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Lo que está sucediendo es que nos están sometiendo a un proceso de *saqueo* CALCADO, a los procesos neoliberales que practicaron con latinoamérica con la excusa de la "crisis de la deuda" desde los 70, 80 y 90
GERMANY, Sweden and other European countries are facing growing public unrest amid a wave of reports of sexual assaults since the Cologne attacks.New York-based conservative think tank Gatestone Institute has compiled a shocking list of sexual assaults and rapes by migrants in Germany in just the first two months of the year.Drawing only from German media reports, the list documents more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by migrants in train stations, swimming pools and other public places against victims as young as seven.German police use terms such as “southerners” (südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere gesichtsfarbe, dunklem hauttyp) or “southern skin colour” (südländische hautfarbe) to describe the alleged perpetrators.Authorities across the country have been accused of downplaying the true extent of the problem by suppressing information about migrant-related crimes, ostensibly due to a “lack of public interest”.Police are also wary of fuelling civil unrest amid a rising number of attacks on migrants and shelters by right-wing vigilante groups. In response, Germans are increasingly turning to social media to spread information.A German Twitter account, @XYEinzelfall (“individual cases”), has created a Google map to track police reports of crimes allegedly committed by migrants across the region. “Cologne was just the tip of the iceberg,” the page says. “Cologne is every day.”
Europe’s Inevitable Intervention in Libya Will Add 1.3 Million Barrels to the World Oil Glut Europe is planning on recolonizing Libya, and so it will send in armed forces in the coming months to restore order and stem the flow of migrants coming from Africa. If this expedition army succeeds in securing parts of the country and restoring law and order, Italian and German engineers from ENI and Wintershall will follow suit to help resume the country’s oil production, which will add 1.3 million barrels per day (Libya produced 1.7 million barrels per day before Muammar Gaddafi was toppled in 2011) to the world oil glut 1). Until a couple of weeks ago Libya was governed by three governments: The original government just after the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi, formed by the Muslim Brotherhood residing in Tripoli, the Libyan capital.The internationally recognized (except for Turkey and Qatar) government in Tobruk. This government, created with the help of the European Union, which organized mock elections, was subsequently driven out of Tripoli2);A kind of ISIS-run government controlling the area around Benghazi. The real power of any of these groups does not seem to extend beyond the immediate neighbourhood of their residency; it is the chieftains of particular local tribes who de facto rule the rest of the area.For a year, the Europeans have been trying in vain to create a unity government. In the meantime, the security situation is increasingly deteriorating. Libya has become a sanctuary for ISIS and other Jihadist groups and a transit country for millions of Africans that want to migrate to Europe. French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in March that some 800,000 migrants are in Libya hoping to cross the Mediterranean this year3)).The only way to prevent this from happening outside their jurisdiction i.e. neither on European soil nor using European law enforcement, is for the Europeans to regain control over the old Italian colony. It is no option for the Europeans to wait for the Libyans until they sort out their internal problems. For Europeans to be able to send in an expedition army, they need an official request from the Libyan government. An official invitation will make it “legal” for the “European Africa Corps”, which is yet to be formed, to operate freely as did the Russians in Syria. For that reason, they need first to install a government that will invite the European forces. Last month the Europeans created a new fresh “democratic” unity government out of thin air, which was, however, not recognised by the governments in Tobruk4) and Tripoli. As the Europeans made an attempt to set up this government in Tripoli, the local administration closed the airspace around the city and blocked the roads from Tunis to prevent the imposed authorities from entering the city5).For that reason, the new administration had to come by boat. Rumor has it that Mr. Fayez Serraj, the Brussels-appointed head of state, was brought by the Italian navy.6). Officially, he was carried by a Libyan naval vessel, with no image footing to corroborate this claim.The EU resorts to threats as regards the members of the rival governments in Tobruk and Tripoli if they do not support the Brussels-backed government as a result of which some members of the official government in Tripoli have resigned without putting up a fight; there was the case when a dissenter opposing the move of the new masters from Brussels, saw his house mysteriously blown up7).The first task of the new UN “unity government” is to get rid of the two other rival governments and to stem the flow of migrants to Europe as soon as possible. Last week over 6000 immigrants from Africa arrived in Italy within four days .The second task is to secure French, Italian and German corporate interest in Libya. The oil installations in Libya, partly owned by France Total, Italian ENI and German Wintershall were abandoned last year and left to the protection of 27.000 fighters strong Petroleum Facilities Guard9) . This guard is not under the authority of the Libyan army anymore and leaves the installations vulnerable to Jihadist militia attacks. It is in the interest of Saudi Arabia to destroy as many installations as possible through their jihadist proxies before the Europeans try to restore order in Libya. Saudi Arabia has a history of using Jihadists to pursue its national interest. The country was founded on this principle as Abdul ibn Saud used Wahhabi extremists to conquer the Arabic Peninsula around 1925 10). While all Libyan rival tribes are trying to prevent the destruction of the Libyan oil infrastructure, there have been some mysterious attacks on oil terminals since the oil price dropped under 50 dollars. Oil storage tanks were set ablaze by jihadists in the major Libyan terminal of Ras Lanuf in January this year 11). End 2014, an oil terminal was burned down as a result of it after a boat attack that also killed 22 Libyan soldiers12)The Europeans are in a hurry. Without the new unity government fully installed and with some street battles going on in Tripoli, the Italian, French and German foreign ministers visited the city last week to pledge their support for the heavily contested “unity government”. French, Italian and British special forces have been operating in Libya for the last couple of months according to the French newspaper Le Monde13). But these forces are not able to fulfill Brussels’ objectives.The question is not whether but rather when the Europeans will send armed forces into Libya. The British have already pledged 1000 men14) while the Italians have said they will add 5000 soldiers to the newly formed army to restore order in Libya. We expect Brussels to use this as a good opportunity to strengthen the Eurocorps, the harbinger of the pan-European army that is at present performing a minor military operation in Mali. The Eurocorps could probably deploy 5000 men 15). The coming operation in Libya will be the first large-scale EU joint military intervention ever. No matter how Brussels will frame it, it is a hostile military takeover of the country16).
A pesar del aumento de la pobreza entre los ancianos, Alemania aún no se ha embarcado en una reforma fundamental de su sistema de pensiones de reparto. Cuanto más pasan los años, más aumenta el número de jubilados que viven en precariedad. Según el último informe del Instituto de Perspectivas Económicas de Berlín (DIW), más de uno de cada cinco jubilados (21,6%) vivirá por debajo de la línea de pobreza en veinte años, en comparación con el 16% actual.Estas cifras son aún más alarmantes, ya que se calculan con el supuesto de que una economía evoluciona "positivamente". "El resultado final no se ha resuelto", dice Johannes Geyer, el autor del estudio. “Los ajustes, como tener en cuenta la licencia de maternidad o la jubilación a los 63 años de cuarenta y cinco años de contribuciones, no aportan nada significativo en esencia. Estas son solo reformas cosméticas ”, continúa el experto en DIW.