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Autor Tema: Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial  (Leído 183351 veces)

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La función de los más capaces en una sociedad humana medianamente sana es cuidar y proteger a aquellos menos capaces, no aprovecharse de ellos.

Y a propósito del tema, sostengo firmemente que la Anglosfera debe ser destruida.


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #32 en: Agosto 23, 2016, 14:26:59 pm »
Aparentemente, Hillary también mintió al Congreso sobre Libia.

In recent interviews Julian Assange more or less claims to have the goods on Hillary. If I had to guess, I suppose he might have email traffic showing that she lied to congress, for example in the exchange above with Rand Paul, or perhaps in some of her answers to questions about her private email server. The most impactful time to release this information is probably just before one of the debates.
 <blockquote> Paul: "It’s been in news reports that ships have been leaving from Libya and that they may have weapons. And what I’d like to know is, that [CIA] annex that was close by [the State Department facility], were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons, and were any of these weapons being transferred to other countries? Any countries, Turkey included?"
 Clinton: “I don’t know. I don’t have any information on that.”</blockquote> If we lived in a country where rule of law applied, there might be serious consequences for this sort of thing. In the 21st century USA, we'll be lucky if any mainstream media outlets cover the story ;-) The NYTimes will probably just blame the Russians.

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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #33 en: Agosto 25, 2016, 23:36:51 pm »
Aparentement, Hillary también cobra de los saudíes a traves de la Fundación Clinton.

It doesn’t exactly take a jaded disposition to doubt that these donations from some of the world’s most repressive regimes are motivated by a desire to aid the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work. To the contrary, it just requires basic rationality. That’s particularly true given that these regimes “have donated vastly more money to the Clinton Foundation than they have to most other large private charities involved in the kinds of global work championed by the Clinton family.” For some mystifying reason, they seem particularly motivated to transfer millions to the Clinton Foundation but not the other charities around the world doing similar work. Why might that be? What could ever explain it?


The reality is that there is ample evidence uncovered by journalists suggesting that regimes donating money to the Clinton Foundation received special access to and even highly favorable treatment from the Clinton State Department. But it’s also true that nobody can dispositively prove the quid pro quo. Put another way, one cannot prove what was going on inside Hillary Clinton’s head at the time that she gave access to or otherwise acted in the interests of these donor regimes: Was she doing it as a favor in return for those donations, or simply because she has a proven affinity for Gulf State and Arab dictators, or because she was merely continuing decades of U.S. policy of propping up pro-U.S. tyrants in the region?

While this “no quid pro quo proof” may be true as far as it goes, it’s extremely ironic that Democrats have embraced it as a defense of Hillary Clinton. After all, this has long been the primary argument of Republicans who oppose campaign finance reform, and indeed, it was the primary argument of the Citizens United majority, once depicted by Democrats as the root of all evil. But now, Democrats have to line up behind a politician who, along with her husband, specializes in uniting political power with vast private wealth, in constantly exploiting the latter to gain the former, and vice versa. So Democrats are forced to jettison all the good-government principles they previously claimed to believe and instead are now advocating the crux of the right-wing case against campaign finance reform: that large donations from vested factions are not inherently corrupting of politics or politicians.

Hay mucho más en el artículo.


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #34 en: Agosto 27, 2016, 01:19:27 am »
Una visión liberal (en el sentido americano del término) e independiente sobre la Fundación Clinton.

Imagine that while George W. Bush was governor of Texas and president of the United States, various people and companies decided to write him checks for hundreds of thousands of dollars, just because they thought he was a great guy. Those people and companies, just coincidentally, happened to have interests that were affected by the policies of Texas and the United States. But when he thanked them for their money, Bush never promised to do anything in particular for them. You would be suspicious, right?
Now, that’s roughly what has been happening with the Clinton Foundation. Various people and companies have been writing checks for millions of dollars to the Foundation during the same time that Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and, following that, the most likely next president of the United States—a title she has held since the day Barack Obama’s second term began. (The Clintons finally decided to scale back the Foundation earlier this week.)
There are two main defenses for the Clintons’ actions. Both are distressingly naive.
One, made by Kevin Drum among others, is that Clinton didn’t actually do any favors for her Foundation donors. So even if people were trying to buy access and influence, they didn’t get any, and there’s nothing to see here.
First of all, there is evidence, some compiled by Jeff Stein, that Foundation donors were more likely to gain access to the secretary of state. On an individual basis, I’m sure that each of these meetings could be justified . But the same thing is true whenever a lobbyist arranges a meeting for a client with a member of Congress. The question is whether giving money increases your chances of getting through the door. We’ll probably never have the data you would need to answer that question.
More generally, what matters the impact that a donation has on the donee. Anyone who will want to raise money in the future naturally finds it difficult to take actions contrary to the interests of the people who are most likely to give that money. Donating to the Clinton Foundation is a great way to signal that you might donate more money in the future. And that means that, somewhere in the corner of her massive brain, Hillary knows that making a certain decision will reduce her foundation’s future revenues. That’s why we worry about campaign contributions, remember? If you want to argue that Hillary Clinton is so incorruptible that the standards we apply to other politicians shouldn’t apply to her—well, be my guest.
The second defense is: The Clinton Foundation is a charity, for God’s sake! It helps people! This is even more naive, for a simple reason that I don’t think has been emphasized enough.
The Clintons are vastly wealthy. Since 2007, they have earned more than $150 million. They have far more money than any family can reasonably consume in a lifetime. Bill and Hillary are getting on in years, they only have one child, and she is married to a hedge fund manager. When you have that much money, a dollar in your foundation is as good as a dollar in your bank account.
Once you have all your consumption needs covered, what do you need money for? If you’re a Clinton, you want to have an impact in the world, reward your friends, and burnish your legacy. A foundation is an excellent vehicle for all of those purposes, for obvious reasons.(That’s why it’s hardly a sacrifice for Mark Zuckerberg to donate the vast majority of his Facebook stock to a private company that he controls.) It is also an excellent way to transfer money to your daughter free of estate tax, since she can control it after you die. The fact that it may or may not do good things for the world is irrelevant. A $1 million donation to the foundation might as well be a $1 million donation to you, because, at the end of the day, your marginal $1 million is going to your foundation either way.
So the real question is this: Do you think it would be appropriate for people and companies affected by U.S. policy to be writing $1 million checks directly to the Clintons? If the answer is yes, then you should be against any campaign finance rules whatsoever. If the answer is no, you should be worried about the Clinton Foundation.


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #35 en: Agosto 27, 2016, 13:25:18 pm »
Interesante, dice ZH que Brzezinski, el ideólogo del nuevo siglo americano, visto el panorama creado, se achanta y aconseja olvidarse de la hegemonía mundial. Que las agresiones en Europa, Oriente Medio y Asia están en realidad provocando una reacción defensiva que acelera el fin del privilegio monetario usano y, como consecuencia, el fin de muchas otras cosas que los americanos dan por supuestas.



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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #36 en: Septiembre 06, 2016, 17:03:11 pm »
Me parce que no salió:

El gráfico es de zerohedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-06-03/these-are-9-zero-hedge-charts-showing-obamas-recovery-angered-washington-post)  -- 3 de junio 2016

-- el artículo de mi origen es The Startling Truth About How Working Families Are Truly Faring In This Economy
Supongo que un apocalíptico vendelibros, pero me encontré el artículo traducido v/FR, y las imágenes de arriba están bien
Alegraos, la transición estructural, por divertida, es revolucionaria.

PPCC v/eshttp://ppcc-es.blogspot


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #37 en: Septiembre 07, 2016, 13:43:43 pm »
Interesante, dice ZH que Brzezinski, el ideólogo del nuevo siglo americano, visto el panorama creado, se achanta y aconseja olvidarse de la hegemonía mundial. Que las agresiones en Europa, Oriente Medio y Asia están en realidad provocando una reacción defensiva que acelera el fin del privilegio monetario usano y, como consecuencia, el fin de muchas otras cosas que los americanos dan por supuestas.


Muy interesante, gracias!

No obstante, creo que hay que matizar la imagen de Brzezinski.

Es la crème de la crème en Washington y tiene mucho poder, pero entre lo que piense de verdad y lo que diga no sabemos qué abismos hay, en todo caso siempre se ha distanciado de los hardcore supporters de Israel y otros halcones, por ejemplo se sospecha que el acercamiento de Obama a Irán (en contra de los deseos israelíes) lleva su sello.

Es un geoestratega no un político, y por eso es más realista y menos ideologizado que otros.

« última modificación: Septiembre 07, 2016, 13:46:17 pm por lectorhinfluyente1984 »


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #38 en: Septiembre 09, 2016, 01:26:23 am »
esta es buena


En el Wells Fargo, que es el tercer banco de EEUU , había una trama de empleados que a espaldas de los clientes les abrían cuentas nuevas, emitían tarjetas de crédito y les apuntaban a servicios on-line mediante cuentas de correo abiertas a propósito.

ZH habla de millón y medio de cuentas y casi seiscientas mil tarjetas.

 Luego, entre los comentarios, un forero ha puesto un video sobre otro timo legal que hacen los bancos, esta vez en Canadá.

Se ve que por mucho que avancemos siempre nos llevarán décadas de ventaja en todo.  :roto2:



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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #39 en: Octubre 16, 2016, 12:04:51 pm »
    Blog/2016 U.S. Presidential Election Posted Oct 16, 2016 by Martin Armstrong  dr-sandeep-sherlekar
What has been running around for some time is the “Clinton Body Count” naming a comprehensive list of 53 mysterious deaths connected to the Clintons. While some of this are questionable, others are real concerns. The story circulating is that Hillary Clinton has long been known to have serious health issues ever since she collapsed in December, 2012. That incident led to her first operation to remove a blood clot from her brain, which Bill Clinton said took her 6 months to recover from.
But something much more secretive took place on recently on June 30th, 2016. According to the rumors behind the curtain, Hillary Clinton collapsed on her private plane while in route to her Washington D.C. home. An unconscious Hillary landed at the Andrews Airbase that normally handles American officials, including the President. Upon landing, Hillary Clinton was rushed by ambulance to the Malcolm Grow Medical Facility located on the airbase. Apparently, the unconscious Hillary Clinton reached the Malcolm Grow Medical Facility which remains to highly classified that may be a cover-up. Hillary’s security guards refused to allow her to be treated there perhaps afraid that news might leak out. The Air Force doctors objected to removing her and her security detail drew their weapons to forcibly remove her while she was still unconscious. The doctors alerted Joint Base Andrews security police who put the entire base on lockdown. This then made the news under the assumption there was some terrorist incident. US Air Force Colonel Brad Hoagland had to address the media that day explaining it had been a “miscommunicated”.
Upon leaving Andrews Airbase, her security staff took her to a private MedStar Montgomery Medical Center hospital in Olney, Maryland. That is where she was rushed into emergency surgery. The story is that they transferred her because this hospital having advanced non-invasive technology able to find blood clots in the brain. The doctor who performed the surgery on June 30th was the Islamic neurosurgeon Amjad Anaizi. This was her private brain doctor whom she frequently visited, and is the cousin of Hillary Clinton’s top aid Huma Abedin. That way it is all hush hush.
Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar was the on call anesthesiologist at MedStar Montgomery Medical Center. This is the doctor has has been found dead on September 30th, 2016, not the operating doctor. Interestingly, Doctor Sherlekar, filed a lawsuit against the Chief Executive Officer, Muhammad Ahmad Khan, and Chief Financial Officer, Vic Wadhwa, accusing them of financial crimes at the medical practice where he worked called the American Spine Center. He worked with agents of the FBI assisting them in getting a guilty plea against CFO Vic Wadhwa for receiving $459,000 in “kickbacks”. Then, the FBI charged Doctor Sherlekar on September 22nd filing charges against him accusing him of the same crimes he had reported to them in 2012. Then 8 days later at about 7:15 a.m. Friday on September 30th, Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar was found dead at the entrance to the American Spine Center. The local police stated that it was suicide.
That is it. This one does not appear to be related to Hillary. There may be other motives involved in this incident.

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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #40 en: Octubre 18, 2016, 19:20:34 pm »
Censura, bancos y poder mundial.

UK Nat West Bank has seized all bank accounts of Russia Today (RT) to end their broadcasting, according to its editor-in-chief- Margarita Simonyan who took to Twitter to announce: “They’ve closed our accounts in Britain. All our accounts. ‘The decision is not subject to review.’ Praise be to the freedom of speech!”
RT says that its bank NatWest, a division of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, has declined to provide any information for its decision and says it is not appealable. In a letter written to RT the bank said: “We have recently undertaken a review of your banking arrangements with us and reached the conclusion that we will no longer provide these facilities. You will therefore need to make alternative banking arrangements outside of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group.”
Nat West informed RT that all its accounts would be cancelled on December 12th. It said the “decision is final and we are not prepared to enter into any discussion in relation to it.” Julian Assange of WikiLeaks has been a contributor frequently to the channel and hosted his own talk show on RT back in 2012.
This is very clear a standard tactic prior to war to prevent what they would call “propaganda” allowing the opposition to be heard. This comes clearly as a coordinated effort to cut off Wikileaks from revealing anything else on Hillary Clinton. This appears to have the fingerprints of the Obama Administration all over it since it has begun only with the release of Hillary emails. Combined with CNN inferring its illegal to read Hillary emails unless it comes from a US media outlet, is clearly all adding up to reducing the American people to a herd of stupid fools. I stress once again, there is ABSOLUTELY no way they will allow Trump to enter the White House. This is the chatter behind the curtain. The people no longer count. This is not an election, it is shaping up no different from the same criticisms against world dictators for decades.

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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #41 en: Octubre 19, 2016, 18:28:08 pm »
Siguiendo la estela de Kennedy, Trump propone el fin de los políticos profesionales y las inscribes de otros países, lo que alía a todos los partidos contra él.


Trump’s “Ethics Reform” is one of the major reasons the elite Republican support Hillary. Besides banning members and staff from becoming lobbyists for 5 years, Trump has added to that list TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS! In other words, he is proposing the END of career politicians. This, along with his promise to repeal Obamacare, which was really to line the pockets of hospitals so they no longer had to treat people for free, as well as reducing the corporate tax rate to 15% to bring back almost $3 trillion they keep offshore, with his stated policy to end the military nation building (which Eisenhower warned about and JFK said was the sole issue undermining Bretton Woods in the 1960 debate), are probably the most profound proposals in the campaign that would really make a difference.

This is why the “ESTABLISHMENT” are so hell-bent on defeating Trump at all costs. The Empire is Striking Back shutting down Wikileaks and pulling the plug on RT, and forcing the head of FOX News to resign.


« última modificación: Octubre 19, 2016, 18:31:10 pm por Currobena »
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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #42 en: Octubre 22, 2016, 11:36:29 am »
Página web con los correos electrónicos que Hillary ocultaba, clasificados por temas.

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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #43 en: Octubre 22, 2016, 11:44:10 am »
Por cierto, según esta web, una organización relacionada con el partido demócrata (por ejemplo, tiene a Larry Summers en el consejo de administración) está intentando acusar falsamente a Assange de pedofilia para desviar la atención de los correos de Hillary que Wikileaks está publicando.

Aparentemente, los demócratas son como muchos partidos españoles, unos "adalides de la libertad de expresión...cuando les favorece". ¿De verdad creéis que son mejores que Trump?

Por cierto, según Wikileaks, John Kerry, uno de los ministros de Obama, ha estado presionando al gobierno de Ecuador para que paren las filtraciones de los correos de Hillary. Repito, ¿De verdad creéis que es mejor que Trump?


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #44 en: Octubre 22, 2016, 11:46:04 am »
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