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Fed's Kaplan wants bond-buying taper to start soon and be gradual
https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/exclusive-feds-kaplan-wants-bond-buying-taper-start-soon-be-gradual-2021-08-04/CitarFed's Kaplan wants bond-buying taper to start soon and be gradual
Europe Faces an Energy Shock After Gas and Power Prices RocketPrices hit records in many countries even though its summer Consumers will start to feel impact as utilities put up bills(...) Energy prices are rising around the world as the global economy emerges from the pandemic, fueling concerns about inflation. In Europe, plans to decarbonize the economy are also playing a part as utilities pay near-record prices to buy the pollution permits they need to keep producing power from fossil fuels.
Vaya tela, nunca pasa nada, siempre hay conejos debajo de la chistera, vivimos en un monopoly.. Así repartirá LaLiga el dinero de CVC: préstamos blandos en función de ingresos televisivosDichos préstamos tendrán un vencimiento a 40 años y un interés del 0%. FC Barcelona y Real Madrid recibirían unos 250 millones
Bank of England sets out plans to wean UK economy off stimulusLONDON (Reuters) -The Bank of England set out how it would ease the economy off the huge support provided during the COVID-19 pandemic and said a “modest” tightening of policy lay ahead, but it kept its stimulus at full speed despite a jump in inflation.Only one of the BoE’s eight monetary policy-makers, Michael Saunders, voted to reduce the size of its bond-buying programme which remains unchanged at 895 billion pounds ($1.25 trillion).The vote to hold its benchmark interest rate at a historic low of 0.1% on was unanimous, as expected.With more than 70% of adults in Britain now fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and most social-distancing rules lifted, Britain’s economy has recouped much of its 10% crash of 2020, prompting the BoE to spell out how it plans to rein in its stimulus, when the time comes.It said it would start reducing its stock of bonds when its policy rate reaches 0.5% by not reinvesting the proceeds of maturing debt, as long as that made sense for the economy.(...)
Cita de: Negrule en Agosto 04, 2021, 21:15:22 pmVaya tela, nunca pasa nada, siempre hay conejos debajo de la chistera, vivimos en un monopoly.. Así repartirá LaLiga el dinero de CVC: préstamos blandos en función de ingresos televisivosDichos préstamos tendrán un vencimiento a 40 años y un interés del 0%. FC Barcelona y Real Madrid recibirían unos 250 millonesVaya tela sí... vaya tela de deflación.
Fed's Waller says accommodative policy may be pulled back sooner than expected(Reuters) -The U.S. economic recovery is progressing rapidly, the labor market is improving and it may be possible for the Federal Reserve to start withdrawing its accommodative monetary policy sooner than some expect, Fed Governor Christopher Waller said on Thursday.“My outlook is very much that the economy is going to recover,” Waller said during a virtual event organized by the American Enterprise Institute think tank. “We will be able to pull back on accommodative monetary policy potentially sooner than others think.”
Seguro que iremos viendo los intereses que hay detrás de esas facilidades, que sospecho, tienen poco que ver con la inflación, o deflación Cita de: sudden and sharp en Agosto 05, 2021, 12:11:20 pmCita de: Negrule en Agosto 04, 2021, 21:15:22 pmVaya tela, nunca pasa nada, siempre hay conejos debajo de la chistera, vivimos en un monopoly.. Así repartirá LaLiga el dinero de CVC: préstamos blandos en función de ingresos televisivosDichos préstamos tendrán un vencimiento a 40 años y un interés del 0%. FC Barcelona y Real Madrid recibirían unos 250 millonesVaya tela sí... vaya tela de deflación.
China Evergrande lawsuits to be centralised at Guangzhou court - sourcesHONG KONG/BEIJING, Aug 6 (Reuters) - Lawsuits against heavily indebted China Evergrande Group across the country will be centrally handled by the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, according to two legal sources who have knowledge on the matter.They said local courts and lawyers involved in Evergrande cases have received notice that the initial legal proceedings will be transferred to the Guangzhou court.Chinese financial news outlet Caixin first reported the move on Thursday evening.Evergrande did not immediately respond to request for comment.More suppliers and contractors are suing Evergrande over late payments, with some requesting courts freeze its assets, as worries over the developer’s financial health intensified after late payments on commercial paper.The Wuxi Intermediate People’s Court last month ordered a freeze on a $20.37 million bank deposit held by Evergrande and its unit at the request of China Guangfa Bank Co.Separately, a Hubei court last week ordered a freeze on Evergrande’s shares in Langfang Development for three years.A lawyer told Reuters the decision to centralise the cases at one court will prevent Evergrande’s assets being sliced up by different lawsuits, which is positive to the developer. “But it runs against the legal principle of protecting the interests of the majority,” he added.S&P Global downgraded the ratings of Evergrande by two notches to “CCC” on Thursday evening, citing an escalating risk of non-payment of debt.
Evergrande: how will it end?Has there ever been an "escape" from situations like these? And more importantly, can this be an isolated event or will there not be ripple effects into banking sector? The rating agency said, “We lowered the ratings because Evergrande’s liquidity position is eroding more quickly and by more than we previously expected. The company’s nonpayment risk is escalating, not only for the substantial public bond maturities in 2022 but also for its bank and trust loans and other debt liabilities over the next 12 months.” CCC seems generous.....
Sareb arranca la mayor operación inmobiliaria de la década para recolocar todo su ladrilloEl banco malo lanza una operación exprés para tener adjudicada a la vuelta de verano toda su cartera inmobiliaria, hasta ahora repartida entre Haya, Altamira, Solvia y Servihabitat