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Malaysia hits deflation for first time since 2009 global crisis
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France, Germany agree on joint proposal for euro zone budgetFrance and Germany have agreed a detailed proposal for a euro zone budget to boost growth, strengthen competitiveness and lower the development gap between individual member states, a German government document showed on Friday.
https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2019/html/ecb.sp190221~09c2b7ac1f.en.htmlCitarOn the importance of real estate statisticsResidential real estate (RRE) is the main component of euro area household wealth. Housing accounts for around 50% of asset holdings[2] and is largely financed through borrowing, with mortgages making up 85% of household liabilities. The corollary is a tight linkage between RRE prices and the balance sheets of the euro area banking sector. Mortgage loans account for between 40% and 90% of total lending by euro area banks to households across EU countries. Falls in prices therefore affect the euro area business cycle through two main channels. First, by reducing households’ net wealth, which has decelerator effects on consumption[3], and weakening banks’ balance sheets through the decline in collateral and property values (the asset valuation channel); and second, by increasing the riskiness of households and of construction firms, prompting banks to tighten their lending standards (the credit risk channel).
On the importance of real estate statisticsResidential real estate (RRE) is the main component of euro area household wealth. Housing accounts for around 50% of asset holdings[2] and is largely financed through borrowing, with mortgages making up 85% of household liabilities. The corollary is a tight linkage between RRE prices and the balance sheets of the euro area banking sector. Mortgage loans account for between 40% and 90% of total lending by euro area banks to households across EU countries. Falls in prices therefore affect the euro area business cycle through two main channels. First, by reducing households’ net wealth, which has decelerator effects on consumption[3], and weakening banks’ balance sheets through the decline in collateral and property values (the asset valuation channel); and second, by increasing the riskiness of households and of construction firms, prompting banks to tighten their lending standards (the credit risk channel).
France and Germany have agreed a detailed proposal for a euro zone budget to boost growth, strengthen competitiveness and lower the development gap between individual member states, a German government document showed on Friday.
Falls in prices therefore affect the euro area business cycle through two main channels. First, by reducing households’ net wealth, which has decelerator effects on consumption
alquiler cruza la línea roja en Barcelona y Madrid y ya supone más del 30% del sueldo
Citaralquiler cruza la línea roja en Barcelona y Madrid y ya supone más del 30% del sueldoJejehe muy gracioso el periodista. Un alquiler en barcelona o madrid, de 800 euros no baja, y soy muy generoso. Asi que el inquilino tiene que estar ganando 2700 al mes para que 800 sea ese 30%. Cuanta gente gana minimo 2700?Ah, que para vivir de alquiler hay que tener pareja,que los solteros no pueden. Muy bien,entonces serían 2700 /2, o sea 1350 por cabeza.Vuelvo a preguntar, cuantas parejas ganan los dos 1350?La respuesta no es tan obvia como parece. Mienten. No es un 30%, es mucho más.
Bienvenido Mr. Hans SchmidtCitarFalls in prices therefore affect the euro area business cycle through two main channels. First, by reducing households’ net wealth, which has decelerator effects on consumptionComo europeísta convencido, he de decir que este párrafo es impresentable y tiene un sesgo generacional que APESTA.