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https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2697755607797/top-economist-mohamed-el-erian-says-inflation-will-be-sticky-and-utters-the-words-nobody-wants-to-hear-entrenched-and-broad-basedCitarTop economist Mohamed El-Erian says inflation ‘will be sticky’ and utters the words nobody wants to hear: ‘Entrenched’ and ‘broad-based’(...) Despite the increasing risk of a U.S. recession as rising interest rates cool the economy, El-Erian said Fed officials should remain focused on bringing inflation down if they want to restore their credibility.“We’ve got to get control of the inflation beast,” he said. “The Fed needs to act not only in tightening its monetary policy, but also in gaining credibility. Its forward guidance right now is almost meaningless—and that’s not a good thing.”
Top economist Mohamed El-Erian says inflation ‘will be sticky’ and utters the words nobody wants to hear: ‘Entrenched’ and ‘broad-based’(...) Despite the increasing risk of a U.S. recession as rising interest rates cool the economy, El-Erian said Fed officials should remain focused on bringing inflation down if they want to restore their credibility.“We’ve got to get control of the inflation beast,” he said. “The Fed needs to act not only in tightening its monetary policy, but also in gaining credibility. Its forward guidance right now is almost meaningless—and that’s not a good thing.”
https://www.ft.com/content/e04ba005-a913-4362-8434-dae488220310CitarDemography is not destinyBut public policy must be informed by a recognition of the effects of falling birth rates(...)Demography is not destiny, but it does need to inform public policy and individual decisions. It means greater attention must be paid to improving health, extending working lives, accepting more migrants, increasing productivity and growing savings. The shift from consumption to savings can increase the potential for a circular economy and reducing carbon emissions. It also reduces interest rates and inflation, allowing for higher levels of investment in clean infrastructure, health, housing and education, which are the bedrock of sustained growth.If we stop kicking the demographic time bomb down the road, it will be possible to achieve stable and sustainable societies that provide a better life for future generations as well as our own.
Demography is not destinyBut public policy must be informed by a recognition of the effects of falling birth rates(...)Demography is not destiny, but it does need to inform public policy and individual decisions. It means greater attention must be paid to improving health, extending working lives, accepting more migrants, increasing productivity and growing savings. The shift from consumption to savings can increase the potential for a circular economy and reducing carbon emissions. It also reduces interest rates and inflation, allowing for higher levels of investment in clean infrastructure, health, housing and education, which are the bedrock of sustained growth.If we stop kicking the demographic time bomb down the road, it will be possible to achieve stable and sustainable societies that provide a better life for future generations as well as our own.
Cita de: Derby en Agosto 09, 2022, 09:02:00 amhttps://www.newsbreak.com/news/2697755607797/top-economist-mohamed-el-erian-says-inflation-will-be-sticky-and-utters-the-words-nobody-wants-to-hear-entrenched-and-broad-basedCitarTop economist Mohamed El-Erian says inflation ‘will be sticky’ and utters the words nobody wants to hear: ‘Entrenched’ and ‘broad-based’(...) Despite the increasing risk of a U.S. recession as rising interest rates cool the economy, El-Erian said Fed officials should remain focused on bringing inflation down if they want to restore their credibility.“We’ve got to get control of the inflation beast,” he said. “The Fed needs to act not only in tightening its monetary policy, but also in gaining credibility. Its forward guidance right now is almost meaningless—and that’s not a good thing.”Pues parece que esto contradice frontalmente una de las tesis principales de ppcc, a saber, el iceberg deflacionario (y en consecuencia, también la Era Cero). Veremos...