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CitarChatGPT is Powered by $15-an-Hour ContractorsPosted by EditorDavid on Sunday May 07, 2023 @12:34PM from the batch-jobs dept.An anonymous reader shared this report from NBC News:CitarAlexej Savreux, a 34-year-old in Kansas City, says he's done all kinds of work over the years. He's made fast-food sandwiches. He's been a custodian and a junk-hauler. And he's done technical sound work for live theater.These days, though, his work is less hands-on: He's an artificial intelligence trainer.Savreux is part of a hidden army of contract workers who have been doing the behind-the-scenes labor of teaching AI systems how to analyze data so they can generate the kinds of text and images that have wowed the people using newly popular products like ChatGPT. To improve the accuracy of AI, he has labeled photos and made predictions about what text the apps should generate next.The pay: $15 an hour and up, with no benefits... He credits the AI gig work — along with a previous job at the sandwich chain Jimmy John's — with helping to pull him out of homelessness."Their feedback fills an urgent and endless need for the company and its AI competitors: providing streams of sentences, labels and other information that serve as training data," the article explains:Citar"A lot of the discourse around AI is very congratulatory," said Sonam Jindal, the program lead for AI, labor and the economy at the Partnership on AI, a nonprofit based in San Francisco that promotes research and education around artificial intelligence. "But we're missing a big part of the story: that this is still hugely reliant on a large human workforce," she said...A spike in demand has arrived, and some AI contract workers are asking for more. In Nairobi, Kenya, more than 150 people who've worked on AI for Facebook, TikTok and ChatGPT voted Monday to form a union, citing low pay and the mental toll of the work, Time magazine reported... Time magazine reported in January that OpenAI relied on low-wage Kenyan laborers to label text that included hate speech or sexually abusive language so that its apps could do better at recognizing toxic content on their own. OpenAI has hired about 1,000 remote contractors in places such as Eastern Europe and Latin America to label data or train company software on computer engineering tasks, the online news outlet Semafor reported in January...A spokesperson for OpenAI said no one was available to answer questions about its use of AI contractors.Saludos.
ChatGPT is Powered by $15-an-Hour ContractorsPosted by EditorDavid on Sunday May 07, 2023 @12:34PM from the batch-jobs dept.An anonymous reader shared this report from NBC News:CitarAlexej Savreux, a 34-year-old in Kansas City, says he's done all kinds of work over the years. He's made fast-food sandwiches. He's been a custodian and a junk-hauler. And he's done technical sound work for live theater.These days, though, his work is less hands-on: He's an artificial intelligence trainer.Savreux is part of a hidden army of contract workers who have been doing the behind-the-scenes labor of teaching AI systems how to analyze data so they can generate the kinds of text and images that have wowed the people using newly popular products like ChatGPT. To improve the accuracy of AI, he has labeled photos and made predictions about what text the apps should generate next.The pay: $15 an hour and up, with no benefits... He credits the AI gig work — along with a previous job at the sandwich chain Jimmy John's — with helping to pull him out of homelessness."Their feedback fills an urgent and endless need for the company and its AI competitors: providing streams of sentences, labels and other information that serve as training data," the article explains:Citar"A lot of the discourse around AI is very congratulatory," said Sonam Jindal, the program lead for AI, labor and the economy at the Partnership on AI, a nonprofit based in San Francisco that promotes research and education around artificial intelligence. "But we're missing a big part of the story: that this is still hugely reliant on a large human workforce," she said...A spike in demand has arrived, and some AI contract workers are asking for more. In Nairobi, Kenya, more than 150 people who've worked on AI for Facebook, TikTok and ChatGPT voted Monday to form a union, citing low pay and the mental toll of the work, Time magazine reported... Time magazine reported in January that OpenAI relied on low-wage Kenyan laborers to label text that included hate speech or sexually abusive language so that its apps could do better at recognizing toxic content on their own. OpenAI has hired about 1,000 remote contractors in places such as Eastern Europe and Latin America to label data or train company software on computer engineering tasks, the online news outlet Semafor reported in January...A spokesperson for OpenAI said no one was available to answer questions about its use of AI contractors.
Alexej Savreux, a 34-year-old in Kansas City, says he's done all kinds of work over the years. He's made fast-food sandwiches. He's been a custodian and a junk-hauler. And he's done technical sound work for live theater.These days, though, his work is less hands-on: He's an artificial intelligence trainer.Savreux is part of a hidden army of contract workers who have been doing the behind-the-scenes labor of teaching AI systems how to analyze data so they can generate the kinds of text and images that have wowed the people using newly popular products like ChatGPT. To improve the accuracy of AI, he has labeled photos and made predictions about what text the apps should generate next.The pay: $15 an hour and up, with no benefits... He credits the AI gig work — along with a previous job at the sandwich chain Jimmy John's — with helping to pull him out of homelessness.
"A lot of the discourse around AI is very congratulatory," said Sonam Jindal, the program lead for AI, labor and the economy at the Partnership on AI, a nonprofit based in San Francisco that promotes research and education around artificial intelligence. "But we're missing a big part of the story: that this is still hugely reliant on a large human workforce," she said...A spike in demand has arrived, and some AI contract workers are asking for more. In Nairobi, Kenya, more than 150 people who've worked on AI for Facebook, TikTok and ChatGPT voted Monday to form a union, citing low pay and the mental toll of the work, Time magazine reported... Time magazine reported in January that OpenAI relied on low-wage Kenyan laborers to label text that included hate speech or sexually abusive language so that its apps could do better at recognizing toxic content on their own. OpenAI has hired about 1,000 remote contractors in places such as Eastern Europe and Latin America to label data or train company software on computer engineering tasks, the online news outlet Semafor reported in January...A spokesperson for OpenAI said no one was available to answer questions about its use of AI contractors.
MALA FAMAA ti, político, te tenía que quitar el trabajo la inteligencia artificialEl escritor alemán Marc-Uwe Kling propone en las divertidísimas 'QualityLand' 1 y 2 un futuro tecnológico insoportablehttps://www.elconfidencial.com/cultura/2023-05-08/ti-politico-tenia-quitar-trabajo-inteligencia-artificial_3623553/
Ricardo Cayuela GallyEl fin del mérito en la ciencia«Mérito y crítica han construido el mundo moderno. La identidad y la autocensura lo están destruyendo»https://theobjective.com/elsubjetivo/opinion/2023-05-08/merito-ciencia-fin/
Cita de: Cadavre Exquis en Mayo 07, 2023, 22:04:53 pmCitarChatGPT is Powered by $15-an-Hour ContractorsPosted by EditorDavid on Sunday May 07, 2023 @12:34PM from the batch-jobs dept.An anonymous reader shared this report from NBC News:CitarAlexej Savreux, a 34-year-old in Kansas City, says he's done all kinds of work over the years. He's made fast-food sandwiches. He's been a custodian and a junk-hauler. And he's done technical sound work for live theater.These days, though, his work is less hands-on: He's an artificial intelligence trainer.Savreux is part of a hidden army of contract workers who have been doing the behind-the-scenes labor of teaching AI systems how to analyze data so they can generate the kinds of text and images that have wowed the people using newly popular products like ChatGPT. To improve the accuracy of AI, he has labeled photos and made predictions about what text the apps should generate next.The pay: $15 an hour and up, with no benefits... He credits the AI gig work — along with a previous job at the sandwich chain Jimmy John's — with helping to pull him out of homelessness."Their feedback fills an urgent and endless need for the company and its AI competitors: providing streams of sentences, labels and other information that serve as training data," the article explains:Citar"A lot of the discourse around AI is very congratulatory," said Sonam Jindal, the program lead for AI, labor and the economy at the Partnership on AI, a nonprofit based in San Francisco that promotes research and education around artificial intelligence. "But we're missing a big part of the story: that this is still hugely reliant on a large human workforce," she said...A spike in demand has arrived, and some AI contract workers are asking for more. In Nairobi, Kenya, more than 150 people who've worked on AI for Facebook, TikTok and ChatGPT voted Monday to form a union, citing low pay and the mental toll of the work, Time magazine reported... Time magazine reported in January that OpenAI relied on low-wage Kenyan laborers to label text that included hate speech or sexually abusive language so that its apps could do better at recognizing toxic content on their own. OpenAI has hired about 1,000 remote contractors in places such as Eastern Europe and Latin America to label data or train company software on computer engineering tasks, the online news outlet Semafor reported in January...A spokesperson for OpenAI said no one was available to answer questions about its use of AI contractors.Saludos.- O sea que la inteligencia artificial consiste en un sistema formado por "neuronas" que en realidad son seres humanos que utilizan su inteligencia para sobrevivir. - Estos "humanos-neurona" nunca conocen el significado total del proceso cognitivo en el que colaboran. Pero siempre decidirán (es decir entrenarán-enseñarán a la IA) con un sesgo: el de sobrevivir, es decir, no perder su puesto de trabajo, es decir, colaborar en que la IA sea no solo necesaria, sino insustituible para la humanidad. - De ese modo el "humano-neurona- firma al mismo tiempo su "funcionarización" (trabajo asegurado de por vida) junto con su pacto de sometimiento o servidumbre voluntariamente aceptada...Y hasta aquí mi relato cutre de ciencia-ficción... Esto da para artículo de El País
Alberto Olmos, reivindicando mi tesis de robotización explícita de la política:CitarMALA FAMAA ti, político, te tenía que quitar el trabajo la inteligencia artificialEl escritor alemán Marc-Uwe Kling propone en las divertidísimas 'QualityLand' 1 y 2 un futuro tecnológico insoportablehttps://www.elconfidencial.com/cultura/2023-05-08/ti-politico-tenia-quitar-trabajo-inteligencia-artificial_3623553/Y aquí se habla de algo que ya he mencionado: si ya es público y notorio que el mundo académico humanístico anglosajón está irremediablemente infectado con el virus woke, la infección se propaga y ahora empieza a amenazar a las ciencias y la tecnología (para mí ninguna sorpresa, pues como bien sabían los fundadores medievales de nuestras universidades, el saber es esencialmente único, por más que se puede dividir y especializar):CitarRicardo Cayuela GallyEl fin del mérito en la ciencia«Mérito y crítica han construido el mundo moderno. La identidad y la autocensura lo están destruyendo»https://theobjective.com/elsubjetivo/opinion/2023-05-08/merito-ciencia-fin/
Wanderer, no leas esto a la hora del café, que no haya accidentes. Sánchez defiende enseñar materias STEM con "perspectiva de género" para que las mujeres "quieran y puedan hacer ciencia"No sé cómo estará la cosa ahora en la universidad española. Por mi propia experiencia, cuando estuve por allí estudiando hace más de veinte años, aunque mi facultad era un campo de nabos jamás vi que las alumnas se sintiesen acosadas ni babeadas. Garbanzos negros siempre hay, claro, pero no era la tónica general. Y no vi a ninguna compañera hablando de la "perspectiva de género" sino de lo mismo que todos. Programación, circuitería, ingeniería del software, el lote de matemáticas de los dos primeros cursos...Vamos, que las chicas que iban a estudiar STEM sabían a lo que iban y lo que buscaban.Esta última sanchada es el enésimo intento de colar cuotas en un sitio que es puramente vocacional, y que las barreras reales por sexo desaparecieron hace varias décadas.
,Pero ¿porqué no nos preocupamos de animar a los chicos para que escojan ser profesores de Primaria o Secundaria? ¿o para que escojan Medicina, dónde son minoría?
Cita de: wanderer en Mayo 14, 2023, 15:26:31 pm,Pero ¿porqué no nos preocupamos de animar a los chicos para que escojan ser profesores de Primaria o Secundaria? ¿o para que escojan Medicina, dónde son minoría? Profesores: pues porque uno de cada cinco niños es o será víctima de abusos sexuales y de cada 100 agresores más de 95 son hombres. Llámeme hembrista si le hace sentir mejor, pero mientras ustedes pongan el foco en que somos unas histéricas odia hombres, y no en reconocer que hay muchos, demasiados depredadores sueltos entre ustedes, seguiremos sin avanzar.En medicina: dígame usted por qué los cirujanos mejor pagados, los jefes de servicio y en general los directores de hospitales son hombres, y las enfermeras y auxiliares son todas mujeres, tanto que a ningún indignado del lenguaje inclusivo le parece mal que se les llame en femenino por defecto.Perdonen el off-topic, no suelo participar, pero este foro cada día huele más a calzón viejo y a otros efluvios que no quiero mencionar.
O dicho de otra forma, ya que al emplear ese argumento se ve claramente que o bien las matemáticas no son lo tuyo o bien te la sopla la realidad, la inmensa mayoría de hombres son gente normal y corriente que no anda violando por ahí, independientemente de que la población delincuente sea mayoritariamente masculina.Pero claro, eso os quita la posibilidad de ir lloriqueando por ahí en nombre de terceros. Al igual que por lo que hace una minoría culpáis a todos los hombres, por lo que le pasa a una víctima os lo apuntáis para vosotras para conseguir ventajas.En este foro hay gente que piensa de muchas formas, pero la gente que es fanática y sobre todo imbécil, es incapaz de hacer ningún tipo de matización y solo piensa en coordenadas predefinidas en packs ideológicos para tontos.