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El Banco de España defiende ligar la edad de jubilación a la esperanza de vida
CEO departures on pace for a record year
Por cierto las salidas de CEOs de sus empresas están batiendo récords. CitarCEO departures on pace for a record yearhttps://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/09/ceo-departures-on-pace-for-a-record-year.htmlEn este contexto de "todo es fabuloso" ¿no les parece curioso? ¿Qué saben estos CEOs para abandonar tantas empresas al mismo tiempo?
https://elpais.com/economia/2019/11/19/actualidad/1574183192_483328.htmlCitarEl Banco de España defiende ligar la edad de jubilación a la esperanza de vida
Cita de: PastorMesetario en Noviembre 20, 2019, 08:50:11 amPor cierto las salidas de CEOs de sus empresas están batiendo récords. CitarCEO departures on pace for a record yearhttps://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/09/ceo-departures-on-pace-for-a-record-year.htmlEn este contexto de "todo es fabuloso" ¿no les parece curioso? ¿Qué saben estos CEOs para abandonar tantas empresas al mismo tiempo?La pregunta correcta mas bien sería ¿Qué se sabe de estos CEOs a los que se está obligando a renunciar en plena ola de récords bursátiles?.Si has oído hablar de Q, y esa (loca?) teoría conspirativa hace mucho tiempo que viene hablando de esto, y es porque están saliendo muchos, muchos ,pero que muchos trapos sucios de ciertas élites yanquis.
Cuando el CEO se larga, lo único que es seguro es que sabe que el negocio se ha acabado y hay que ir preparando el próximo timo. Con vacaciones incluidas para desaparecer un tiempo si hace falta.
Cita de: Hynkel en Noviembre 20, 2019, 09:59:27 amCuando el CEO se larga, lo único que es seguro es que sabe que el negocio se ha acabado y hay que ir preparando el próximo timo. Con vacaciones incluidas para desaparecer un tiempo si hace falta.Lo ha resumido usted muy bien. Ahora tengamos en cuenta que se están batiendo récords.
Boris Johnson says 'absolutely zero' chance of UK leaving EU without deal Boris Johnson has insisted that the chances of Britain breaking away from the EU at the end of 2020 without a trade deal in place are "absolutely zero".
Brexit talks: the brutal reckoning that awaits the UKWhen and if Britain leaves the EU, an array of difficult questions will immediately spring up(...) top officials in Brussels believe the UK population faces a brutal reckoning for which it is ill-prepared. EU officials have been preparing for negotiations with the UK on the post-Brexit relationship for more than two years, and behind the scenes many member states are urging them to take a very hard line indeed.“What is going to come is going to be much more challenging and demanding than what we have seen up to now,” says one senior EU diplomat. “I would not wish negotiating a trade deal with the EU on anybody. It’s the worst thing that can happen to you, especially if your administration doesn’t have any experience negotiating trade issues.” (...)At the heart of the future relationship would be a free trade deal ensuring zero tariffs and zero quotas on goods, and providing market access on services at least similar to that granted in the EU’s recent trade deals with Canada and Japan. The declaration also covers other key areas of co-operation such as nuclear energy and joint military operations. But EU diplomats warn that putting flesh on the bones of these plans will require a hard-fought negotiation, and that the question of how far the UK is prepared to stick to EU rules will be one of several highly sensitive issues needing to be resolved. Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, has already made clear that Brussels will be guided in the talks by a simple principle: the further the UK aims to diverge from EU rules in Mr Johnson’s avowed quest to boost the country’s economic competitiveness, the more restricted Britain’s access to the single market will be. The EU argues that it is being asked to grant Britain market access on goods going beyond any other trade deal the bloc has with a major economy, creating a clear risk of unfair competition for Europe’s companies. Such access will come at the price of sticking closely to EU law on workers rights, environmental standards, state aid and other rules. (...)Marietje Schaake, a former member of the European Parliament’s international trade committee, says: “The UK is under pressure because of the ticking clock, but more because of the incredible promises that have been made about the benefits that will materialise.“The reality is years of negotiation and difficult choices.”
¿Serán estos elementos parte de la planificación central?Una escolta denuncia a Irene Montero por obligarla a hacer tareas impropias de su trabajo."Halapagar" es una ruina ética y moral.
Irene Montero, demandada por su escolta por obligarle a hacer de recadera, mecánica y chófer de la familia