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Brexit: EU ambassadors give green light to trade dealEU ambassadors have given provisional approval for Britain’s post-Brexit trade deal to be implemented from January 1.A spokesman for the German EU presidency said the ambassadors had unanimously agreed to “green light” the settlement hammered out on Christmas Eve.The move paves the way for the agreement which allows for the continued tariff-free trade with the EU single market to take effect when the current Brexit transition period expires on Thursday."EU ambassadors have unanimously approved the provisional application of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement as of January 1, 2021," the spokesman for the German presidency said.It comes as MPs in Britain were preparing to vote on the deal in a special sitting of Parliament called for Wednesday.It is likely to pass through both Houses, with Labour ordering its MPs to vote for the "thin" treaty because the only other option is a chaotic departure without a trade deal.(...)
Propongo un esquema sencillo con el ánimo de que alguien lo pueda rebatir y así poder confrontar ideas, y yo aprender un poco más.Mi objetivo es poder hacer un mapa lógico para poder entender por qué entramos en 2021 y no ha habido los cambios que se predecían hace más de 10 años.Tomo como hipótesis las siguientes afirmaciones:-Ningún cambio estructural vendrá de la mano de la autoridad fiscal, ya que su objetivo no es el largo plazo sino de conservar el poder si lo tiene o conseguirlo si no lo tiene. Sus decisiones se toman con vistas a ventanas de 4 años.-Ningun cambio estructural vendrá de la población civil a la hora de reconocer la inmoralidad de la extracción de rentas sobre bienes de primera necesidad.Dicho esto se reconoce la autoridad financiera (focalizada en los bancos centrales) como el único sujeto activo capaz de retrasar los cambios que se puedan producir por agotamiento del modelo. Su actuación traslada los recursos de la generación actual a las anteriores, a través del instrumento de la deuda.Defino "cambios estructurales" como todos aquellos cambios que vayan dirigidos a reducir notablemente el deficit, modificar la extracción de rentas improductivas o cambiar los pilares económicos.Parto de un esquema de circuito cerrado formando un bucle:-->Desequilibrios producen economía disfuncional-->economía disfuncional se expresa como déficit --> Alguien financia ese deficit --> Se mantienen los desequilibriosMe apoyo en 2 ejemplos:>España se vió obligada a realizar cambios estructurales cuando la autoridad financiera (BCE) no quiso financiar su deficit en 2010 tal como le está haciendo a día de hoy. >Grecia se vió obligada a realizar cambios estructurales cuando la autoridad financiera no quiso financiar su déficit. Aquí expreso el flujograma en forma de bucle:PD1: No es un alegato banca-culpista en cuanto a exculpar a los responsables de los desequilibrios que no aparecen en el esquema. Simplemente en mi humilde opinión reconozco a la autoridad financiera como único sújeto capaz de provocar cambios, o mejor dicho, de transferirlos a otra generación retrasándolos.PD2: He representado solamente la extracción de rentas de la vivienda y la transferencia intergeneracional de pensiones como los dos desequilibrios principales.
...¿Y cuales han sido los resulatados de esos "cambios estructurales"? Que lo puedes llamar recortes en el gasto del Estado, que es a lo que te refieres. En ambos casos, agravamiento de la recesión. Y solo se vuelve a la "normalidad" al aumentar otra vez el gasto Estatal.No sé, creo que después de lo de Grecia, se ve claro. No sé como seguis erre que erre con que reduciendo el gasto del Estado "mágicamente" aparece ese dinero por otro lado. Está claro que EEUU, la troika, el fmi y toda Europa ha sido tomada por una banda de neobolcheviques que ven como única salida a la crisis del coronavirus la inyección de inmensas cantidades de pasta, porque son tontos, podrían aprovechar para meter un tratamiento griego a todo Occidente y en un pispas todo arreglado. La única manera de mantener el sistema entero es inyectar pasta a toneladas desde los bancos centrales. No os preocupeis por la inflación, no os llegará ni la pasta ni la inflación.Y a los que llega la pasta, la están metiendo en pisitos. ¿qué locura, eh? ante la nula expectativa de motar un negocio normal, el dinero poderoso se va a pillarnos de los huevos por vivienda, energia y alimentación. Justo a por lo que por cojones no podemos dejar de pagar.¿Y me dices que los mayores desequilibrios son los alquileres y las pensiones? Ay, mira las magnitudes de ese dinero.
"Más País" propondrá una jornada laboral de 3 días en 2021https://laboro-spain.blogspot.com/2020/12/jornada-maxima-4-dia.htmlMás País, el partido de Íñigo Errejón, ha anunciado que en el año 2021 presentará en las Cortes un nuevo proyecto de Ley para limitar la jornada laboral a 3 días semanales. Según la otra fuente nacional del partido, esta jornada se correspondería a 24 horas como máximo semanal o 1096 horas como máximo anual
Las ventas del comercio marcan en noviembre el peor mes desde el confinamientoCaen un 0,8% mensual, muy castigadas por el desplome del textilhttps://cincodias.elpais.com/cincodias/2020/12/28/economia/1609145380_213602.html
Citar"Más País" propondrá una jornada laboral de 3 días en 2021https://laboro-spain.blogspot.com/2020/12/jornada-maxima-4-dia.htmlMás País, el partido de Íñigo Errejón, ha anunciado que en el año 2021 presentará en las Cortes un nuevo proyecto de Ley para limitar la jornada laboral a 3 días semanales. Según la otra fuente nacional del partido, esta jornada se correspondería a 24 horas como máximo semanal o 1096 horas como máximo anual
Cita de: uno en Diciembre 28, 2020, 12:58:50 pmCitar"Más País" propondrá una jornada laboral de 3 días en 2021https://laboro-spain.blogspot.com/2020/12/jornada-maxima-4-dia.htmlMás País, el partido de Íñigo Errejón, ha anunciado que en el año 2021 presentará en las Cortes un nuevo proyecto de Ley para limitar la jornada laboral a 3 días semanales. Según la otra fuente nacional del partido, esta jornada se correspondería a 24 horas como máximo semanal o 1096 horas como máximo anualInocentes..., pero santos.Hoy es 28 de diciembre, día de los Santos Inocentes.
EL 'BREXIT' ES UNA ESTAFA POPULARCAPITALISTA MÁS.—El 'brexit' no es más que una rabieta contra el diseño del sector público administrativo con consecuencias permanentes....
China to strengthen military coordination with RussiaBeijing is signaling that the China-Russia partnership should remain close to handle pressure from the USThe joint aerial strategic patrol held by the air forces of Russia and China on December 22 over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea makes a big statement on the geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region. Chinese experts have hinted that such events could become “routine” in future. The Chinese and Russian defense ministers made a joint announcement on the occasion last Tuesday. China sent four nuclear-capable H-6K strategic bombers “to form a joint formation” with two of Russia’s famous Tu-95 bombers (NATO reporting name: “Bear”) to conduct the joint patrol as “part of annual military cooperation plan” between the two countries. The announcement said the joint patrol “aims to further develop the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era, and enhance the level of the two militaries’ strategic coordination and joint operational capability to jointly safeguard global strategic stability.” Curiously, only a month ago, on November 6, two Tupolev Tu-95MS strategic missile-carrying bombers of Russia’s Aerospace Force performed a scheduled eight-hour flight over the neutral waters of the Sea of Japan and the northwestern Pacific. Russia’s Defense Ministry said, “At some sections of the route, the strategic missile-carrying bombers were escorted by Su-35S fighters.” Clearly, the joint patrol with China was not an absolute must from the perspective of Russia’s national defense. But its optics and messaging mattered. This has everything to do with the regional setting with the US and its partners stepping up.The joint aerial strategic patrol held by the air forces of Russia and China on December 22 over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea makes a big statement on the geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region. Chinese experts have hinted that such events could become “routine” in future. (...)
Temporary rules on post-Brexit road connectivity, air connectivity, aviation safety, and fishing operations now publishedToday, official publication has been made of four Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council on limited contingency measures to ensure the continued operation of certain basic connectivity services between the EU and the UK following the end of the transition period provided for in the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.These Regulations were adopted on 23 December 2020, following the proposals put forward by the European Commission on 10 December, in the event that no EU-UK agreement on the affected subject-matters is in force by 1 January 2021:-Regulation 2020/2224 on common rules ensuring basic road freight and road passenger connectivity. This Regulation lays down temporary measures governing the carriage of goods by road, as well as the provision of regular and special regular passenger transport services by coach and bus between the EU and the UK following the end of the transition period. It will enter into force tomorrow and will apply from 1 January 2021 until entry into force of an EU-UK international agreement on the matter, or until 30 June 2021 at the latest.-Regulation 2020/2225 on common rules ensuring basic air connectivity. This Regulation enables carriers licensed in the UK to provide air transport services between the territory of the latter and the territory of the Member States, conditional upon the conferral of equivalent rights by the UK to air carriers licensed in the EU and be subject to certain conditions ensuring fair competition. It will enter into force tomorrow and will apply from 1 January 2021 until entry into force of an EU-UK international agreement on the matter, or until 30 June 2021 at the latest. However, in order to allow for the necessary administrative procedures to be conducted as early as possible, certain provisions will apply as from tomorrow.-Regulation 2020/2226 on certain aspects of aviation safety. This Regulation ensures that various design certificates for aviation products issued to natural or legal persons having their principal place of business in the UK can continue to be used in EU aircrafts without disruption. It will enter into force tomorrow and will apply from 1 January 2021 until entry into force of an EU-UK international agreement on the matter.-Regulation 2020/2227 amending Regulation 2017/2403 as regards fishing authorisations for EU fishing vessels in UK waters and fishing operations of UK fishing vessels in EU waters. This Regulation creates the appropriate legal framework to ensure reciprocal access by EU and UK fishing vessels to each other’s waters after 31 December 2020, derogating from the rules that apply to third country fishing vessels and providing for specific conditions and procedures allowing for the issuing of authorisations to UK fishing vessels by the EU for the operation of fishing activities in EU waters. It will enter into force tomorrow and will apply from 1 January 2021 until entry into force of an EU-UK international agreement on the matter, or until 31 December 2021 at the latest
The Rhythm of Real EstateUnderstanding Economic Cycles (Part III): The 18.6 Year Cycle & Coming CRASHThis 18.6 Year Cycle has driven the rhythm of real estate for well over two centuries, and is signaling a powerful market crash by about 2025.(...) For over 200 years, real estate cycles have repeated, in times of inflation or deflation, whether interest rates are high or low, with or without trade barriers, with government subsidies, and with high, low or no taxes.Fred Harrison has demonstrated considerable economic predictive power relating to this 18-year cycle in his works: The Power in the Land (1983); Boom Bust (2005); and Ricardo’s Law (2006).The cycle’s pattern is 14 years up, interrupted by a mid-cycle dip, followed by 4 years down. In over two centuries, this cycle has only ever been disrupted by two world wars.Check out this chart from an online article by Property Geek: Understanding the 18-Year Property Cycle (2019):To profit from this information, you’ll need to find reliable ways to predict where we are on that cycle. The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking (2009) by Phillip Anderson can help. Anderson says that a study of US history reveals an average 18.6 year cycle in credit and real estate prices, measured from trough to trough or peak to peak. This cycle has never been shorter than 17 years, or longer than 21.So, where are we today?The current cycle began following the devastation of the great recession. Nobody could have predicted a pandemic but, like clockwork, something always causes a faltering of confidence mid-cycle. This is followed by looser monetary policy, and then huge infrastructure spending — five or so years of expansion culminate in an era of very easy money and announcement of a new ‘world’s tallest building’. The final years of an expansion — probably around 2024/25 — is called the ‘Winner’s Curse’; this is when everyone figures all the problems of the world are solved and real estate will go up forever… until it doesn’t!(...)