is under consideration to be President-elect Joe Biden’s Treasury secretary, according to people familiar with the matter, joining other possible contenders.Yellen has withdrawn from at least one upcoming speaking engagement because she is now in contention for Treasury secretary, one of the people familiar with the matter said. The people spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss personnel deliberations.Biden has promised to pick a diverse cabinet, which means he could choose the first Black or female Treasury secretary in history. His team is also eyeing Fed Governor Lael Brainard and former Fed Vice Chair Roger Ferguson for the job, Bloomberg News reported in September.Biden is launching his transition efforts to shape the new administration, but he is still weeks away from making cabinet nominations, his transition team said Friday. He met earlier this week to discuss cabinet nominations with close advisers, according to transition official Jen Psaki.(...)
...No me satisface en absoluto. Es una completa simplificación. No pido una tesis, pero hay un 52% en el caso del Brexit y >70 millones de votantes de Trump y me dices que un 2-4% es lo que (puede) marca la diferencia. Dices que en UK 1/3 estaba indeciso, que la mayoría de esa gente es lo que apuntas y que un 2-4% es lo que puedes arañar, que además es lo que marca la diferencia. ¿Te salen las cuentas?No, lo que marca la diferencia no pueden ser cuatro desdentados en una granja de Georgia o veinte macarrillas de un suburbio en Manchester. Es una multitud. La gente corriente está muy harta y si ese descontento con lo que ofrece el sistema-establishment político-mediático (o como lo quieran llamar) no desborda por un lado (Sanders) desborda por el otro (Trump). Hay un sentir original popular del que se apropian o que recogen quienes tienen acceso a tribuna y le dan forma con eslóganes (entre otras cosas), el de Trump este año es brutal: No More Bullshit. Que Trump, teniendo a todos los medios en contra (incluyendo Twitter y FB), haya conseguido que >70 millones de almas le voten con un fervor casi religioso, es algo que no lo puede explicar lo que dices ahí y que harían bien en estudiarlo quienes quiera que sean aquellos a quienes les afecte con profundidad, porque Trump parece un aviso. Esto ha ido de abajo hacia arriba.
Ok, los chavs y hillbillies fueron la clave que explica lo que ha pasado. Supongo que Vox también es eso y los chalecos amarillos. No voy a perder más tiempo con esto.