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Cita de: Derby en Diciembre 01, 2022, 08:08:34 amAl hilo del último post de Asustadísimos y las tensiones PSOE-Podemos...https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2022-12-01/psoe-apoyo-moncloa-irene-montero-reforma-solo-si-es-si_3532649/Citar"NOS HACE MUCHO DAÑO"El PSOE se harta del apoyo de la Moncloa a Igualdad y exige corregir la ley MonteroConsideran que rectificar sería menos dañino que cargar la culpa de las rebajas de penas. Las palabras de la ministra en el Congreso, que acusó al PP de fomentar la "cultura de la violación", colmaron la paciencia de los socialistasAtentos a esto. Ya se que voy a decir una perogrullada, pero me niego a aceptarlo y lo diré en voz alta cada vez que lo vea.El PSOE, el partido que gobierna a casi 50.000.000 de personas, dice que hay que corregir una Ley (estúpida) porque "les hace daño". No porque sea un error, ni porque esté sacando a violadores (de verdad) a la calle, ni porque afecte negativamente a los gobernados. Quieren corregir la ley "porque les hace daño" (al partido).Ya se que hace muchos años que esta gentuza no piensa en la gente a la que gobiernan, pero es que ni se molestan en disimular. Lo tienen tan interiorizado que no cuidan ni las formas.Luego vendrá la guillotina y alguno ni siquiera lo entenderá. Por lo menos Louis XVI sabía por qué le pasaron la Gillette.
Al hilo del último post de Asustadísimos y las tensiones PSOE-Podemos...https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2022-12-01/psoe-apoyo-moncloa-irene-montero-reforma-solo-si-es-si_3532649/Citar"NOS HACE MUCHO DAÑO"El PSOE se harta del apoyo de la Moncloa a Igualdad y exige corregir la ley MonteroConsideran que rectificar sería menos dañino que cargar la culpa de las rebajas de penas. Las palabras de la ministra en el Congreso, que acusó al PP de fomentar la "cultura de la violación", colmaron la paciencia de los socialistas
"NOS HACE MUCHO DAÑO"El PSOE se harta del apoyo de la Moncloa a Igualdad y exige corregir la ley MonteroConsideran que rectificar sería menos dañino que cargar la culpa de las rebajas de penas. Las palabras de la ministra en el Congreso, que acusó al PP de fomentar la "cultura de la violación", colmaron la paciencia de los socialistas
Otro ejemplo de debilidad mental y ego frágil...No oiga no, no son errores! No se trata de desconocimiento o ignorancia, que en ningún caso excusaría del cumplimiento de la Ley, se trata de una estafa de manual. https://www.ft.com/content/2abfb546-cd8f-4945-89f8-218607ac2768CitarSam Bankman-Fried says he ‘never tried to commit fraud’ at FTXCrypto platform’s founder admits to ‘mistakes’ during turbulent month when his company collapsedSam Bankman-Fried said he “never tried to commit fraud” while admitting he made “a lot of mistakes” ahead of the collapse of his $32bn cryptocurrency empire, which threatens to inflict significant financial losses on users of his popular FTX trading platform.The founder of the now-bankrupt crypto exchange FTX denied “knowingly” commingling customer funds with those held by Alameda Research, his proprietary trading group.“Clearly, I made a lot of mistakes or things I would give anything to be able to do over again,” Bankman-Fried said during an interview at The New York Times Dealbook summit.Appearing virtually from the Bahamas, Bankman-Fried grinned nervously, repeatedly tapped his foot and appeared to shake involuntarily as he faced wide-ranging questions on topics from prescription drug use by FTX staff and the improper transfer of funds to whether he knowingly flouted risk and compliance rules that jeopardised customer accounts.“I was failing to pay nearly enough attention to positions and positional risk on the exchange and to Alameda’s in particular and . . . I substantially underestimated what the scale and speed of the [crypto] market crash would look like,” he said.“There is a substantial discrepancy between what the true, audited financials were . . . versus what the dashboards we had displayed for Alameda’s account, which substantially under-displayed the size of the positions.”Bankman-Fried gave the interview just weeks after FTX, previously the darling of the global crypto industry, filed for US bankruptcy protection. The collapse of FTX was precipitated by panicked customer withdrawals and ricocheted across crypto markets. It was eventually discovered that as much as $8bn of funds were missing.The collapse of FTX is being examined by criminal prosecutors and financial regulators in the US and the Bahamas.The 30-year-old admitted that his lawyers had told him not to agree to interviews with journalists amid multiple investigations and pending lawsuits. “I think I have a duty to talk and to explain what happened,” he said. “I don’t see what good is accomplished by sitting in a room pretending that the outside world doesn’t exist.” “It’s not what I’m focusing on,” he said, when asked about whether he was worried about potential criminal liability. “I had a bad month,” he added to laughter from the audience.Following the bankruptcy filing, Bankman-Fried was replaced as chief executive of FTX by John Ray, a restructuring expert who represented plaintiffs in the Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford frauds and helped unwind Enron. Ray said he had never seen “such a complete failure of corporate controls”.“The [company] did not have the type of disbursement controls that I believe are appropriate for a business enterprise,” said Ray in court filings, adding that company money was spent on buying homes and personal items for FTX employees and advisers.During Wednesday’s interview, Bankman-Fried defended his position as one of the most prolific donors to the US Democratic party in the latest election cycle.“My donations were mostly for pandemic prevention, and they were looking at primary elections where there were candidates who are outspoken in favour of doing things now to prevent the next pandemic.”Bankman-Fried will continue to face questions and allegations from prosecutors, regulators, investors and up to 1mn creditors over FTX’s missing funds.When asked if he would leave the Bahamas to come to the US, he said he “would not be surprised” if he was called on to give evidence at one of the numerous hearings on the collapse of the exchange. A class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of investors in the US on Wednesday alleged FTX was “truly a house of cards, a Ponzi scheme where [FTX] shuffled customer funds between their opaque affiliated entities”.
Sam Bankman-Fried says he ‘never tried to commit fraud’ at FTXCrypto platform’s founder admits to ‘mistakes’ during turbulent month when his company collapsedSam Bankman-Fried said he “never tried to commit fraud” while admitting he made “a lot of mistakes” ahead of the collapse of his $32bn cryptocurrency empire, which threatens to inflict significant financial losses on users of his popular FTX trading platform.The founder of the now-bankrupt crypto exchange FTX denied “knowingly” commingling customer funds with those held by Alameda Research, his proprietary trading group.“Clearly, I made a lot of mistakes or things I would give anything to be able to do over again,” Bankman-Fried said during an interview at The New York Times Dealbook summit.Appearing virtually from the Bahamas, Bankman-Fried grinned nervously, repeatedly tapped his foot and appeared to shake involuntarily as he faced wide-ranging questions on topics from prescription drug use by FTX staff and the improper transfer of funds to whether he knowingly flouted risk and compliance rules that jeopardised customer accounts.“I was failing to pay nearly enough attention to positions and positional risk on the exchange and to Alameda’s in particular and . . . I substantially underestimated what the scale and speed of the [crypto] market crash would look like,” he said.“There is a substantial discrepancy between what the true, audited financials were . . . versus what the dashboards we had displayed for Alameda’s account, which substantially under-displayed the size of the positions.”Bankman-Fried gave the interview just weeks after FTX, previously the darling of the global crypto industry, filed for US bankruptcy protection. The collapse of FTX was precipitated by panicked customer withdrawals and ricocheted across crypto markets. It was eventually discovered that as much as $8bn of funds were missing.The collapse of FTX is being examined by criminal prosecutors and financial regulators in the US and the Bahamas.The 30-year-old admitted that his lawyers had told him not to agree to interviews with journalists amid multiple investigations and pending lawsuits. “I think I have a duty to talk and to explain what happened,” he said. “I don’t see what good is accomplished by sitting in a room pretending that the outside world doesn’t exist.” “It’s not what I’m focusing on,” he said, when asked about whether he was worried about potential criminal liability. “I had a bad month,” he added to laughter from the audience.Following the bankruptcy filing, Bankman-Fried was replaced as chief executive of FTX by John Ray, a restructuring expert who represented plaintiffs in the Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford frauds and helped unwind Enron. Ray said he had never seen “such a complete failure of corporate controls”.“The [company] did not have the type of disbursement controls that I believe are appropriate for a business enterprise,” said Ray in court filings, adding that company money was spent on buying homes and personal items for FTX employees and advisers.During Wednesday’s interview, Bankman-Fried defended his position as one of the most prolific donors to the US Democratic party in the latest election cycle.“My donations were mostly for pandemic prevention, and they were looking at primary elections where there were candidates who are outspoken in favour of doing things now to prevent the next pandemic.”Bankman-Fried will continue to face questions and allegations from prosecutors, regulators, investors and up to 1mn creditors over FTX’s missing funds.When asked if he would leave the Bahamas to come to the US, he said he “would not be surprised” if he was called on to give evidence at one of the numerous hearings on the collapse of the exchange. A class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of investors in the US on Wednesday alleged FTX was “truly a house of cards, a Ponzi scheme where [FTX] shuffled customer funds between their opaque affiliated entities”.
Cita de: el malo en Diciembre 01, 2022, 11:02:55 amCita de: Derby en Diciembre 01, 2022, 08:08:34 amAl hilo del último post de Asustadísimos y las tensiones PSOE-Podemos...https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2022-12-01/psoe-apoyo-moncloa-irene-montero-reforma-solo-si-es-si_3532649/Citar"NOS HACE MUCHO DAÑO"El PSOE se harta del apoyo de la Moncloa a Igualdad y exige corregir la ley MonteroConsideran que rectificar sería menos dañino que cargar la culpa de las rebajas de penas. Las palabras de la ministra en el Congreso, que acusó al PP de fomentar la "cultura de la violación", colmaron la paciencia de los socialistasAtentos a esto. Ya se que voy a decir una perogrullada, pero me niego a aceptarlo y lo diré en voz alta cada vez que lo vea.El PSOE, el partido que gobierna a casi 50.000.000 de personas, dice que hay que corregir una Ley (estúpida) porque "les hace daño". No porque sea un error, ni porque esté sacando a violadores (de verdad) a la calle, ni porque afecte negativamente a los gobernados. Quieren corregir la ley "porque les hace daño" (al partido).Ya se que hace muchos años que esta gentuza no piensa en la gente a la que gobiernan, pero es que ni se molestan en disimular. Lo tienen tan interiorizado que no cuidan ni las formas.Luego vendrá la guillotina y alguno ni siquiera lo entenderá. Por lo menos Louis XVI sabía por qué le pasaron la Gillette.Esto es curioso porque en el cálculo de intereses en el que vive esta gente, al PP le interesa que Montero continue enferma pero sin morirse y al PSOE posiblemente también para hacer ver que Podemos es un problema y que hay que votarle a él.
Tipos de interés en 2023 y el fin de las burbujashttps://www.vozpopuli.com/opinion/tipos-interes-2023-fin-burbujas.html
Otro ejemplo de debilidad mental y ego frágil...No oiga no, no son errores! No se trata de desconocimiento o ignorancia, que en ningún caso excusaría del cumplimiento de la Ley, se trata de una estafa de manual. https://www.ft.com/content/2abfb546-cd8f-4945-89f8-218607ac2768
Cita de: Derby en Diciembre 01, 2022, 08:36:01 amOtro ejemplo de debilidad mental y ego frágil...No oiga no, no son errores! No se trata de desconocimiento o ignorancia, que en ningún caso excusaría del cumplimiento de la Ley, se trata de una estafa de manual. https://www.ft.com/content/2abfb546-cd8f-4945-89f8-218607ac2768Pues otro como Elizabeth Holmes. Ella llorando le dijo al juez que nunca quiso hacer nada malo. La realidad fue que, incluso dando por bueno que ella creyó al principio que su idea era factible, es obvio que llegó un momento en que engañó a los inversores. En vez de ser valiente y reconocer que en el mejor de los casos llevaría más tiempo, o en el peor que era irrealizable, empezó a falsear resultados para aparentar que todo iba bien y así ganar tiempo.Embarazarse durante el juicio y así tratar de dar lástima no ha sido muy inteligente por su parte.Estas historias siempre acaban igual.
Cita de: Derby en Diciembre 01, 2022, 08:08:34 amAl hilo del último post de Asustadísimos y las tensiones PSOE-Podemos...https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2022-12-01/psoe-apoyo-moncloa-irene-montero-reforma-solo-si-es-si_3532649/Citar"NOS HACE MUCHO DAÑO"El PSOE se harta del apoyo de la Moncloa a Igualdad y exige corregir la ley MonteroConsideran que rectificar sería menos dañino que cargar la culpa de las rebajas de penas. Las palabras de la ministra en el Congreso, que acusó al PP de fomentar la "cultura de la violación", colmaron la paciencia de los socialistassi hay tensiones en la coalición, no serán por esta ley, pero de largo
Y con ello, además de venir a llorar mis cuitas particulares, creo que toco de algún modo una problemática fundamental en la sociedad actual (particularmente la occidental -y diría que especialmente el CP-), y que si uno hurga, puede acabr conectándola con :El éxito de los psicópatas en cargos de mandolos problemas de boeinglos de los programadoreslos engominadosel wokismoel reaccionarismo ideológico, social y político Rusia o hungríael infantilismo de las nuevas generaciones...el CP, en suma, como articulado de una superestructura totalmente superada por la realidad.Divago demasiado comme dhabitude, no?Nada, prosigan.SDs.
[... ]Me ha comunicado en la segunda frase que espera que el respeto se mantenga siempre en nuestras comunicaciones y críticas; lo que me ha dejado estupefacto.
La vida se ha convertido en un partido de fútbol. Todo ahora es Barça Vs Madrid. Es la única óptica para mirar/tratar/hablar de cualquier tema o cosa. O comulgas al 120% conmigo o estás contra mí. Sí estás contra mí, no eres de losmíos, por lo tato tu opinión carece de fundamento.Me duele reconocerlo, pero así son las cosas en todo occidente.