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Spanish Minister Proposes $21,000 'Universal Inheritance' From Age of 18Posted by BeauHD on Thursday July 06, 2023 @10:02PM from the how-to-win-young-voters dept.Yolanda Díaz, Spain's Labor Minister and candidate for Prime Minister with the progressive platform Sumar, has proposed a scheme to tackle social inequality by giving every young person in the country 20,000 euros (roughly $21,776) to spend on school, training or starting a business once they reach the age of 18. The Guardian reports:CitarAccording to Díaz's Sumar platform, which announced the policy before Spain's snap general election on 23 July, the initiative would cost 10 billion euros, which would be raised by taxing the rich. Sumar said the aim was to guarantee "equality of opportunity" regardless of people's family backgrounds or earnings. The payments, which would begin at the age of 18 and continue until the age of 23, would be accompanied by administrative support to help people study, train or establish their own business.Díaz confirmed that the policy -- called the "universal inheritance" -- would be available to all young Spaniards regardless of their economic circumstances and would be funded by taxing people earning more than 3 million euros a year. Sumar estimates it would cost 0.8% of Spain's GDP. The minister, who was raised in a staunchly communist household, said she had been unable to follow her own dreams of becoming an employment inspector because there was not enough money for her to spend years studying. "Becoming an employment inspector in Spain would have taken about five years," she said. "I'm not an employment inspector because I'm the daughter of working-class parents and I could never have allowed myself to do that. This is a redistributive measure that will allow the young people of our country to have a future regardless of their surname."
According to Díaz's Sumar platform, which announced the policy before Spain's snap general election on 23 July, the initiative would cost 10 billion euros, which would be raised by taxing the rich. Sumar said the aim was to guarantee "equality of opportunity" regardless of people's family backgrounds or earnings. The payments, which would begin at the age of 18 and continue until the age of 23, would be accompanied by administrative support to help people study, train or establish their own business.Díaz confirmed that the policy -- called the "universal inheritance" -- would be available to all young Spaniards regardless of their economic circumstances and would be funded by taxing people earning more than 3 million euros a year. Sumar estimates it would cost 0.8% of Spain's GDP. The minister, who was raised in a staunchly communist household, said she had been unable to follow her own dreams of becoming an employment inspector because there was not enough money for her to spend years studying. "Becoming an employment inspector in Spain would have taken about five years," she said. "I'm not an employment inspector because I'm the daughter of working-class parents and I could never have allowed myself to do that. This is a redistributive measure that will allow the young people of our country to have a future regardless of their surname."
El precio de la vivienda sube más del 6% en la primera mitad del año y no da signos de treguaLas casas aumentan un 2,1% intertrimestral entre abril y junio y el valor del metro cuadrado cierra en los 1.568 euros
07.07 Sumar PSOE PP Vox 37 113 127 42
https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/private-sector-job-growth-unexpectedly-surges-june-adp-saysCitarPrivate sector job growth unexpectedly surges by 497,000 in June, ADP saysUS companies added 497,000 jobs in June, keeping pressure on the Fed
Private sector job growth unexpectedly surges by 497,000 in June, ADP saysUS companies added 497,000 jobs in June, keeping pressure on the Fed
Tracking diario:Código: [Seleccionar]07.07 Sumar PSOE PP Vox 37 113 127 42------------[ ¡Gora san Fermín! ]
Cita de: sudden and sharp en Julio 07, 2023, 09:52:22 amTracking diario:Código: [Seleccionar]07.07 Sumar PSOE PP Vox 37 113 127 42------------[ ¡Gora san Fermín! ]Parece que ya está sucediendo como en Andalucía, hay un creciente trasvase de votos de Vox al PP.Que los votos se muevan dentro del mismo "embalse" (izquierda o derecha, nacionalista o no nacionalista) es lo normal. Aquí la clave va a estar en si realmente hay trasvase de Sánchez a Feijóo. Para mí hay partido y la mayoría de derechas no está clara. Eso sí, si sucede eso, probablemente iremos a repetición de elecciones. El PDeCAT ya anunció que no va a investir a Sánchez.