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El fiscal Alberto Nisman, que la semana pasada denunció por encubrimiento a la presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, fue encontrado muerto en el departamento en el que vivía en el centro de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, informaron en la madrugada de este lunes fuentes oficiales. El fiscal que investigaba el atentado a la Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) de Buenos Aires en 1994 se iba a presentar hoy ante el Parlamento para exponer los detalles de la denuncia de encubrimiento que presentó contra la jefa de Estado. El ataque a la mutual judía el 18 de julio de 1994 dejó un saldo de 85 muertos y cientos de heridos. Se trata del atentado más grave de la historia argentina y del segundo contra un objetivo judío en el país tras el ataque explosivo contra la embajada de Israel del 17 de marzo de 1992, que dejó 29 muertos. Nisman había pedido además que la mandataria fuera llamada a declarar ante la Justicia, al igual que su ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Héctor Timerman, y otros políticos. Su denuncia del pasado miércoles había sacudido al ambiente político del país.
Un documento secreto sería la prueba clave del supuesto encubrimiento orquestado por la presidenta de la Nación, Cristina Kirchner, sobre los iraníes acusados de perpetrar el atentado a la AMIA. Fue tenido en cuenta por Alberto Nisman al denunciarla a ella, y al conocerse detalles de la extensa imputación que presentó días atrás.El informe que el fiscal citó en su denuncia de casi 300 carillas, y que fue difundida en las últimas horas, es a partir de trascendidos periodísticos. En él, el canciller iraní Ali habría informado a su presidente, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, que la República Argentina "ya no está más interesada en resolver aquellos dos atentados" y que en cambio prefería "mejorar sus relaciones económicas con Irán".El documento secreto, del cual informó en su momento el periodista fallecido Pepe Eliaschev, habría circulado por varias embajadas. Fue luego de una cumbre que mantuvo Timerman con su par iraní; y en la cual intervinieron como una suerte de mediadores el canciller sirio y el presidente de ese país, Bashar Al Assad, el 23 de enero de 2011 en la ciudad de Alepo.TélamA Nisman le llamó la atención que no hubo comunicado de la Cancillería sobre ese encuentro, y que sí informó del mismo la agencia de noticias Siria SARA. Para el fiscal no existen dudas de la participación secreta del canciller iraní en esa cumbre, y del informe producido, tomando en cuenta la información publicada por Eliaschev y el también periodista Gabriel Levinas, quien aportó detalles del encuentro a partir de "fuentes oficiosas de la cancillería de Israel"."La cumbre de Alepo marca el primer indicio concreto y corroborado que da cuenta de la existencia de una decisión de los más altos funcionarios denunciados del Gobierno argentino de abandonar la legítima pretensión de enjuiciar a los acusados iraníes", disparó Nisman en la denuncia. Luego de ese encuentro sobrevino años más tarde el Memorándum de Entendimiento entre Argentina e Irán, por el cual el juez del caso AMIA podía interrogar en ese país a los sospechosos.Nisman aseguró que ese acuerdo con el país islámico implicaba que el gobierno de Cristina Kirchner pujara para que Interpol bajara las circulares rojas con los pedidos de captura a cinco iraníes acusados de perpetrar el atentado. Como no se logró, la alternativa –según se denunció- fue desviar la investigación sobre los verdaderos responsables e inventar pistas falsas para inculpar a inocentes...
[...]La gente que haya hecho 'esto' lo pagará caro. 'Ojo por ojo, diente por diente'. Es igual que pase 1 año, 10 ó 40 años. No tengo la menor duda de que el Mosad ya está en ello, así como todas las familias de los judíos asesinados en aquel atentado que investigaba éste fiscal.____________Un saludo a todos y gracias por sus aportaciones.
Terror Cover-Up Scandal In Argentina: Investment Implications Of Prosecutor Nisman's Death Jan. 30, 2015 7:35 AM ET | 69 comments | About: Global X FTSE Argentina 20 ETF (ARGT), Includes: GGAL, TEO, TGS, YPF Disclosure: The author has no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More...) Summary Alberto Nisman, an Argentine prosecutor, was recently found dead after officially charging Argentina's president of conspiring to cover up Iranian responsibility in a genocidal terrorist attack. Details surrounding Nisman's criminal charges against the president and other top government figures continue to emerge on a daily basis, and have been highly damaging to the government. The government's handling of Nisman's charges and the investigation into Nisman's death have potentially been even more damaging than the charges themselves. On January 14, 2015, Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman officially filed charges against Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner [CFK] and other prominent Argentines for conspiring to shield from prosecution a number of Iranian officials and clerics who were formally accused of masterminding and/or approving the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center [AMIA] that resulted in the death of 85 people and injuries to over 300.On January 18, 2015, Mr. Nisman was found dead in his bathroom, lying in a pool of blood with a bullet wound in his head, hours before he was scheduled to testify before a closed session of the Argentine Congress, where he was expected to disclose various confidential details that he could not by law reveal in his public complaint.Nisman's death has set off a chain of events that have rocked the administration of President CFK and have raised fundamental questions about the basic credibility of Argentina's constitutional institutions. In this report, after highlighting key developments surrounding this case, I will discuss potential short, medium and long-term investment implications.BackgroundTwenty years after the terrorist genocidal AMIA bombings, not a single individual has been brought to justice. However, one man appeared to be hot on the trail of the perpetrators. His name was Alberto Nisman, chief Argentine prosecutor in charge of the AMIA case.In 2006, Nisman formally accused Hezbollah operatives of carrying out the attack, and charged numerous officials and clerics of the Islamic Republic of Iran of masterminding and authorizing the plot. In 2007, after reviewing the evidence in the case presented by Nisman, Interpol issued international arrest warrants against six of the nine individuals charged by Nisman. These individuals include extremely prominent current and former Iranian government officials and clerics. The Interpol arrest warrants have represented a considerable source of humiliation for the Iranian regime internationally. It should be said that Nisman's 2006 charges have been hotly contested by the Iranians themselves, and the opinions of independent journalists and legal experts inside and outside have been extremely divided on the matter.According to Nisman's criminal complaint filed on January 14, 2014 - a 300-page document supported by tens of thousands of pages of documents, and 90 CDS with thousands of wire-tapped telephone recordings - the Iranian regime actively worked to undermine these charges from within the Argentine political and legal system through the use of well-placed local agents. The report meticulously describes a multi-year effort in which various Argentine nationals, acting as Iranian agents and taking orders from Tehran, engaged in a covert campaign to gain influence within the Argentine government and ultimately effect the lifting of the arrest warrants. For several years, these efforts were unfruitful, but in 2012-2013, a series of economic circumstances provided the opening that the Iranians were looking for.Argentina was suffering from an oil shortage (caused by a decade of underinvestment), and the growing need to import oil was becoming critical in the context of another major problem for Argentina: its inability to access international capital markets as a result of disputes with international creditors.According to Nisman's criminal complaint, it was in this context of Argentina's inability to finance its petroleum trade deficit, and the resulting constant drain on its foreign exchange reserves, that Argentine president CFK directed her foreign minister and other officials to negotiate an agreement with Iran to obtain oil on favorable terms. According to Nisman, the result of these negotiations was not only a public Memorandum signed in January of 2013, but a series of clandestine side agreements that made the pact possible and which would allegedly condition the details of the implementation of the agreement. The commercial part of the agreement was relatively straightforward: In exchange for Iranian oil, Argentina would provide grain and lethal armaments. But most importantly, the complaint alleges that Argentine negotiators, in contravention of Argentine law, secretly agreed to take necessary steps to lift the international arrest warrants and establish a number of extra-judicial procedures that would ultimately guarantee impunity to the Iranian suspects. Pursuant to this end, a bi-lateral "Truth Commission" was to be established, in which knowingly false "alternative hypotheses" would be introduced to deflect attention away from Iranian culpability.Almost as damaging as these allegations of the covering up of a terrorist plot and obstruction of justice have been the revelations about the thuggish figures carrying out these back-channel negotiations on behalf of the Argentine government, and their mafia-like modus operandi.But perhaps most damaging of all has been the manner in which the government has responded to Nisman's allegations and his death.The Aftermath Of Nisman's Charges and DeathBelow, I will highlight only a few of the unsettling developments that have emerged since Nisman's death.1. Official rush to judgment regarding suicide. Various high-ranking government officials, including the president of Argentina herself, initially rushed to proclaim Nisman's death a suicide, well before any forensic data had been released. Many are questioning the eagerness of government officials, without any knowledge of the facts, to publicly treat the death as a suicide. This reaction is all the more troubling, since there are so many elements - and rather obvious ones at that - that demand full consideration as possible indicia of a homicide. A few will be recited below.2. Evidence of Nisman's state of mind. Nisman left no suicide note. The only note found in Nisman's apartment was one left for the housekeeper with a shopping list of groceries to be purchased the next day; not exactly a sign of a man considering suicide. Also notable in this regard is that Nisman had a close and loving relationship with his two young daughters, and it seems unlikely to many that he would commit suicide without leaving at least some sort of parting words or explanation. Most importantly, every person that is known to have seen and/or spoken to Nisman within 48 hours of his death has said consistently and adamantly that he showed absolutely no indicia of being depressed, much less suicidal. For example, Jorge Lanata, a journalist that had been one of Nisman's harshest critics, says that based on a recent interview he conducted with him, and others which he saw on TV, he finds it completely unbelievable that Nisman committed suicide. On a personal note, I have watched and listened to several of Nisman's radio and TV interviews in the days prior to his death, and I agree that on that basis, it is difficult to believe that Nisman committed suicide.3. Timing and circumstances of congressional hearing. Why would a man that had devoted his professional life to the AMIA case commit suicide mere hours before he was about to reveal what were perhaps the most important developments to arise in the case in twenty years? Furthermore, it is important to understand that Nisman was about to reveal brand-new evidence that he was not legally allowed to disclose publicly. In interviews prior to the hearing, Nisman said that this new non-public evidence would be extremely incriminating. Many believe that stopping Nisman from revealing this new information constitutes an obvious motive for homicide, which should be fully explored by the Argentine authorities before rushing to a conclusion regarding suicide.4. Under death threat. The possibility of murder is no mere abstract possibility in this case. For the previous six years, Nisman had been assigned a security detail of ten federal police officers, due to numerous confirmed threats to his life. In fact, Argentina's attorney general had recently suggested to him, based on threatening information she had received, that Nisman's security detail be considerably increased. Furthermore, Argentina's former chief of intelligence reportedly warned Nisman a day before he was found dead that he should not trust his body guards, and that he should take extra precautions. Finally, it has been widely reported in the Argentine press that there was an Islamic Fatwa death warrant issued against Nisman by an Iranian cleric (Note: The author has not been able to corroborate this and has some doubts about it). No matter how you look at it, Nisman had extremely powerful and potentially violent enemies within the Argentine state, the Islamic Republic of Iran and among individuals linked to Islamic terrorist organizations that he was actively prosecuting. Under such circumstances, the government's rush to adduce suicide has struck many as inappropriate.5. Nisman was worried about being silenced. The judicial system in Argentina completely shuts down for holiday in late December and virtually all of January. According various sources close to Nisman, he was tipped off by internal contacts that the CFK administration had learned of his intention to bring charges, and that they planned to pre-emptively remove him from his post as soon as judicial work resumed in late January. Nisman, who was on vacation in Europe with his children, cancelled his holiday plans (causing a major friction with his ex-wife, who had to abruptly interrupt her own holiday plans and get on a plane to pick up one of his daughters, who was with him at the time) and hastily returned to Argentina in order to file the charges before he could be removed from the case. Nisman's concerns were not far-fetched; Jaime Stiusso, a top-ranking intelligence agent who was primarily responsible for gathering the wiretap evidence for Nisman's report, was abruptly fired in December as part of an ongoing internal purge of elements in Argentina's judiciary, police and intelligence services considered be critical of the current administration.6. Nisman was worried about murder. In the days leading up to his death, when asked by reporters whether he feared for his life as a result of his revelations, Nisman said that he had received threats. Furthermore, Nisman has said that he had possession of a wiretap recording of an Argentine intelligence officer providing an Iranian agent with personal information about Nisman, his ex-wife and his children (addresses, children's schools etc.). Due his concerns about potentially being assassinated, in the days prior to his death, Nisman sent copies of all of his files related to the investigation to three separate people. This may be why in response to an interviewer's question about his personal safety he said, "with Nisman or without Nisman, the truth will be known."7. Where were the bodyguards? Nisman had a detail of ten federal police officers that were assigned to protect him 24/7. However, it seems that on the night of his death, none of the security personnel were at their posts. In fact, the coroner's report says that Nisman died at about midnight, but disturbingly, his security guards charged with protecting him did not find out until about 20 hours later. The details of the lapse in security are disturbing. Nisman had ordered his security detail to have a car pick him up at 11 AM (another indicia that he was not contemplating suicide, by the way). When the car arrived, Nisman's security called, but Nisman did not answer. Only six hours later, at 5 PM, did Nisman's security bother to go up to ring his doorbell, which he did not answer. Not knowing anything about the whereabouts of the man they were assigned to protect, the security officers called Nisman's mother, who came to Nisman's apartment at about 6 PM to open the door with a key she had. She was not able to open the door, because a key was placed in the lock on the other side. A neighborhood locksmith was called, and he proceeded to open the door in less than one minute. The locksmith has reported that the door was otherwise unlocked.8. Apartment not secure. Apropos of the apparently lax or non-existent security provided by his security detail, it has been reported that there are several ways that a prospective assassin could have gained relatively easy access to Nisman's apartment.9. Argentina has a documented history of "staged" murders covered up as suicides. Various prominent cases have occurred, in which autopsies and other forensic evidence clearly showed foul play, but the crime was declared a suicide by authorities.10. Preliminary forensic evidence has raised many doubts. The bullet entered Nisman's right temple, but there are reports (unconfirmed) that Nisman may have been left-handed. The judge investigating the case says the gun was fired at no more than 1 centimeter from his head, contradicting initial forensic reports supposedly leaked by investigators to the press indicated that the shot fired must have been at least 15 centimeters (about 6 inches) away, which would be highly unusual in a suicide. Forensic tests found no traces of gunpowder on Nisman's hand. His ex-wife, who is a judge in Argentina's criminal courts, has publicly stated that she has serious doubts about various aspects of the investigation, and has formally requested, acting legally on behalf of Nisman's children, for a re-examination of the forensic evidence.11. Ownership of gun. It is alleged that Nisman supposedly shot himself with a gun that he borrowed from a work colleague that same day. But it has been questioned why Nisman would need to borrow a gun to kill himself, if he had two guns that were legally registered to his name. There are also many questions swirling around strange facts and/or allegations surrounding the man that supposedly loaned Nisman the gun.12. Strange behavior and mishandling of the crime scene. Numerous irregularities have been reported in the handling of the crime scene by authorities. For example, after employing the services of a locksmith to break into the apartment, and having shortly thereafter ascertained that a bleeding body was behind the door of a bathroom, Nisman's security detail and other authorities on the scene - including Argentina's Chief of Security - say that they simply walked away from the bathroom area. They say that they did not know who was behind the door, nor did they ascertain whether the person there was alive or dead. Medics arrived one and a half hours later and pronounced Nisman dead. The story is almost surreal. Would it not be more normal to ascertain whether the individual behind the door was alive and could be provided with first-aid? One might perhaps speculate that those present were afraid of contaminating a crime scene. But this concern apparently did not prevent other irregularities in the handling of the crime scene.13. Threats to reporter that broke the story. It can be surmised from the facts of the case that the reporter may have gotten the scoop from police sources. The reporter has subsequently fled Argentina, claiming that following the scoop, he was followed and felt threatened. He has stated that his scoop caused anger in some circles, since his immediate report on Twitter did not allow authorities enough time to do entirely as they wished with the crime scene. It is unclear to what extent the reporter's accusation is well-founded. However, as if to confirm that somebody in the government was displeased with the reporter and that he was, in fact, being tracked, the government blatantly violated his privacy by publicly releasing details of where the reporter had fled to, and even published a photo of him leaving the airport. It was almost as if he was being told: "You can run but you cannot hide from Big Brother."14. Misinformation about the locked door. It was initially reported by the government that Nisman's doors were double-locked and were, in addition, secured on the inside. At first, government officials cited this alleged fact in support of their narrative that the death was a suicide. Later, as polls indicated than less than 10% of the public believed that Nisman committed suicide, government supporters cited the locked doors in support of the notion that the murder could only have been executed by highly sophisticated professionals such as the CIA or Mossad agents. However, the locksmith who actually opened the door has said publicly that the doors were not locked or otherwise secured on the inside, and that "anybody" with minimal skill could have entered the apartment.15. Official handling of information. Members of the president's cabinet have made numerous premature, misinformed and false claims regarding the Nisman case. The conduct of government officials, which has been irresponsible at best, has been complemented by the behavior of the Argentine president herself, which might be charitably characterized as bizarre. President Fernandez de Kirchner did not officially address the matter for over a week. However, she did rather colorfully address the incident on her Facebook page in two posts. In the first one, she declared the cause of death to be suicide and philosophically pondered as to what might cause a person to take their own life. In her second Facebook post on the subject, Ms. Fernandez de Kirchner performed a 180-degree turn and stated that she was "convinced" that Nisman had not committed suicide, and that she believed that he had been murdered by rogue members of Argentina's intelligence service - the same elements that had provided Nisman with the false information that form the basis of the false charges against her. A week later, on national television, President CFK further expanded on her theory, speculating (with no evidence whatsoever) on links between the man who supposedly lent Nisman the gun, an Argentine media group that she claims is her mortal enemy and rogue elements in Argentina's intelligence services. Her account dovetails nicely with stories being spread by her supporters along the lines that Nisman was directed by the US CIA and the Israeli Mossad, and that these foreign intelligence services working with rogues within the Argentine intelligence services killed Nisman once he was no longer useful to them. However, many have found this storyline to be rather puzzling. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is the President of the Republic of Argentina, not some journalist speculator; if she has information about rogue agents doing these things, why hasn't she done anything about it, such as order arrests of those responsible? And why would President Fernandez's supposed enemies kill their man right before he was about to denounce her before the Argentine Congress and reveal new evidence against her? Finally, in promulgating this narrative that paints her as a victim of an out-of-control spy agency, it seems to escape CFK that she is the head of state, and that she has been responsible for the administration of Argentina's intelligence services for two presidential terms.16. Explosive nature of evidence. Nisman's report and live interviews refer to wire-tapped recordings containing incredibly explosive revelations. Only a few of these wire-tapped recordings have been leaked to the public so far, but they clearly support his allegations of secret negotiations between Iranian and Argentine officials to secure impunity for Iranian terrorists. However, it is clear from Nisman's report and interviews that the evidence made public thus far is only the tip of the iceberg. For example, Nisman claims that Iranian agents can be heard boasting about the AMIA attacks and having gotten away with it. He also claims to have recordings of accused Iranian terrorists issuing instructions to and/or receiving intelligence from agents infiltrated within the Argentine government and intelligence agencies.ConclusionI believe that many of the details surrounding the death of Alberto Nisman have not been adequately reported in the English-speaking press. It has been my intention with this article to provide readers with key facts, as well as the "flavor" of the circumstances surrounding this incident, particularly as they relate to the political situation of the current Argentine government, and the state of Argentine institutions more generally. My motivations in bringing this information to light are three-fold: personal concern, civic duty and investment interest.On a personal and civic level, I believe it is important that the facts of this case be as widely disseminated as possible, and I urge my readers to share this report with as many people as possible through social media. I also urge my readers to ask their favorite journalists to investigate this story and report on it.In terms of implications for investors, there are several. The public outrage surrounding this case has seriously damaged the image of the ruling party, and this could have a significant effect on this year's presidential elections, possibly providing a boost to more market-friendly candidates from an opposition party. Indeed, the events surrounding the Nisman case reinforce my prior belief that it is likely that the next Argentine government - even if it is led by another Peronist - is likely to be significantly more competent and market-friendly than the current one. Argentine stocks, as are represented by the Global X FTSE Argentina 20 ETF (NYSEARCA:ARGT), and Argentine sovereign bonds initially rallied on the news. Personally, I think this reaction is premature, and that the likelihood of a major devaluation in the next few months has increased.Furthermore, the events and circumstances I have detailed above should give any prospective investor great pause before considering any sort of long-term investment in a country with institutions as precarious and corrupt as those being revealed by the Nisman case. Such considerations are particularly important in the Argentine case, given that the most representative stocks in the Argentine equity market, such as YPF Sociedad Anonima (NYSE:YPF), Transportadora de Gas del Sur (NYSE:TGS), Telecom Argentina S.A. (NYSE:TEO) and Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) present extremely large political risks, such as regulatory and expropriation risks. Argentine sovereign bonds are also subject to arbitrary changes of policy by the government.
FACT SHEET: Venezuela Executive OrderPresident Obama today issued a new Executive Order (E.O.) declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Venezuela. The targeted sanctions in the E.O. implement the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014, which the President signed on December 18, 2014, and also go beyond the requirements of this legislation.We are committed to advancing respect for human rights, safeguarding democratic institutions, and protecting the U.S. financial system from the illicit financial flows from public corruption in Venezuela.This new authority is aimed at persons involved in or responsible for the erosion of human rights guarantees, persecution of political opponents, curtailment of press freedoms, use of violence and human rights violations and abuses in response to antigovernment protests, and arbitrary arrest and detention of antigovernment protestors, as well as the significant public corruption by senior government officials in Venezuela. The E.O. does not target the people or the economy of Venezuela.Specifically, the E.O. targets those determined by the Department of the Treasury, in consultation with the Department of State, to be involved in:actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions;significant acts of violence or conduct that constitutes a serious abuse or violation of human rights, including against persons involved in antigovernment protests in Venezuela in or since February 2014;actions that prohibit, limit, or penalize the exercise of freedom of expression or peaceful assembly; orpublic corruption by senior officials within the Government of Venezuela. The E.O. also authorizes the Department of the Treasury, in consultation with the Department of State, to target any person determined:to be a current or former leader of an entity that has, or whose members have, engaged in any activity described in the E.O. or of an entity whose property and interests in property are blocked or frozen pursuant to the E.O.; orto be a current or former official of the Government of Venezuela;Individuals designated or identified for the imposition of sanctions under this E.O., including the seven individuals that have been listed today in the Annex of this E.O., will have their property and interests in property in the United States blocked or frozen, and U.S. persons are prohibited from doing business with them. The E.O. also suspends the entry into the United States of individuals meeting the criteria for economic sanctions.We will continue to work closely with others in the region to support greater political expression in Venezuela, and to encourage the Venezuelan government to live up to its shared commitment, as articulated in the OAS Charter, the Inter American Democratic Charter, and other relevant instruments related to democracy and human rights. The President imposed sanctions on the following seven individuals listed in the Annex to the E.O.:1. Antonio José Benavides Torres: Commander of the Strategic Region for the Integral Defense (REDI) of the Central Region of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and former Director of Operations for Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Guard (GNB).Benavides Torres is a former leader of the GNB, an entity whose members have engaged in significant acts of violence or conduct that constitutes a serious abuse or violation of human rights, including against persons involved in antigovernment protests in Venezuela in or since February 2014. In various cities in Venezuela, members of the GNB used force against peaceful protestors and journalists, including severe physical violence, sexual assault, and firearms.2. Gustavo Enrique González López: Director General of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) and President of Venezuela’s Strategic Center of Security and Protection of the Homeland (CESPPA).González López is responsible for or complicit in, or responsible for ordering, controlling, or otherwise directing, or has participated in, directly or indirectly, significant acts of violence or conduct that constitutes a serious abuse or violation of human rights, including against persons involved in antigovernment protests in Venezuela in or since February 2014. As Director General of SEBIN, he was associated with the surveillance of Venezuelan government opposition leaders. Under the direction of González López, SEBIN has had a prominent role in the repressive actions against the civil population during the protests in Venezuela. In addition to causing numerous injuries, the personnel of SEBIN have committed hundreds of forced entries and extrajudicial detentions in Venezuela. 3. Justo José Noguera Pietri: President of the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana (CVG), a state-owned entity, and former General Commander of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Guard (GNB).Noguera Pietri is a former leader of the GNB, an entity whose members have engaged in significant acts of violence or conduct that constitutes a serious abuse or violation of human rights, including against persons involved in antigovernment protests in Venezuela in or since February 2014. In various cities in Venezuela, members of the GNB used excessive force to repress protestors and journalists, including severe physical violence, sexual assault, and firearms.4. Katherine Nayarith Haringhton Padron: national level prosecutor of the 20th District Office of Venezuela’s Public Ministry.Haringhton Padron, in her capacity as a prosecutor, has charged several opposition members, including former National Assembly legislator Maria Corina Machado and, as of February 2015, Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma Diaz, with the crime of conspiracy related to alleged assassination/coup plots based on implausible - and in some cases fabricated - information. The evidence used in support of the charges against Machado and others was, at least in part, based on fraudulent emails.5. Manuel Eduardo Pérez Urdaneta: Director of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Police.Pérez Urdaneta is a current leader of the Bolivarian National Police, an entity whose members have engaged in significant acts of violence or conduct that constitutes a serious abuse or violation of human rights, including against persons involved in antigovernment protests in Venezuela in or since February 2014. For example, members of the National Police used severe physical force against peaceful protesters and journalists in various cities in Venezuela, including firing live ammunition.6. Manuel Gregorio Bernal Martínez : Chief of the 31st Armored Brigade of Caracas of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Army and former Director General of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN).Bernal Martínez was the head of SEBIN on February 12, 2014, when officials fired their weapons on protestors killing two individuals near the Attorney General’s Office.7. Miguel Alcides Vivas Landino: Inspector General of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and former Commander of the Strategic Region for the Integral Defense (REDI) of the Andes Region of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Armed Forces. Vivas Landino is responsible for or complicit in, or responsible for ordering, controlling, or otherwise directing, or has participated in, directly or indirectly, significant acts of violence or conduct that constitutes a serious abuse or violation of human rights, including against persons involved in antigovernment protests in Venezuela in or since February 2014.
Lo que está sucediendo es que nos están sometiendo a un proceso de *saqueo* CALCADO, a los procesos neoliberales que practicaron con latinoamérica con la excusa de la "crisis de la deuda" desde los 70, 80 y 90
Este gesto simbólico marca una nueva etapa de acercamiento entre ambos paises. La administration americana anunción el viernes la retirada de Cuba de los Estados « que apoyan el terrorismo» tras 30 años junto con Siria, Sudán e Irán. Fue la administración de Reagan la que en 1982 decidió poner en lista negra la isla comunista por su apoyo a los separatistas vascos de ETA y los rebeldes de las Farc en Colombia