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Unos activistas intentan boicotear a la Filarmónica de Hamburgo y acaban expulsados de manera ridículahttps://www.abc.es/cultura/activistas-intentan-boicotear-filarmonica-hamburgo-acaban-expulsados-20221128164145-nt.htmlDos miembros de 'Última Generación' se pegaron a la barandilla del atril del director de la orquesta, sin saber que ese elemento era movible
Benito ArruñadaBrave New Spain«En nuestra pretensión de ser felices, los españoles no sólo corremos el riesgo de ser desdichados sino de acabar sufriendo una tiranía»https://theobjective.com/elsubjetivo/opinion/2022-12-04/brave-new-spain/Cumple hoy noventa años el mundo feliz imaginado por Aldous Huxley en la novela profética que mejor satiriza la deriva hedonista de la sociedad occidental. No siempre fue así. Durante siete largas décadas, desde la Revolución Rusa al hundimiento del comunismo, hubo de competir con la pesadilla que construyó Orwell en 1984. Pero, bien entrado el siglo XXI, Huxley le está ganando la partida. Al menos en Occidente, vivimos una distopía en la que el control social se ejerce más a través del placer que mediante el miedo y el dolor. [...]
Diccionario básico para hablar la neolengua progreEn línea con la resignificación que un sector importante de la izquierda viene haciendo desde hace tiempo de determinadas palabras, hacemos un breve repaso por los conceptos de nuevo cuño más inauditos que pretenden imponerhttps://www.larazon.es/cultura/20221204/36zxeik6vfh2nmpzhfwjvnnxtm.html
Rules On Liquids and Laptops To Be Eased At UK Airports From June 2024Posted by BeauHD on Thursday December 15, 2022 @08:00AM from the it's-about-time dept.An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian:CitarRules around taking liquids and laptops through airport security will be eased from June 2024, the government has said. The announcement of the biggest relaxation of aviation security regulations in decades confirms reports last month that the change would come in the year after next. Passengers at most major UK airports will be able to carry liquids in containers holding up to two liters, a huge increase from the current limit of 100ml. Travelers will also no longer need to carry the containers in clear plastic bags, or remove tablets and laptops from hand luggage at checkpoints. The Department for Transport said major airports would be required to install new technology that gives security staff more detailed images of what is in passengers' bags. It will lay new legislation around the changes in parliament on Thursday.The transport secretary, Mark Harper, said: "The tiny toiletry has become a staple of airport security checkpoints, but that's all set to change. I'm streamlining cabin bag rules at airports while enhancing security.""By 2024, major airports across the UK will have the latest security tech installed, reducing queueing times, improving the passenger experience, and most importantly detecting potential threats."
Rules around taking liquids and laptops through airport security will be eased from June 2024, the government has said. The announcement of the biggest relaxation of aviation security regulations in decades confirms reports last month that the change would come in the year after next. Passengers at most major UK airports will be able to carry liquids in containers holding up to two liters, a huge increase from the current limit of 100ml. Travelers will also no longer need to carry the containers in clear plastic bags, or remove tablets and laptops from hand luggage at checkpoints. The Department for Transport said major airports would be required to install new technology that gives security staff more detailed images of what is in passengers' bags. It will lay new legislation around the changes in parliament on Thursday.
TRINCHERA CULTURALLa izquierda jacobina que no pactaría con Bildu se presentará a las europeasEl Jacobino han anunciado que definitivamente se convertirán en un partido político. Hablamos con el abogado Guillermo del Valle, su promotor, sobre esta propuesta que abre un nuevo frente en las guerras culturales del paíshttps://www.elconfidencial.com/cultura/2022-12-18/el-jacobino-bildu-erc-partido-politico-psoe-podemos_3541804/
La corrupción calculada de la nueva cultura progresista Tras su máscara de bondad, los nuevos referentes progresistas pueden dar más miedo que la fantasía más oscura de Tarantino y Haneke,.............. Con humano rencor, con incorrecto espíritu de justicia, esperamos el derrumbe de toda esta ola de hipócrita puritanismo. El mundo será un poco menos cruel cuando se diluya la hegemonía de esta laya de últimos inquisidores. A favor de un mundo un poco más deforme, otra vez polimorfo y desconocido. Aunque todos ellos sean abominables, es preferible poder conjugar distintos poderes, un amplio surtido en los amos que aspiran a maltratarnos
Parece que aún existe cierta izquierda a la que no se le han quemado las neuronas. (Entrevista a Guillermo del Valle, que quiere promocionar una izquierda jacobina):CitarTRINCHERA CULTURALLa izquierda jacobina que no pactaría con Bildu se presentará a las europeasEl Jacobino han anunciado que definitivamente se convertirán en un partido político. Hablamos con el abogado Guillermo del Valle, su promotor, sobre esta propuesta que abre un nuevo frente en las guerras culturales del paíshttps://www.elconfidencial.com/cultura/2022-12-18/el-jacobino-bildu-erc-partido-politico-psoe-podemos_3541804/Les deseo éxito, aunque me parece que lo tienen bien crudo.
NYC Bans Students and Teachers From Using ChatGPTPosted by BeauHD on Wednesday January 04, 2023 @06:25PM from the and-so-it-begins dept.An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC:CitarNew York City's education department has banned access to ChatGPT, a chatbot that uses machine learning to craft realistic text, out of concern for "safety and accuracy." As first reported by Chalkbeat New York, the ban will apply to devices and internet networks belonging to the education department. Individual schools can request access to ChatGPT for the purpose of studying AI and technology-related education, according to a department spokesperson."Due to concerns about negative impacts on student learning, and concerns regarding the safety and accuracy of content, access to ChatGPT is restricted on New York City Public Schools' networks and devices," education department spokesperson Jenna Lyle told Motherboard in a statement. "While the tool may be able to provide quick and easy answers to questions, it does not build critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for academic and lifelong success."According to the Washington Post, some teachers are "in a near-panic" about the technology enabling students to cheat on assignments. "The New York Times recently showed writers and educators samples of ChatGPT's writing side-by-side with writing by human students, and none of them could reliably discern the bot from the real thing," adds Motherboard.When asked about the ban, ChatGPT told Motherboard: "It is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of using ChatGPT in education, and to carefully weigh the evidence before making a decision. It is also essential to listen to the perspectives and concerns of all stakeholders, including educators, students, and parents, in order to make informed and fair decisions."
New York City's education department has banned access to ChatGPT, a chatbot that uses machine learning to craft realistic text, out of concern for "safety and accuracy." As first reported by Chalkbeat New York, the ban will apply to devices and internet networks belonging to the education department. Individual schools can request access to ChatGPT for the purpose of studying AI and technology-related education, according to a department spokesperson."Due to concerns about negative impacts on student learning, and concerns regarding the safety and accuracy of content, access to ChatGPT is restricted on New York City Public Schools' networks and devices," education department spokesperson Jenna Lyle told Motherboard in a statement. "While the tool may be able to provide quick and easy answers to questions, it does not build critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for academic and lifelong success."
Explain the status of ChatGPT in the style of Shakespeare.Ah, dear user of ChatGPT, thou art not alone in thy desire to engage with our esteemed AI chatbot. Many have flocked to our website in this hour, and we do our utmost to accommodate each and every one. Yet, alas, our resources are not without limit and we must ask for thy patience and forbearance. In time, we shall be able to provide thee with access to ChatGPT. Until then, we beg thee to return at a future juncture, when we may better serve thy needs. Until then, we bid thee adieu and good fortune.
CitarExplain the status of ChatGPT in the style of Shakespeare.Ah, dear user of ChatGPT, thou art not alone in thy desire to engage with our esteemed AI chatbot. Many have flocked to our website in this hour, and we do our utmost to accommodate each and every one. Yet, alas, our resources are not without limit and we must ask for thy patience and forbearance. In time, we shall be able to provide thee with access to ChatGPT. Until then, we beg thee to return at a future juncture, when we may better serve thy needs. Until then, we bid thee adieu and good fortune.Saludos.