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How Dimon and Yellen Helped Secure $30 Billion Lifeline for First Republic*Eleven banks deposit $30 billion to backstop distressed firm*Flurry of calls persuades some CEOs wondering, ‘Will it work?’Jamie Dimon and Janet Yellen were on a call Tuesday, when she floated an idea: What if the nation’s largest lenders deposited billions of dollars into First Republic Bank, the latest firm getting nudged toward the brink by a depositor panic.Dimon was game — and soon the chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co. was reaching out to the heads of the next three largest US lenders: Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. All month, the nation’s banking giants have been raking in deposits from nervous customers at smaller firms — and now those behemoths would be taking some of their own money and handing it to a San Francisco bank in distress, trying to stanch a widening crisis. One reason strong banks stepped forward then was that US authorities had little ability to do so, which led to the creation of the Federal Reserve. This time regulators were already scrutinizing First Republic, raising the prospect of emergency government intervention — and political blowback for years to come.“If this works, it is a brilliant two-fer,’” said Todd Baker, a senior fellow at Columbia University’s Richard Paul Richman Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy. Big banks already were coming under fire for soaking up deposits from smaller lenders. Now they can show they’re part of the solution, while the Biden administration worries about one less bank, he said.Regulators took their own shot at assuaging US banking customers last weekend, promising to fully pay out uninsured deposits after the failure of two US lenders — SVB Financial Group and Signature Bank. The Fed also made a pair of facilities available to help other banks keep up with any demands for withdrawals.But that’s not guaranteed to work. And there already are signs that the strains in the financial system have yet to abate.Early Thursday in Zurich, the Swiss National Bank offered Credit Suisse Group AG a $54 billion liquidity lifeline to keep the firm in business as it tries to overhaul operations. Then later on Thursday, the Fed published data showing how heavily banks are drawing on its assistance.They borrowed a combined $164.8 billion from two backstop facilities in the most recent week ended March 15. That includes a record $152.85 billion from the discount window, the traditional liquidity backstop for banks. The prior all-time high was $111 billion reached during the 2008 financial crisis. In a statement after the official close of US exchanges, First Republic said its borrowings from the Fed varied from $20 billion to $109 billion from March 10 to March 15. The bank’s shares, which rose 10% during regular trading on Thursday, sank 17% after hours.Given the tumult of the past week, most big US banks were eager to show their interest in pitching in, according to people who described the behind-the-scenes talks, who asked not to be named because the deliberations were confidential.Treasury Secretary Yellen discussed the idea early on with senior officials including Fed Chair Jerome Powell and FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg.The flurry of phone calls among bankers kept widening on Wednesday as more firms agreed to join the group. Still, some CEOs required cajoling, questioning the necessity of the rescue or whether it’s enough to work. Yellen spoke to some directly, also keeping White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients and National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard in the loop.By Thursday, much of the group was taking shape. It’s possible that at least some laggards were invited late, or just needed more time to get internal approvals. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. was among the last few.Another call Thursday morning between regulators and CEOs helped finalize the plan.“This show of support by a group of large banks is most welcome, and demonstrates the resilience of the banking system,” Yellen, Powell, Gruenberg and acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu said in a joint statement.Not everyone is convinced it’s a good idea. Billionaire investor Bill Ackman said in a tweet on Thursday that the rescue is “bad policy” and gives a false sense of confidence. He called for the US to announce a temporary guarantee for all bank deposits, saying “we are beyond the point where the private sector can solve the problem.”Deposits to First Republic Contribution Per BankJPMorgan, BofA, Citi, Wells Fargo $5 billion Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley $2.5 billionPNC, BNY Mellon, Truist, U.S. Bancorp, State Street $1 billion In some ways, the rescue resembles the 1998 plan devised to bail out Long Term Capital Management without using public money, after the hedge fund made disastrous wrong-way bets. Back then, the Fed convened a meeting of Wall Street executives from Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and about a dozen others. They agreed to pump $3.65 billion into the fund to keep it afloat and avert a collapse in financial markets.As with LTCM, the banks saw saving First Republic as ultimately in their best interests, as it’s better than risking a widening panic that might engulf more of them, one of the people said.“This is the banking system taking care of itself,” said Todd Phillips, a former FDIC attorney now at the Roosevelt Institute.One delicate aspect of the $30 billion lifeline is portioning out the credit. Though Dimon played the role of J. Pierpont Morgan behind the scenes, the banks crafted a joint statement, sorting their names into a groups based on the size of their contributions, and then listing them alphabetically.That put Bank of America at the front. Then in a chaotic rush of press releases, Citigroup’s happened to go out first.
un fragmento muy importante de ayerhttps://twitter.com/theemikehobart/status/1636494845144432643edito para añadir este enlace que trae subtítulos automáticos (autotraducidos también)Lankford - Yellen 2023-03-16
Cita de: muyuu en Marzo 17, 2023, 02:56:11 amun fragmento muy importante de ayerhttps://twitter.com/theemikehobart/status/1636494845144432643edito para añadir este enlace que trae subtítulos automáticos (autotraducidos también)Lankford - Yellen 2023-03-16[...]-Lankford: ¿los depósitos en todos los bancos comunitarios en Oklahoma, independientemente de su tamaño, estarán completamente asegurados? [...]¿recibirán el mismo tratamiento que SVB acaba de recibir o Signature Bank acaba de recibir? - Yellen: un banco solo recibe ese tratamiento si la mayoría de la junta de la FDIC, una super-mayoríala gran mayoría de la junta de la FED y yo, en consulta con el presidente determinamos que la falta de protección de los depositantes sin seguro crearía un riesgo sistémico y consecuencias económicas y financieras significativas- Lankford: entonces, ¿cuál es su plan para que los grandes depositantes de bancos comunitarios no se lleven sussus fondos de los bancos comunitarios a los grandes bancos?hemos visto las fusiones de bancos durante la última décadaMe preocupa que esté a punto de acelerar esto, que al animar a cualquiera que tenga un depósito grandeen un banco comunitario a decir que no lo va a recuperar, pero que si va a uno de nuestros bancos preferidos, lorecuperan en ese momento- Yellen: ciertamente no es algo que estemos alentando- LankfordEstá sucediendo ahora mismo-Yellen:ocurre porque los depositantes están preocupados por las quiebras bancarias que han ocurrido y por si otros bancos podrían o no...- Lankford:no, ocurre porque está completamente asegurado sin importar el monto, si está en un banco grande, y no está completamente asegurado si está en un banco comunitario- Yellen: bueno, no está completamente asegurado - Lankford: lo estaba en Signature Bank, apenas alcanzó ese umbral en el que estaba en Signature- Yellen: consideramos que existía un grave riesgo de contagio que podría haber provocado la caíday desencadenado corridas en muchos bancos y que, dado que nuestro juicio es que el sistema bancario en general está sano y salvo, losdepositantes deberían tener confianza en el sistema y tomamos estas medidas- Lankford: se ha realizado una evaluación especial en los bancos comunitarios en mi estado y entodos los bancos del país. ¿Hubo alguna discusión de que esa evaluación especial solo se aplicaría a losbancos más grandes o siempre se supuso que la evaluación especial iba a cubrir todos losbancos, incluidos los bancos rurales en mi estado- Yellen:creo que... no estoy segura de cuáles son las reglas en torno a eso,eso debe determinarlo el FDIC[...]
Me gustaría creer a PP.CC, sin duda.Pero la realidad parece ser tozuda ya que:-La inflación es de dóble dígito-La era cero se aleja, todo el mundo está subiendo los intereses.-El piso no baja.-La globalización está pasando por horas bajas.-El conflicto con Rusia a la que calificó como mera gasolinera, parece ser más complejo y dañino.-Las pensiones no se ajustan, todo lo contrario.-La banca está liberada de toda la"basura inmo" pero al mínimo estrés salta y vienen los Estados a salvarla.PP.CC, no niego de tu razón, pero quizás algún día, no hoy ni mañana, la tendencia es clara, pero la resilencia del sistema modifica esa dirección.Saludos.
[(Continuación del comentario anterior.)Que la situación esté más controlada de lo que parece no significa que, en el próximo futuro, vaya a seguir estándolo.Los superasalariados se les han subido a la chepa a las Autoridades. Es lógico. Estas no pueden permitirse vivir en las ciudades. Están cabreadísimos porque, aparte de ser grandes inversores inmobiliarios, ellos no son vulgares depositantes (garantizados al 100%), sino finísimos y elegantísimos partícipes (con garantía cero patatero).'Pro memoria': Powell gana al año 190.000,- dólares (178.000,- euritos)https://elceo.com/economia/quien-es-jerome-powell-y-cuanto-gana-en-la-fed/ ]
La versión actualizada del mierdismo es: «Bendita mierda de miedo a que en España no haya garantía al 100% de los depósitos, porque transformará depósitos en presión al alza en nuestras 'himbersiones', Marujita».