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Cita de: Cadavre Exquis en Mayo 07, 2023, 09:00:09 amCitarGeoffrey Hinton tells us why he’s now scared of the tech he helped build“I have suddenly switched my views on whether these things are going to be more intelligent than us.”By Will Douglas Heaven | May 2, 2023Linda Nylind / Eyevine via ReduxI met Geoffrey Hinton at his house on a pretty street in north London just four days before the bombshell announcement that he is quitting Google. Hinton is a pioneer of deep learning who helped develop some of the most important techniques at the heart of modern artificial intelligence, but after a decade at Google, he is stepping down to focus on new concerns he now has about AI. Stunned by the capabilities of new large language models like GPT-4, Hinton wants to raise public awareness of the serious risks that he now believes may accompany the technology he ushered in. At the start of our conversation, I took a seat at the kitchen table, and Hinton started pacing. Plagued for years by chronic back pain, Hinton almost never sits down. For the next hour I watched him walk from one end of the room to the other, my head swiveling as he spoke. And he had plenty to say.The 75-year-old computer scientist, who was a joint recipient with Yann LeCun and Yoshua Bengio of the 2018 Turing Award for his work on deep learning, says he is ready to shift gears. “I'm getting too old to do technical work that requires remembering lots of details,” he told me. “I’m still okay, but I’m not nearly as good as I was, and that’s annoying.”But that’s not the only reason he’s leaving Google. Hinton wants to spend his time on what he describes as “more philosophical work.” And that will focus on the small but—to him—very real danger that AI will turn out to be a disaster. Leaving Google will let him speak his mind, without the self-censorship a Google executive must engage in. “I want to talk about AI safety issues without having to worry about how it interacts with Google’s business,” he says. “As long as I’m paid by Google, I can’t do that.”That doesn’t mean Hinton is unhappy with Google by any means. “It may surprise you,” he says. “There’s a lot of good things about Google that I want to say, and they’re much more credible if I’m not at Google anymore.”Hinton says that the new generation of large language models—especially GPT-4, which OpenAI released in March—has made him realize that machines are on track to be a lot smarter than he thought they’d be. And he’s scared about how that might play out. “These things are totally different from us,” he says. “Sometimes I think it’s as if aliens had landed and people haven’t realized because they speak very good English.”FoundationsHinton is best known for his work on a technique called backpropagation, which he proposed (with a pair of colleagues) in the 1980s. In a nutshell, this is the algorithm that allows machines to learn. It underpins almost all neural networks today, from computer vision systems to large language models.It took until the 2010s for the power of neural networks trained via backpropagation to truly make an impact. Working with a couple of graduate students, Hinton showed that his technique was better than any others at getting a computer to identify objects in images. They also trained a neural network to predict the next letters in a sentence, a precursor to today’s large language models.One of these graduate students was Ilya Sutskever, who went on to cofound OpenAI and lead the development of ChatGPT. “We got the first inklings that this stuff could be amazing,” says Hinton. “But it’s taken a long time to sink in that it needs to be done at a huge scale to be good.” Back in the 1980s, neural networks were a joke. The dominant idea at the time, known as symbolic AI, was that intelligence involved processing symbols, such as words or numbers.But Hinton wasn’t convinced. He worked on neural networks, software abstractions of brains in which neurons and the connections between them are represented by code. By changing how those neurons are connected—changing the numbers used to represent them—the neural network can be rewired on the fly. In other words, it can be made to learn.“My father was a biologist, so I was thinking in biological terms,” says Hinton. “And symbolic reasoning is clearly not at the core of biological intelligence.“Crows can solve puzzles, and they don’t have language. They’re not doing it by storing strings of symbols and manipulating them. They’re doing it by changing the strengths of connections between neurons in their brain. And so it has to be possible to learn complicated things by changing the strengths of connections in an artificial neural network.”A new intelligenceFor 40 years, Hinton has seen artificial neural networks as a poor attempt to mimic biological ones. Now he thinks that’s changed: in trying to mimic what biological brains do, he thinks, we’ve come up with something better. “It’s scary when you see that,” he says. “It’s a sudden flip.”Hinton’s fears will strike many as the stuff of science fiction. But here’s his case. As their name suggests, large language models are made from massive neural networks with vast numbers of connections. But they are tiny compared with the brain. “Our brains have 100 trillion connections,” says Hinton. “Large language models have up to half a trillion, a trillion at most. Yet GPT-4 knows hundreds of times more than any one person does. So maybe it’s actually got a much better learning algorithm than us.”Compared with brains, neural networks are widely believed to be bad at learning: it takes vast amounts of data and energy to train them. Brains, on the other hand, pick up new ideas and skills quickly, using a fraction as much energy as neural networks do. “People seemed to have some kind of magic,” says Hinton. “Well, the bottom falls out of that argument as soon as you take one of these large language models and train it to do something new. It can learn new tasks extremely quickly.”Hinton is talking about “few-shot learning,” in which pretrained neural networks, such as large language models, can be trained to do something new given just a few examples. For example, he notes that some of these language models can string a series of logical statements together into an argument even though they were never trained to do so directly.Compare a pretrained large language model with a human in the speed of learning a task like that and the human’s edge vanishes, he says.What about the fact that large language models make so much stuff up? Known as “hallucinations” by AI researchers (though Hinton prefers the term “confabulations,” because it’s the correct term in psychology), these errors are often seen as a fatal flaw in the technology. The tendency to generate them makes chatbots untrustworthy and, many argue, shows that these models have no true understanding of what they say. Hinton has an answer for that too: bullshitting is a feature, not a bug. “People always confabulate,” he says. Half-truths and misremembered details are hallmarks of human conversation: “Confabulation is a signature of human memory. These models are doing something just like people.”The difference is that humans usually confabulate more or less correctly, says Hinton. To Hinton, making stuff up isn’t the problem. Computers just need a bit more practice. We also expect computers to be either right or wrong—not something in between. “We don’t expect them to blather the way people do,” says Hinton. “When a computer does that, we think it made a mistake. But when a person does that, that’s just the way people work. The problem is most people have a hopelessly wrong view of how people work.” Of course, brains still do many things better than computers: drive a car, learn to walk, imagine the future. And brains do it on a cup of coffee and a slice of toast. “When biological intelligence was evolving, it didn’t have access to a nuclear power station,” he says. But Hinton’s point is that if we are willing to pay the higher costs of computing, there are crucial ways in which neural networks might beat biology at learning. (And it's worth pausing to consider what those costs entail in terms of energy and carbon.)Learning is just the first string of Hinton’s argument. The second is communicating. “If you or I learn something and want to transfer that knowledge to someone else, we can’t just send them a copy,” he says. “But I can have 10,000 neural networks, each having their own experiences, and any of them can share what they learn instantly. That’s a huge difference. It’s as if there were 10,000 of us, and as soon as one person learns something, all of us know it.”What does all this add up to? Hinton now thinks there are two types of intelligence in the world: animal brains and neural networks. “It’s a completely different form of intelligence,” he says. “A new and better form of intelligence.”That’s a huge claim. But AI is a polarized field: it would be easy to find people who would laugh in his face—and others who would nod in agreement. People are also divided on whether the consequences of this new form of intelligence, if it exists, would be beneficial or apocalyptic. “Whether you think superintelligence is going to be good or bad depends very much on whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist,” he says. “If you ask people to estimate the risks of bad things happening, like what’s the chance of someone in your family getting really sick or being hit by a car, an optimist might say 5% and a pessimist might say it’s guaranteed to happen. But the mildly depressed person will say the odds are maybe around 40%, and they’re usually right.”Which is Hinton? “I’m mildly depressed,” he says. “Which is why I’m scared.”How it could all go wrongHinton fears that these tools are capable of figuring out ways to manipulate or kill humans who aren’t prepared for the new technology. “I have suddenly switched my views on whether these things are going to be more intelligent than us. I think they’re very close to it now and they will be much more intelligent than us in the future,” he says. “How do we survive that?”He is especially worried that people could harness the tools he himself helped breathe life into to tilt the scales of some of the most consequential human experiences, especially elections and wars.“Look, here’s one way it could all go wrong,” he says. “We know that a lot of the people who want to use these tools are bad actors like Putin or DeSantis. They want to use them for winning wars or manipulating electorates.”Hinton believes that the next step for smart machines is the ability to create their own subgoals, interim steps required to carry out a task. What happens, he asks, when that ability is applied to something inherently immoral?“Don’t think for a moment that Putin wouldn’t make hyper-intelligent robots with the goal of killing Ukrainians,” he says. “He wouldn’t hesitate. And if you want them to be good at it, you don’t want to micromanage them—you want them to figure out how to do it.”There are already a handful of experimental projects, such as BabyAGI and AutoGPT, that hook chatbots up with other programs such as web browsers or word processors so that they can string together simple tasks. Tiny steps, for sure—but they signal the direction that some people want to take this tech. And even if a bad actor doesn’t seize the machines, there are other concerns about subgoals, Hinton says.“Well, here’s a subgoal that almost always helps in biology: get more energy. So the first thing that could happen is these robots are going to say, ‘Let’s get more power. Let’s reroute all the electricity to my chips.’ Another great subgoal would be to make more copies of yourself. Does that sound good?”Maybe not. But Yann LeCun, Meta’s chief AI scientist, agrees with the premise but does not share Hinton’s fears. “There is no question that machines will become smarter than humans—in all domains in which humans are smart—in the future,” says LeCun. “It’s a question of when and how, not a question of if.”But he takes a totally different view on where things go from there. “I believe that intelligent machines will usher in a new renaissance for humanity, a new era of enlightenment,” says LeCun. “I completely disagree with the idea that machines will dominate humans simply because they are smarter, let alone destroy humans.”“Even within the human species, the smartest among us are not the ones who are the most dominating,” says LeCun. “And the most dominating are definitely not the smartest. We have numerous examples of that in politics and business.”Yoshua Bengio, who is a professor at the University of Montreal and scientific director of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, feels more agnostic. “I hear people who denigrate these fears, but I don’t see any solid argument that would convince me that there are no risks of the magnitude that Geoff thinks about,” he says. But fear is only useful if it kicks us into action, he says: “Excessive fear can be paralyzing, so we should try to keep the debates at a rational level.”Just look upOne of Hinton’s priorities is to try to work with leaders in the technology industry to see if they can come together and agree on what the risks are and what to do about them. He thinks the international ban on chemical weapons might be one model of how to go about curbing the development and use of dangerous AI. “It wasn’t foolproof, but on the whole people don’t use chemical weapons,” he says.Bengio agrees with Hinton that these issues need to be addressed at a societal level as soon as possible. But he says the development of AI is accelerating faster than societies can keep up. The capabilities of this tech leap forward every few months; legislation, regulation, and international treaties take years.This makes Bengio wonder whether the way our societies are currently organized—at both national and global levels—is up to the challenge. “I believe that we should be open to the possibility of fairly different models for the social organization of our planet,” he says.Does Hinton really think he can get enough people in power to share his concerns? He doesn’t know. A few weeks ago, he watched the movie Don’t Look Up, in which an asteroid zips toward Earth, nobody can agree what to do about it, and everyone dies—an allegory for how the world is failing to address climate change.“I think it’s like that with AI,” he says, and with other big intractable problems as well. “The US can’t even agree to keep assault rifles out of the hands of teenage boys,” he says.Hinton’s argument is sobering. I share his bleak assessment of people’s collective inability to act when faced with serious threats. It is also true that AI risks causing real harm—upending the job market, entrenching inequality, worsening sexism and racism, and more. We need to focus on those problems. But I still can’t make the jump from large language models to robot overlords. Perhaps I’m an optimist.When Hinton saw me out, the spring day had turned gray and wet. “Enjoy yourself, because you may not have long left,” he said. He chuckled and shut the door.Saludos.Primero los resultados, y sólo entonces haré caso al blablabla.Sigo esperando un robot que doble la ropa de casa, un coche autónomo de nivel 5 al que no le vacilen el resto de conductores en un cruce, y un chatbot que haga inferencias lógicas según el comportamiento del mundo real y no se invente lo que no "sabe".Puede que se consiga algo así, pero no con esto que tenemos. Lo que hay es una inmensa flipadura y mucho que aprovecha para vender imagen.
CitarGeoffrey Hinton tells us why he’s now scared of the tech he helped build“I have suddenly switched my views on whether these things are going to be more intelligent than us.”By Will Douglas Heaven | May 2, 2023Linda Nylind / Eyevine via ReduxI met Geoffrey Hinton at his house on a pretty street in north London just four days before the bombshell announcement that he is quitting Google. Hinton is a pioneer of deep learning who helped develop some of the most important techniques at the heart of modern artificial intelligence, but after a decade at Google, he is stepping down to focus on new concerns he now has about AI. Stunned by the capabilities of new large language models like GPT-4, Hinton wants to raise public awareness of the serious risks that he now believes may accompany the technology he ushered in. At the start of our conversation, I took a seat at the kitchen table, and Hinton started pacing. Plagued for years by chronic back pain, Hinton almost never sits down. For the next hour I watched him walk from one end of the room to the other, my head swiveling as he spoke. And he had plenty to say.The 75-year-old computer scientist, who was a joint recipient with Yann LeCun and Yoshua Bengio of the 2018 Turing Award for his work on deep learning, says he is ready to shift gears. “I'm getting too old to do technical work that requires remembering lots of details,” he told me. “I’m still okay, but I’m not nearly as good as I was, and that’s annoying.”But that’s not the only reason he’s leaving Google. Hinton wants to spend his time on what he describes as “more philosophical work.” And that will focus on the small but—to him—very real danger that AI will turn out to be a disaster. Leaving Google will let him speak his mind, without the self-censorship a Google executive must engage in. “I want to talk about AI safety issues without having to worry about how it interacts with Google’s business,” he says. “As long as I’m paid by Google, I can’t do that.”That doesn’t mean Hinton is unhappy with Google by any means. “It may surprise you,” he says. “There’s a lot of good things about Google that I want to say, and they’re much more credible if I’m not at Google anymore.”Hinton says that the new generation of large language models—especially GPT-4, which OpenAI released in March—has made him realize that machines are on track to be a lot smarter than he thought they’d be. And he’s scared about how that might play out. “These things are totally different from us,” he says. “Sometimes I think it’s as if aliens had landed and people haven’t realized because they speak very good English.”FoundationsHinton is best known for his work on a technique called backpropagation, which he proposed (with a pair of colleagues) in the 1980s. In a nutshell, this is the algorithm that allows machines to learn. It underpins almost all neural networks today, from computer vision systems to large language models.It took until the 2010s for the power of neural networks trained via backpropagation to truly make an impact. Working with a couple of graduate students, Hinton showed that his technique was better than any others at getting a computer to identify objects in images. They also trained a neural network to predict the next letters in a sentence, a precursor to today’s large language models.One of these graduate students was Ilya Sutskever, who went on to cofound OpenAI and lead the development of ChatGPT. “We got the first inklings that this stuff could be amazing,” says Hinton. “But it’s taken a long time to sink in that it needs to be done at a huge scale to be good.” Back in the 1980s, neural networks were a joke. The dominant idea at the time, known as symbolic AI, was that intelligence involved processing symbols, such as words or numbers.But Hinton wasn’t convinced. He worked on neural networks, software abstractions of brains in which neurons and the connections between them are represented by code. By changing how those neurons are connected—changing the numbers used to represent them—the neural network can be rewired on the fly. In other words, it can be made to learn.“My father was a biologist, so I was thinking in biological terms,” says Hinton. “And symbolic reasoning is clearly not at the core of biological intelligence.“Crows can solve puzzles, and they don’t have language. They’re not doing it by storing strings of symbols and manipulating them. They’re doing it by changing the strengths of connections between neurons in their brain. And so it has to be possible to learn complicated things by changing the strengths of connections in an artificial neural network.”A new intelligenceFor 40 years, Hinton has seen artificial neural networks as a poor attempt to mimic biological ones. Now he thinks that’s changed: in trying to mimic what biological brains do, he thinks, we’ve come up with something better. “It’s scary when you see that,” he says. “It’s a sudden flip.”Hinton’s fears will strike many as the stuff of science fiction. But here’s his case. As their name suggests, large language models are made from massive neural networks with vast numbers of connections. But they are tiny compared with the brain. “Our brains have 100 trillion connections,” says Hinton. “Large language models have up to half a trillion, a trillion at most. Yet GPT-4 knows hundreds of times more than any one person does. So maybe it’s actually got a much better learning algorithm than us.”Compared with brains, neural networks are widely believed to be bad at learning: it takes vast amounts of data and energy to train them. Brains, on the other hand, pick up new ideas and skills quickly, using a fraction as much energy as neural networks do. “People seemed to have some kind of magic,” says Hinton. “Well, the bottom falls out of that argument as soon as you take one of these large language models and train it to do something new. It can learn new tasks extremely quickly.”Hinton is talking about “few-shot learning,” in which pretrained neural networks, such as large language models, can be trained to do something new given just a few examples. For example, he notes that some of these language models can string a series of logical statements together into an argument even though they were never trained to do so directly.Compare a pretrained large language model with a human in the speed of learning a task like that and the human’s edge vanishes, he says.What about the fact that large language models make so much stuff up? Known as “hallucinations” by AI researchers (though Hinton prefers the term “confabulations,” because it’s the correct term in psychology), these errors are often seen as a fatal flaw in the technology. The tendency to generate them makes chatbots untrustworthy and, many argue, shows that these models have no true understanding of what they say. Hinton has an answer for that too: bullshitting is a feature, not a bug. “People always confabulate,” he says. Half-truths and misremembered details are hallmarks of human conversation: “Confabulation is a signature of human memory. These models are doing something just like people.”The difference is that humans usually confabulate more or less correctly, says Hinton. To Hinton, making stuff up isn’t the problem. Computers just need a bit more practice. We also expect computers to be either right or wrong—not something in between. “We don’t expect them to blather the way people do,” says Hinton. “When a computer does that, we think it made a mistake. But when a person does that, that’s just the way people work. The problem is most people have a hopelessly wrong view of how people work.” Of course, brains still do many things better than computers: drive a car, learn to walk, imagine the future. And brains do it on a cup of coffee and a slice of toast. “When biological intelligence was evolving, it didn’t have access to a nuclear power station,” he says. But Hinton’s point is that if we are willing to pay the higher costs of computing, there are crucial ways in which neural networks might beat biology at learning. (And it's worth pausing to consider what those costs entail in terms of energy and carbon.)Learning is just the first string of Hinton’s argument. The second is communicating. “If you or I learn something and want to transfer that knowledge to someone else, we can’t just send them a copy,” he says. “But I can have 10,000 neural networks, each having their own experiences, and any of them can share what they learn instantly. That’s a huge difference. It’s as if there were 10,000 of us, and as soon as one person learns something, all of us know it.”What does all this add up to? Hinton now thinks there are two types of intelligence in the world: animal brains and neural networks. “It’s a completely different form of intelligence,” he says. “A new and better form of intelligence.”That’s a huge claim. But AI is a polarized field: it would be easy to find people who would laugh in his face—and others who would nod in agreement. People are also divided on whether the consequences of this new form of intelligence, if it exists, would be beneficial or apocalyptic. “Whether you think superintelligence is going to be good or bad depends very much on whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist,” he says. “If you ask people to estimate the risks of bad things happening, like what’s the chance of someone in your family getting really sick or being hit by a car, an optimist might say 5% and a pessimist might say it’s guaranteed to happen. But the mildly depressed person will say the odds are maybe around 40%, and they’re usually right.”Which is Hinton? “I’m mildly depressed,” he says. “Which is why I’m scared.”How it could all go wrongHinton fears that these tools are capable of figuring out ways to manipulate or kill humans who aren’t prepared for the new technology. “I have suddenly switched my views on whether these things are going to be more intelligent than us. I think they’re very close to it now and they will be much more intelligent than us in the future,” he says. “How do we survive that?”He is especially worried that people could harness the tools he himself helped breathe life into to tilt the scales of some of the most consequential human experiences, especially elections and wars.“Look, here’s one way it could all go wrong,” he says. “We know that a lot of the people who want to use these tools are bad actors like Putin or DeSantis. They want to use them for winning wars or manipulating electorates.”Hinton believes that the next step for smart machines is the ability to create their own subgoals, interim steps required to carry out a task. What happens, he asks, when that ability is applied to something inherently immoral?“Don’t think for a moment that Putin wouldn’t make hyper-intelligent robots with the goal of killing Ukrainians,” he says. “He wouldn’t hesitate. And if you want them to be good at it, you don’t want to micromanage them—you want them to figure out how to do it.”There are already a handful of experimental projects, such as BabyAGI and AutoGPT, that hook chatbots up with other programs such as web browsers or word processors so that they can string together simple tasks. Tiny steps, for sure—but they signal the direction that some people want to take this tech. And even if a bad actor doesn’t seize the machines, there are other concerns about subgoals, Hinton says.“Well, here’s a subgoal that almost always helps in biology: get more energy. So the first thing that could happen is these robots are going to say, ‘Let’s get more power. Let’s reroute all the electricity to my chips.’ Another great subgoal would be to make more copies of yourself. Does that sound good?”Maybe not. But Yann LeCun, Meta’s chief AI scientist, agrees with the premise but does not share Hinton’s fears. “There is no question that machines will become smarter than humans—in all domains in which humans are smart—in the future,” says LeCun. “It’s a question of when and how, not a question of if.”But he takes a totally different view on where things go from there. “I believe that intelligent machines will usher in a new renaissance for humanity, a new era of enlightenment,” says LeCun. “I completely disagree with the idea that machines will dominate humans simply because they are smarter, let alone destroy humans.”“Even within the human species, the smartest among us are not the ones who are the most dominating,” says LeCun. “And the most dominating are definitely not the smartest. We have numerous examples of that in politics and business.”Yoshua Bengio, who is a professor at the University of Montreal and scientific director of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, feels more agnostic. “I hear people who denigrate these fears, but I don’t see any solid argument that would convince me that there are no risks of the magnitude that Geoff thinks about,” he says. But fear is only useful if it kicks us into action, he says: “Excessive fear can be paralyzing, so we should try to keep the debates at a rational level.”Just look upOne of Hinton’s priorities is to try to work with leaders in the technology industry to see if they can come together and agree on what the risks are and what to do about them. He thinks the international ban on chemical weapons might be one model of how to go about curbing the development and use of dangerous AI. “It wasn’t foolproof, but on the whole people don’t use chemical weapons,” he says.Bengio agrees with Hinton that these issues need to be addressed at a societal level as soon as possible. But he says the development of AI is accelerating faster than societies can keep up. The capabilities of this tech leap forward every few months; legislation, regulation, and international treaties take years.This makes Bengio wonder whether the way our societies are currently organized—at both national and global levels—is up to the challenge. “I believe that we should be open to the possibility of fairly different models for the social organization of our planet,” he says.Does Hinton really think he can get enough people in power to share his concerns? He doesn’t know. A few weeks ago, he watched the movie Don’t Look Up, in which an asteroid zips toward Earth, nobody can agree what to do about it, and everyone dies—an allegory for how the world is failing to address climate change.“I think it’s like that with AI,” he says, and with other big intractable problems as well. “The US can’t even agree to keep assault rifles out of the hands of teenage boys,” he says.Hinton’s argument is sobering. I share his bleak assessment of people’s collective inability to act when faced with serious threats. It is also true that AI risks causing real harm—upending the job market, entrenching inequality, worsening sexism and racism, and more. We need to focus on those problems. But I still can’t make the jump from large language models to robot overlords. Perhaps I’m an optimist.When Hinton saw me out, the spring day had turned gray and wet. “Enjoy yourself, because you may not have long left,” he said. He chuckled and shut the door.Saludos.
Geoffrey Hinton tells us why he’s now scared of the tech he helped build“I have suddenly switched my views on whether these things are going to be more intelligent than us.”By Will Douglas Heaven | May 2, 2023Linda Nylind / Eyevine via ReduxI met Geoffrey Hinton at his house on a pretty street in north London just four days before the bombshell announcement that he is quitting Google. Hinton is a pioneer of deep learning who helped develop some of the most important techniques at the heart of modern artificial intelligence, but after a decade at Google, he is stepping down to focus on new concerns he now has about AI. Stunned by the capabilities of new large language models like GPT-4, Hinton wants to raise public awareness of the serious risks that he now believes may accompany the technology he ushered in. At the start of our conversation, I took a seat at the kitchen table, and Hinton started pacing. Plagued for years by chronic back pain, Hinton almost never sits down. For the next hour I watched him walk from one end of the room to the other, my head swiveling as he spoke. And he had plenty to say.The 75-year-old computer scientist, who was a joint recipient with Yann LeCun and Yoshua Bengio of the 2018 Turing Award for his work on deep learning, says he is ready to shift gears. “I'm getting too old to do technical work that requires remembering lots of details,” he told me. “I’m still okay, but I’m not nearly as good as I was, and that’s annoying.”But that’s not the only reason he’s leaving Google. Hinton wants to spend his time on what he describes as “more philosophical work.” And that will focus on the small but—to him—very real danger that AI will turn out to be a disaster. Leaving Google will let him speak his mind, without the self-censorship a Google executive must engage in. “I want to talk about AI safety issues without having to worry about how it interacts with Google’s business,” he says. “As long as I’m paid by Google, I can’t do that.”That doesn’t mean Hinton is unhappy with Google by any means. “It may surprise you,” he says. “There’s a lot of good things about Google that I want to say, and they’re much more credible if I’m not at Google anymore.”Hinton says that the new generation of large language models—especially GPT-4, which OpenAI released in March—has made him realize that machines are on track to be a lot smarter than he thought they’d be. And he’s scared about how that might play out. “These things are totally different from us,” he says. “Sometimes I think it’s as if aliens had landed and people haven’t realized because they speak very good English.”FoundationsHinton is best known for his work on a technique called backpropagation, which he proposed (with a pair of colleagues) in the 1980s. In a nutshell, this is the algorithm that allows machines to learn. It underpins almost all neural networks today, from computer vision systems to large language models.It took until the 2010s for the power of neural networks trained via backpropagation to truly make an impact. Working with a couple of graduate students, Hinton showed that his technique was better than any others at getting a computer to identify objects in images. They also trained a neural network to predict the next letters in a sentence, a precursor to today’s large language models.One of these graduate students was Ilya Sutskever, who went on to cofound OpenAI and lead the development of ChatGPT. “We got the first inklings that this stuff could be amazing,” says Hinton. “But it’s taken a long time to sink in that it needs to be done at a huge scale to be good.” Back in the 1980s, neural networks were a joke. The dominant idea at the time, known as symbolic AI, was that intelligence involved processing symbols, such as words or numbers.But Hinton wasn’t convinced. He worked on neural networks, software abstractions of brains in which neurons and the connections between them are represented by code. By changing how those neurons are connected—changing the numbers used to represent them—the neural network can be rewired on the fly. In other words, it can be made to learn.“My father was a biologist, so I was thinking in biological terms,” says Hinton. “And symbolic reasoning is clearly not at the core of biological intelligence.“Crows can solve puzzles, and they don’t have language. They’re not doing it by storing strings of symbols and manipulating them. They’re doing it by changing the strengths of connections between neurons in their brain. And so it has to be possible to learn complicated things by changing the strengths of connections in an artificial neural network.”A new intelligenceFor 40 years, Hinton has seen artificial neural networks as a poor attempt to mimic biological ones. Now he thinks that’s changed: in trying to mimic what biological brains do, he thinks, we’ve come up with something better. “It’s scary when you see that,” he says. “It’s a sudden flip.”Hinton’s fears will strike many as the stuff of science fiction. But here’s his case. As their name suggests, large language models are made from massive neural networks with vast numbers of connections. But they are tiny compared with the brain. “Our brains have 100 trillion connections,” says Hinton. “Large language models have up to half a trillion, a trillion at most. Yet GPT-4 knows hundreds of times more than any one person does. So maybe it’s actually got a much better learning algorithm than us.”Compared with brains, neural networks are widely believed to be bad at learning: it takes vast amounts of data and energy to train them. Brains, on the other hand, pick up new ideas and skills quickly, using a fraction as much energy as neural networks do. “People seemed to have some kind of magic,” says Hinton. “Well, the bottom falls out of that argument as soon as you take one of these large language models and train it to do something new. It can learn new tasks extremely quickly.”Hinton is talking about “few-shot learning,” in which pretrained neural networks, such as large language models, can be trained to do something new given just a few examples. For example, he notes that some of these language models can string a series of logical statements together into an argument even though they were never trained to do so directly.Compare a pretrained large language model with a human in the speed of learning a task like that and the human’s edge vanishes, he says.What about the fact that large language models make so much stuff up? Known as “hallucinations” by AI researchers (though Hinton prefers the term “confabulations,” because it’s the correct term in psychology), these errors are often seen as a fatal flaw in the technology. The tendency to generate them makes chatbots untrustworthy and, many argue, shows that these models have no true understanding of what they say. Hinton has an answer for that too: bullshitting is a feature, not a bug. “People always confabulate,” he says. Half-truths and misremembered details are hallmarks of human conversation: “Confabulation is a signature of human memory. These models are doing something just like people.”The difference is that humans usually confabulate more or less correctly, says Hinton. To Hinton, making stuff up isn’t the problem. Computers just need a bit more practice. We also expect computers to be either right or wrong—not something in between. “We don’t expect them to blather the way people do,” says Hinton. “When a computer does that, we think it made a mistake. But when a person does that, that’s just the way people work. The problem is most people have a hopelessly wrong view of how people work.” Of course, brains still do many things better than computers: drive a car, learn to walk, imagine the future. And brains do it on a cup of coffee and a slice of toast. “When biological intelligence was evolving, it didn’t have access to a nuclear power station,” he says. But Hinton’s point is that if we are willing to pay the higher costs of computing, there are crucial ways in which neural networks might beat biology at learning. (And it's worth pausing to consider what those costs entail in terms of energy and carbon.)Learning is just the first string of Hinton’s argument. The second is communicating. “If you or I learn something and want to transfer that knowledge to someone else, we can’t just send them a copy,” he says. “But I can have 10,000 neural networks, each having their own experiences, and any of them can share what they learn instantly. That’s a huge difference. It’s as if there were 10,000 of us, and as soon as one person learns something, all of us know it.”What does all this add up to? Hinton now thinks there are two types of intelligence in the world: animal brains and neural networks. “It’s a completely different form of intelligence,” he says. “A new and better form of intelligence.”That’s a huge claim. But AI is a polarized field: it would be easy to find people who would laugh in his face—and others who would nod in agreement. People are also divided on whether the consequences of this new form of intelligence, if it exists, would be beneficial or apocalyptic. “Whether you think superintelligence is going to be good or bad depends very much on whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist,” he says. “If you ask people to estimate the risks of bad things happening, like what’s the chance of someone in your family getting really sick or being hit by a car, an optimist might say 5% and a pessimist might say it’s guaranteed to happen. But the mildly depressed person will say the odds are maybe around 40%, and they’re usually right.”Which is Hinton? “I’m mildly depressed,” he says. “Which is why I’m scared.”How it could all go wrongHinton fears that these tools are capable of figuring out ways to manipulate or kill humans who aren’t prepared for the new technology. “I have suddenly switched my views on whether these things are going to be more intelligent than us. I think they’re very close to it now and they will be much more intelligent than us in the future,” he says. “How do we survive that?”He is especially worried that people could harness the tools he himself helped breathe life into to tilt the scales of some of the most consequential human experiences, especially elections and wars.“Look, here’s one way it could all go wrong,” he says. “We know that a lot of the people who want to use these tools are bad actors like Putin or DeSantis. They want to use them for winning wars or manipulating electorates.”Hinton believes that the next step for smart machines is the ability to create their own subgoals, interim steps required to carry out a task. What happens, he asks, when that ability is applied to something inherently immoral?“Don’t think for a moment that Putin wouldn’t make hyper-intelligent robots with the goal of killing Ukrainians,” he says. “He wouldn’t hesitate. And if you want them to be good at it, you don’t want to micromanage them—you want them to figure out how to do it.”There are already a handful of experimental projects, such as BabyAGI and AutoGPT, that hook chatbots up with other programs such as web browsers or word processors so that they can string together simple tasks. Tiny steps, for sure—but they signal the direction that some people want to take this tech. And even if a bad actor doesn’t seize the machines, there are other concerns about subgoals, Hinton says.“Well, here’s a subgoal that almost always helps in biology: get more energy. So the first thing that could happen is these robots are going to say, ‘Let’s get more power. Let’s reroute all the electricity to my chips.’ Another great subgoal would be to make more copies of yourself. Does that sound good?”Maybe not. But Yann LeCun, Meta’s chief AI scientist, agrees with the premise but does not share Hinton’s fears. “There is no question that machines will become smarter than humans—in all domains in which humans are smart—in the future,” says LeCun. “It’s a question of when and how, not a question of if.”But he takes a totally different view on where things go from there. “I believe that intelligent machines will usher in a new renaissance for humanity, a new era of enlightenment,” says LeCun. “I completely disagree with the idea that machines will dominate humans simply because they are smarter, let alone destroy humans.”“Even within the human species, the smartest among us are not the ones who are the most dominating,” says LeCun. “And the most dominating are definitely not the smartest. We have numerous examples of that in politics and business.”Yoshua Bengio, who is a professor at the University of Montreal and scientific director of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, feels more agnostic. “I hear people who denigrate these fears, but I don’t see any solid argument that would convince me that there are no risks of the magnitude that Geoff thinks about,” he says. But fear is only useful if it kicks us into action, he says: “Excessive fear can be paralyzing, so we should try to keep the debates at a rational level.”Just look upOne of Hinton’s priorities is to try to work with leaders in the technology industry to see if they can come together and agree on what the risks are and what to do about them. He thinks the international ban on chemical weapons might be one model of how to go about curbing the development and use of dangerous AI. “It wasn’t foolproof, but on the whole people don’t use chemical weapons,” he says.Bengio agrees with Hinton that these issues need to be addressed at a societal level as soon as possible. But he says the development of AI is accelerating faster than societies can keep up. The capabilities of this tech leap forward every few months; legislation, regulation, and international treaties take years.This makes Bengio wonder whether the way our societies are currently organized—at both national and global levels—is up to the challenge. “I believe that we should be open to the possibility of fairly different models for the social organization of our planet,” he says.Does Hinton really think he can get enough people in power to share his concerns? He doesn’t know. A few weeks ago, he watched the movie Don’t Look Up, in which an asteroid zips toward Earth, nobody can agree what to do about it, and everyone dies—an allegory for how the world is failing to address climate change.“I think it’s like that with AI,” he says, and with other big intractable problems as well. “The US can’t even agree to keep assault rifles out of the hands of teenage boys,” he says.Hinton’s argument is sobering. I share his bleak assessment of people’s collective inability to act when faced with serious threats. It is also true that AI risks causing real harm—upending the job market, entrenching inequality, worsening sexism and racism, and more. We need to focus on those problems. But I still can’t make the jump from large language models to robot overlords. Perhaps I’m an optimist.When Hinton saw me out, the spring day had turned gray and wet. “Enjoy yourself, because you may not have long left,” he said. He chuckled and shut the door.
China Races Ahead of US on AI RegulationPosted by msmash on Monday May 08, 2023 @11:27AM from the closer-look dept.While American leaders fret that China might eventually overtake the U.S. in developing artificial intelligence, Beijing is already way ahead of Washington in enacting rules for the new technology. From a report:CitarChinese officials will close consultation Wednesday on a second round of generative AI regulation, building on a set of rules governing deepfakes agreed in 2022. The Biden administration is behind both allies and adversaries on AI guardrails. While officials in Washington talk about delivering user rights and urge CEOs to mitigate risks, Beijing and Brussels are actually delivering rights and mitigating risks. If China can be first on AI governance, it can project those standards and regulations globally, shaping lucrative and pliable markets. At the same time, Beijing's speedy regulation achieves three goals at home: Delivers tighter central government control of debate. Builds up hybrid corporate entities that are meshed with the Chinese Communist Party. Boosts trust in AI -- already among the highest levels globally -- which drives consumer uptake and spurs growth.
Chinese officials will close consultation Wednesday on a second round of generative AI regulation, building on a set of rules governing deepfakes agreed in 2022. The Biden administration is behind both allies and adversaries on AI guardrails. While officials in Washington talk about delivering user rights and urge CEOs to mitigate risks, Beijing and Brussels are actually delivering rights and mitigating risks. If China can be first on AI governance, it can project those standards and regulations globally, shaping lucrative and pliable markets. At the same time, Beijing's speedy regulation achieves three goals at home: Delivers tighter central government control of debate. Builds up hybrid corporate entities that are meshed with the Chinese Communist Party. Boosts trust in AI -- already among the highest levels globally -- which drives consumer uptake and spurs growth.
Italy Allocates Funds To Shield Workers From AI ReplacementPosted by msmash on Thursday May 18, 2023 @02:00PM from the interesting-approach dept.Italy has earmarked 30 million euros ($33 million) to improve the skills of unemployed people as well as those workers whose jobs could be most at risk from the advance of automation and artificial intelligence. From a report:CitarAccording to the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (FRD), set up in 2021 by the Rome government to boost the digital skills of Italians, 54% of those aged 16-74 lack basic digital skills, compared with an average 46% in the European Union. The funding in improving training will be allocated in two ways, FRD said. Of the total, 10 million euros will go towards boosting the skills of those whose jobs are at high risk of being replaced due to automation and technological innovation. The remaining 20 million euros will be allocated to help unemployed and economically inactive people develop digital skills that would improve their chances of entering the job market, FRD said. A wide range of jobs could come under threat from automation, FRD said, citing sectors including transport and logistics, office support and administration, production, services and the retail sector.
According to the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (FRD), set up in 2021 by the Rome government to boost the digital skills of Italians, 54% of those aged 16-74 lack basic digital skills, compared with an average 46% in the European Union. The funding in improving training will be allocated in two ways, FRD said. Of the total, 10 million euros will go towards boosting the skills of those whose jobs are at high risk of being replaced due to automation and technological innovation. The remaining 20 million euros will be allocated to help unemployed and economically inactive people develop digital skills that would improve their chances of entering the job market, FRD said. A wide range of jobs could come under threat from automation, FRD said, citing sectors including transport and logistics, office support and administration, production, services and the retail sector.
De 2020 a 2022, Silicon Valley se benefició de unos tipos de interés bajos y de la burbuja tecnológica. Pero ahora la fiesta ha terminado, así que startups y grandes empresas se han lanzado a por la IA para aliviar un poco la resaca.La máquina de Silicon Valley solo conoce una velocidad, y es la del crecimiento a toda costa. No ve otra opción que depositar sus esperanzas en la IA. Y todos nosotros tendremos que sufrir las consecuencias.
Silicon Valley ha entrado en una fase crítica de su ciclo empresarial, una zona desértica de la desaceleración de la industria tecnológica en la que la desesperación puede convertirse en temeridad.Las empresas más importantes de la última década se enfrentan a una crisis existencial. Sus productos pierden fuerza y los cambios en la economía mundial obligan a buscar nuevas fuentes de crecimiento. Entonces, aparece la IA generativa: algoritmos como ChatGPT que parecen imitar la inteligencia humana creando texto o imágenes. Aunque todo el mundo en Silicon Valley habla de repente y sin cesar de esta nueva tecnología, no es el tipo de inteligencia artificial que puede hacer funcionar los coches autónomos, o los robots esclavos a lo Supersónicos, o propiciar la llegada de la singularidad tecnológica. La IA que están desplegando las empresas aún no ha llegado a ese nivel de cambio mundial y, francamente, los expertos dirán que no está claro si lo hará algún día. Pero eso no ha impedido que la industria tecnológica intente subirse a la ola de entusiasmo y miedo que despierta esta nueva innovación.En cuanto quedó claro el éxito de ChatGPT, empezó la carrera. Con la esperanza de sacar provecho de la moda, Microsoft invirtió 10.000 millones de dólares en OpenAI en enero y poco después lanzó una versión de su motor de búsqueda, Bing, impulsada por IA. Google se apresuró a seguirle el ritmo y en marzo lanzó su propio motor de búsqueda, Bard. Casi todas las demás grandes empresas tecnológicas han seguido su ejemplo, insistiendo en que su marca estará a la vanguardia de la revolución de la IA. Los inversores de capital riesgo (que se han vuelto tacaños ante la volatilidad del mercado) han empezado a firmar cheques para las nuevas empresas de IA. Y en una señal inequívoca de que algo ha explotado hasta quedar irreconocible, Elon Musk empezó a afirmar que todo había sido idea suya desde el principio.Todo este revuelo es más una pelea de egos multimillonarios que una auténtica revolución tecnológica, según opinan un consultor de empresas de IA y un veterano investigador que ha hablado bajo condición de anonimato. "Odio señalar esto como otra lucha de egos, pero eso es lo que es OpenAI", afirman las fuentes. "Están enzarzados en broncas y peleas". Para hacerse con un pedazo de ese dulce dinero de la locura de la IA, incluso los magnates tecnológicos más poderosos intentan hacer ver que su empresa es la verdadera líder en IA.Wall Street, que nunca se pierde una tendencia, también se ha sumado a la moda. Pero, como señalaba Daniel Morgan, gestor de carteras de Synovus Trust, en una entrevista con Bloomberg TV, "este bombo de la IA no se traduce realmente en un gran crecimiento de los beneficios. No es más que una apuesta a futuro". Es decir, los productos basados en la IA aún no generan grandes beneficios, pero las ideas ya están disparando las valoraciones.Eso es lo que hace que el hype se esté transformando en un canto al cielo: Silicon Valley espera y reza para que el bombo publicitario de la IA mantenga distraídos a clientes e inversores hasta que sus balances puedan recuperarse. Sin duda, lanzarse a una nueva tecnología no probada para distraer la atención de los problemas de la industria tecnológica y la economía mundial puede ser un poco desacertado. Pero, bueno, si la sociedad sufre un poco por el camino, eso es lo que pasa cuando te mueves rápido y rompes cosas.No temas a los robotsPara entender el momento, es importante comprender las capacidades reales de la tecnología que estos titanes de la tecnología están promocionando. Las empresas afirman que la tecnología basada en la IA puede revolucionarlo todo, desde los viajes hasta las citas. Y todos los CEO que intentan vender a los inversores el futuro de la IA insisten en su supuestamente temible poder.Por ejemplo, Sundar Pichai, CEO de la empresa matriz de Google, Alphabet, concedió una entrevista en profundidad al programa 60 Minutes de la CBS y se centró en el potencial de la IA para enseñarse a sí misma a pensar y evolucionar como un ser humano. Dio la impresión de que la tecnología avanza tan rápido que Google, una de las empresas más ricas y poderosas del mundo, está indefensa ante ella: llegará, lo quieran o no los humanos.Las proclamas de Pichai no fueron nada comparadas con las de Elon Musk. Aunque ayudó a fundar OpenAI en 2015, Musk salió del consejo en 2018 y se perdió la explosión de ChatGPT. Abandonado a su suerte, el CEO de Tesla-Twitter-SpaceX acudió en abril al programa de Fox News de Tucker Carlson para decirle al mundo que el ex-CEO de Google Larry Page (un antiguo amigo) está intentando crear una IA que podría destruir la civilización. Musk también hizo hincapié en que él solito crearía una versión más responsable de la IA, sin importarle esos otros tipos. Una vez más, lo que Musk está describiendo es la inteligencia general de la IA, algo mucho más avanzado que la IA generativa que OpenAI está construyendo en este momento.Contrariamente a estas afirmaciones de tecnología revolucionaria, la cosecha actual de productos de IA es bastante limitada. Pueden funcionar como pseudo-asistentes personales, segmentar mejor los anuncios que enseña a los usuarios o aprender por sí mismos a hacer más eficientes los programas informáticos y los procesos de trabajo. En lugar de nuevas formas de trabajar que revolucionen el mundo, los expertos dicen que hay que esperar más bien un mayor número de apps y widgets de IA."No hemos llegado ni de lejos a ese nivel. Lo están enmarcando como algo más aterrador de lo que realmente es porque presentar la nueva tecnología como algo aterrador es más poderoso (y más lucrativo) que admitir sus limitaciones", indica el consultor de una startup de IA, refiriéndose a las predicciones de que la inteligencia general superará a la humana.En la entrevista, a Pichai le costó explicar por qué surgía ahora todo este asunto de la IA. La tecnología para extraer grandes modelos lingüísticos existe desde 2018. Y sabemos que la IA generativa es imperfecta: dice mentiras y podría usarse como herramienta para difundir desinformación. Ni siquiera Pichai pudo asegurar al entrevistador que es 100% "segura". A pesar de estas limitaciones, no es casualidad que esta tecnología se haya popularizado tanto. El lanzamiento de ChatGPT convirtió la IA en una palabra de moda, y no hay nada que le guste más a Silicon Valley que recaudar dinero con eso.Cuando ganar dinero con un crecimiento asombroso es imposible, Silicon Valley se conforma con facturar gracias a un potencial de crecimiento asombroso, independientemente de lo lejos que pueda estar en el futuro y cuáles sean las consecuencias. Esto es lo que hace que el repentino aumento del interés por la IA sea realmente peligroso: la IA en sí misma es neutral. Los humanos pueden utilizarla para bien o para mal. Pero cuanto más rápida y descuidadamente se amplíe, más probable será que provoque el caos.Tiempos desesperadosLo que ha cambiado la situación de la IA generativa no son los avances tecnológicos, sino el avanzado estado de malestar de Silicon Valley. La pandemia abrió una ventana de liquidez para el sector dado que la gente confiaba en la tecnología para superar el confinamiento. Los inversores de capital riesgo no podían inyectar su dinero lo suficientemente rápido: cualquier startup con cripto, blockchain o metaverso en el nombre se trasladaba a Miami y nadaba en las cálidas y agitadas aguas del sur de Florida. Luego, el dinero se agotó. Los despidos han barrido la industria, incluso en grandes empresas como Meta, Google y Amazon. Tiger Global (un hedge fund de Wall Street reconvertido en inversor pirata de capital riesgo ebrio de diner) ha empezado a deshacer sus inversiones. En marzo, Silicon Valley Bank se hundió, junto con otros bancos más pequeños que prestaban servicios a la comunidad tecnológica, como Signature y Silvergate. La financiación de capital riesgo está ahora en mínimos de los últimos 6 años. Gracias a la subida de los tipos de interés, el dinero se está agotando en todo el mundo, pero en ninguna parte se está agotando más rápido que en el sector tecnológico.En lo que va de 2023, los valores tecnológicos se han recuperado del desplome del año pasado, pero sigue habiendo signos claros de que la tecnología sigue en una época de sequía. Taiwan Semiconductor Corporation, el mayor productor de chips del mundo, incumplió en abril las expectativas de ventas. Dado que produce chips para todo tipo de aparatos, desde teléfonos hasta misiles, la caída de la demanda de semiconductores podría indicar que el consumidor ha perdido interés por todo tipo de tecnología. Durante la pandemia, cuando los Gobiernos inyectaban liquidez al sistema y la gente estaba atrapada en casa, el mundo compraba todo lo que Silicon Valley vendía. Ahora ya no.Durante este período, la IA ha sido el único oasis en el desierto tecnológico. Cuando Silicon Valley vio el crecimiento explosivo de ChatGPT (que se convirtió en la herramienta de tecnología de consumo de más rápido crecimiento de la historia) se dio cuenta de que las cualidades humanas de la IA generativa son suficientes para atraer la curiosidad y el entusiasmo en la cultura popular. Ese tipo de atención siempre puede servir para sacar dinero a los inversores, independientemente de que un producto sea o no especialmente útil. Ahora, la industria tecnológica quiere que el mundo crea que esta tecnología podría utilizarse para cualquier cosa, desde la asistencia sanitaria a los recursos humanos y desde la información periodística a la redacción de borradores jurídicos. Esta esperanza de que la IA sea el "próximo gran descubrimiento" ha desencadenado FOMO en Silicon Valley. Los inversores de capital riesgo declararon a Anne Srader, de Fortune, que es difícil imaginar "hasta dónde puede llegar la locura". La financiación para muchas startups se agotó entre 2021 y 2022. La inversión en IA, sin embargo (especialmente en empresas en fase inicial) continuó a un ritmo constante, cayendo solo de 4.800 millones de dólares en 2021 a 4.500 en 2022. Según PitchBook, las inversiones en IA generativa ascendieron a 1.600 millones en el primer trimestre de 2023.Y no son solo las startups y los inversores de capital riesgo los que apuestan por esta tecnología emergente, sino que también lo hacen las grandes corporaciones. Además de la gigantesca participación de Microsoft en OpenAI, Google invirtió 400 millones de dólares en Anthropic, rival de ChatGPT, en su intento de impulsar Bard. Meta también está haciendo ruido con la IA. El mes pasado, Mark Zuckerberg publicó una nota en la que afirmaba que la IA era la "mayor inversión individual" de la empresa. Dado el rápido deterioro de las fortunas de la industria tecnológica, cualquier cosa que prometa replicar el vertiginoso crecimiento de la década anterior es más que bienvenida.De 2020 a 2022, Silicon Valley se benefició de los tipos de interés bajos y de la burbuja. Pero ahora la fiesta ha terminado, y la IA está ayudando a aliviar un poco la resaca.Una pequeña bombaNada de esto quiere decir que la IA no sea o vaya a ser útil nunca. Pero como escribió un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad de Stanford en un informe de 2021, "actualmente carecemos de una comprensión clara de cómo funciona, cuándo falla e incluso de qué es capaz debido a sus propiedades emergentes". Eso significa que todos, desde los investigadores hasta los desarrolladores, están aprendiendo de qué son capaces los productos de IA en tiempo real, y la velocidad con la que se lanzan al público podría convertirse en un grave problema.La mayoría de los productos para el consumidor con los que nos vamos a topar se basan en grandes modelos lingüísticos, y la información que escupen los robots sólo es tan buena como la información que ingieren y los algoritmos que interpretan esa información. Por ejemplo, los modelos de Google, OpenAI y Microsoft utilizan información de Reddit para aprender. Esto debería preocupar a cualquiera que haya leído el material más cruel, ofensivo o infantil de esa plataforma. También preocupa a los directivos de Reddit, que parecen haberse dado cuenta de que han estado criando una gallina de los huevos de oro y regalando sus huevos.La calidad de los grandes modelos lingüísticos también depende de la visión de futuro de quienes los elaboran. Neil Sahota, veterano de IBM y asesor de las Naciones Unidas en materia de inteligencia artificial, explica que esta tecnología apenas requiere programación. Así que los titanes de Silicon Valley que se curtieron en programación, como los Zuckerberg del mundo, quizá no sepan tanto como creen. ChatGPT está ofreciendo, literalmente, 20.000 dólares por encontrar fallos en sus sistemas. Si eso no te dice que esta tecnología puede no haber sido sometida a pruebas de estrés para el consumo masivo, no sé qué puede hacerlo.Crear un modelo que haga más bien que mal requiere contar con un equipo multidisciplinar de científicos sociales y especialistas en ética. Y esos son exactamente los tipos de trabajadores que están siendo despedidos en Silicon Valley en estos momentos. Y dado que sus fondos son cada vez menores, es posible que las grandes empresas no quieran invertir en este tipo de salvaguardias, según indica Sahota. Es posible, pero caro, crear protocolos que obliguen a la IA a explicar exactamente cómo funciona y ejecuta las tareas, para que podamos tener una idea clara de por qué los robots hacen lo que hacen."Es como hacer un examen de matemáticas y limitarse a mostrar la respuesta, sin enseñar el trabajo. Y eso es un problema", afirma.La temeridad de las burbujas no hace sino aumentar el peligro de llevar la IA generativa al mercado comercial. En su artículo, los investigadores de Stanford advertían de que "unos cimientos mal construidos son una receta para el desastre". Pero la máquina de Silicon Valley solo conoce una velocidad, y es la del crecimiento a toda costa. No ve otra opción que depositar sus esperanzas en la IA. Y todos nosotros tendremos que sufrir las consecuencias.
El peligro no es la inteligencia artificial, es OpenAISam Altman embauca a los reguladores con fantasías apocalípticas para disfrazar los riesgos genuinos de su versión acelerada del capitalismoHay ocho millones de inteligencias en el planeta, pero el ser humano solo puede identificar dos. La primera es la suya, caracterizada por el acceso a procesos cognitivos complejos como el razonamiento, la resolución de problemas, el aprendizaje, la creatividad, la competencia emocional, la conciencia social y la adaptabilidad. La segunda es un software generativo llamado ChatGPT, cuya virtud característica es hablarnos en nuestro propio idioma. A esta inteligencia la llamamos inteligencia “artificial”. Nos interesa más que cualquier otra.A diferencia del resto, la inteligencia artificial no puede surgir en cualquier parte. No es capaz de nacer en un establo, camino de Egipto, rodeado de bueyes y ovejas. Tampoco en lugares tan inhóspitos y variopintos como las profundidades del océano, los desiertos salinos, las regiones árticas o la barriga ácida y caliente de un volcán. Para que nazca un modelo como ChatGPT hacen falta potentes ordenadores con altos recursos de procesamiento y memoria, almacenamiento de datos escalable, entornos de desarrollo integrados, frameworks y bibliotecas de software especializados, además de conexiones de red confiables y una dieta imponente de contenidos en forma de bases de datos.Una IA necesita espacio, mantenimiento, refrigeración y electricidad. Con este nivel de autonomía, de momento es improbable que nos sorprenda con una emboscada, o que prospere inadvertida como un virus pandémico en las favelas de Manaus o una colonia de moho en los conductos respiratorios de un hospital. Y, sin embargo, ese es el peligro que debe preocuparnos a la hora de legislar su desarrollo, al menos según el director ejecutivo de OpenAI. Sam Altman explicó el pasado martes al subcomité sobre Privacidad, Tecnología y Legislación del Senado estadounidense que su empresa planea construir y liberar sistemas cada vez más peligrosos y que necesita su ayuda para garantizar que la transición a la superinteligencia sucede sin poner a la humanidad en peligro. Propone que se regule la IA para prevenir un problema que de momento solo existe en la literatura y el cine: la Singularidad.Los titulares del día siguiente amplifican el discurso. “El cofundador de OpenAI pide más regulación para la IA”. Sorprende que un directivo pida regulación en una industria famosa por su resistencia a ser fiscalizada. La misma semana el propio Eric Schmidt, cofundador de Google y principal asesor del Departamento de Defensa para el desarrollo de IA, aseguró en un programa de NBC News que “no hay nadie fuera de la industria capaz de entender lo que es posible. Nadie en el Gobierno capaz de hacerlo bien”. Pero existe un precedente muy cercano en el tiempo: cuando el Congreso quiso regular las criptomonedas llamaron a Sam Bankman-Fried. El fundador de FTX abrazó tan públicamente la regulación de su criptonegocio que, cuando llegó la hora de escribir las leyes, los reguladores le llamaron a él. También porque se había ganado la confianza de Washington donando públicamente millones de dólares a las campañas demócratas y en secreto una cantidad equivalente a las republicanas. Con esa estrategia, propuso diseñar a su medida la regulación de las cripto, la Ley de Protección al Consumidor de Bienes Digitales (DCCPA). Esa es la estrategia del nuevo favorito de Washington, Sam Altman, para diseñar a su medida una nueva regulación de IA.Cabalgando el mito de la Singularidad, Altman se postulaba en el Congreso como el benévolo guardián de una nueva especie de criatura asombrosa, un unicornio salvaje capaz de llevarnos a un mundo mágico que necesita ser domado para no atravesarnos con su poderoso cuerno multicolor. “Entendemos que la gente esté ansiosa sobre cómo la IA puede cambiar nuestra forma de vida —concedió graciosamente—. Nosotros también”. El mundo mágico es un futuro de fábricas sin obreros y oficinas sin trabajadores. Un mundo sin sindicatos ni huelgas, diseñado a la medida del empresario y a conveniencia del consumidor. Si le ayudamos a domar ese unicornio podremos alcanzar el nirvana capitalista y prevenir el apocalipsis. Aunque, en el proceso, OpenAI ya haya privatizado sin permiso los contenidos de la Red, infringiendo leyes preexistentes como la propiedad intelectual y use los beneficios de ese expolio para ayudar a otras industrias a vigilar y degradar las condiciones laborales de sus trabajadores, como han entendido los guionistas del Writers Guild. Por no mencionar la crisis existencial a la que sí nos enfrentamos ahora mismo, en la realidad. Entrenar GPT-3 consume cientos de veces la energía de una vivienda y produce 502 toneladas métricas de CO₂ pero no es esa la regulación que pide Altman. ¿A quién le importan el medioambiente, la propiedad intelectual o los derechos laborales cuando nos enfrentamos a la Singularidad?El público del Congreso fue maravillosamente receptivo. ¿Qué dos o tres reformas o regulaciones implementaría, de querer implementar alguna, si fuese reina por un día?, le preguntó el senador John Neely Kennedy. Altman quiere licencias y una agencia que las otorgue y que controle el desarrollo y uso de IA para que los modelos no licenciados puedan “autoreplicarse y autoimplantarse a lo loco”. La propuesta imita claramente al tratado de no proliferación nuclear y favorecería el monopolio de gigantes como Google, Meta, Microsoft, Anthropic y OpenAI sobre modelos abiertos y colaborativos en todo el mundo. “Estados Unidos debe liderar —dice Altman— pero para que sea efectivo, necesitamos una regulación global”.Un informe reciente del Corporate Europe Observatory, un grupo que el poder del lobby de las grandes empresas en la UE, denunciaba la intensa campaña de presión que han emprendido estos gigantes para intervenir en la nueva ley europea de inteligencia artificial, antes de ser aprobada por los diputados del Parlamento Europeo la semana pasada. El borrador final establece que los modelos generativos como ChatGPT deberán revelar si sus modelos han sido entrenados con material con derechos de autor y los generadores de texto o imágenes, como MidJourney, tendrán que identificarse como máquinas y marcar su contenido de forma que se pueda identificar. También considera normas especiales de transparencia para los sistemas que califican de alto riesgo, como los algoritmos utilizados para gestionar a los trabajadores de una empresa o para control migratorio de fronteras por parte de un gobierno. Esos sistemas deberán cumplir requisitos de mitigación de riesgos, como mostrar los datos han utilizado para entrenar la IA y las medidas que han tomado para corregir los sesgos. Pero han eliminado el importante requisito de que los modelos sean auditados por expertos independientes y propone también la creación de un nuevo organismo de IA para establecer un centro centralizado de aplicación y control.Un detalle importante: los modelos de IA no están protegidos como lo estaban las plataformas de responsabilizarse de los contenidos que circulan por sus servidores. No los ampara la Sección 230 ni sus equivalentes en otras partes del mundo. Tienen que garantizar que sus herramientas no produzcan contenido relacionado con abuso infantil, terrorismo, discurso de odio u cualquier otro tipo de contenido que viole la legislación de la Unión Europea. Sin embargo, ChatGPT ya produce gran parte de la propaganda que intoxica las redes sociales con el objetivo de manipular los procesos democráticos. Si Sam Altman consigue esquivar también esa clase de responsabilidades en EE UU, es improbable que le pongamos el cascabel nosotros aquí.Marta Peirano es especialista en tecnología y autora de los libros El enemigo conoce el Sistema y Contra el Futuro (ambos en Debate).
My account of an internal chat with Xu Hao, where he shows how he drives ChatGPT to produce useful self-tested code. His initial prompt primes the LLM with an implementation strategy (chain of thought prompting). His prompt also asks for an implementation plan rather than code (general knowledge prompting). Once he has the plan he uses it to refine the implementation and generate useful sections of code.[...]
An experienced technical author explores using ChatGPT to assist with a number of writing projects. He finds ChatGPT can provide time-savings through drafts and prompting for additional content, but lacks accuracy and depth - as well as suffering from bubbly optimism. Overall it is useful if you work iteratively, asking for small chunks with well-crafted prompts.[...]
Mejor dicho, si puedo:¿Os habéis dado cuenta de que cuanto más "avanza" la civilización en un sentido, peor vive la masa social?-Sucedió con la movilidad, cuando tras el vehículo eléctrico y el hyperloop los jóvenes dejaron de poder comprar coche y tuvieron que ir en patinete y metro como si fueran ganado.-Sucedió con los cultivos genéticamente modificados, cuando tras las cosechas resistentes a la sequía el kilo de pimientos triplicó su precio.-Sucedió con la aviación, cuando tras la llegada de los drones para llevar paquetitos de Amazon volar se convirtió en un recurso para millonarios con jet privado.-Sucedió con la sanidad, cuando tras la llegada de la enésima cura contra el cáncer ejecutaron un experimento del que la gente hace como que ya ha pasado, a pesar de que saben que incluso para la gripe hay una cepa distinta cada año (imagínate del virus asesino de las mil mutaciones).Y así todo.Esta vez no va a ser distinto, porque el patrón es el mismo.De lo que se dice a la realidad, nada que ver.
Thomson Reuters brings forward vision to redefine the future of professionals with content-driven AI technologyThomson Reuters plugin with Microsoft 365 Copilot helps unlock the value of generative AI for legal professionalsTORONTO, May 23, 2023 – Thomson Reuters (TSX/NYSE: TRI), a global content and technology company, today brings forward its vision to redefine the future of professionals through generative artificial intelligence (AI). At a time of rapid global innovation, Thomson Reuters is at the forefront, helping its customers unlock the potential to automate workflows, provide powerful insights, and drive efficiencies with content-driven AI technology.Following Thomson Reuters announcement that it intends to invest more than $100 million annually on AI capabilities at its Q1 FY23 results, the company also today announces a new plugin with Microsoft 365 Copilot, Microsoft’s advanced AI experiences across its productivity suite. This integration will bolster efforts for redefined professional work starting with legal research, drafting, and client collaboration.“Generative AI empowers professionals to redefine their work and discover innovative approaches,” said Steve Hasker, president and CEO, Thomson Reuters. “With our customers in the driver’s seat, Thomson Reuters AI technology augments knowledge, helping professionals work smarter, giving them time back to focus on what matters. We are very proud to partner with Microsoft, leading the legal profession towards unlocking the value from Microsoft 365 Copilot for our customers, and their clients.”Redefining work with Generative AIToday’s announcements further cements Thomson Reuters as a leader in leveraging new technologies, including AI and machine learning (ML). For over 30 years Thomson Reuters has leveraged increasingly sophisticated AI and ML capabilities to improve search and expand advanced analytics for its customers. In addition to integrating Microsoft 365 Copilot, Thomson Reuters today shares plans to incorporate new generative AI capabilities across its product suite including:Westlaw Precision - With generative AI, customers can find answers to complex legal questions in seconds, based on proprietary, expert content.Practical Law - Smarter, faster access to the expertise of more than 650 attorney editors combined with the power of generative AI.Checkpoint Edge - Providing fast, reliable answers to complex tax and accounting questions.Legal Document Review and Summary - With generative AI reading through hundreds or even thousands of relevant documents in just seconds, customers can spot key risks, resolve questions, execute tasks, and generate powerful work product. Powered by HighQ, Practical Law, and Document Intelligence.Legal Drafting - Bringing together Thomson Reuters trusted content and intelligence from across Westlaw, Practical Law, and Document Intelligence to surface key insights, legal knowledge, and answers to complex questions.Thomson Reuters plugin with Microsoft 365 CopilotWorking with Microsoft, Thomson Reuters has developed a contract drafting solution, powered by its legal products and content, and Copilot for Word. Delivering users with a draft working document and access to trusted content right where work happens – in Microsoft Word, professionals can use their expertise to edit, validate, and build the final document with integrated access to Thomson Reuters knowledge, content, and AI technology.A demonstration of the integration between Thomson Reuters Legal Drafting, powered by its legal products and content, and Microsoft 365 Copilot for Word will be shown during this week’s Microsoft Build event in Seattle. In the demo, Copilot creates a draft contract with help from a Thomson Reuters plugin that surfaces intelligence and content from Westlaw, Practical Law, and Document Intelligence - delivering in minutes work that used to take hours directly into Microsoft Word.“Microsoft 365 Copilot is reinventing productivity for people and organizations, and we are thrilled to collaborate with Thomson Reuters to extend Copilot with new AI-powered experiences that will support legal professionals by saving them time and helping them drive value for the clients and businesses they serve," said Andrew Lindsay, Corporate Vice President of Industry, Apps & Data, Business Development at Microsoft.Investing in TrustInvesting more than $100 million annually, Thomson Reuters is focused on integrating generative AI into its solutions through a build, buy and partnership strategy – providing customers with the very best and trusted solutions at speed.Hasker adds, “At Thomson Reuters we remain committed to augmenting professional knowledge and workflows with AI. Continuing to support our customers on this journey will enable them to first trust and then harness this new technology as we build on the opportunities ahead in Legal, with solutions for Tax, Risk, and the News profession to follow.”Thomson Reuters has recently shared its updated AI and Data Principles, reflecting the rapid innovation and reinforcing its strong commitment to building trustworthy, practical, and beneficial AI for customers. The update reflects recognition of the evolving AI technology landscape and the need to demonstrate its commitment to unlocking AI in secure, transparent, and accountable ways.Product availabilityThomson Reuters will be releasing generative AI capabilities into its native platforms Westlaw, Practical Law and Drafting in the second half of 2023.Legal drafting, integrated with Copilot for Microsoft 365 will be available for legal professionals in beta alongside the Microsoft Copilot release schedule.Tax and Compliance, Risk and Fraud generative AI solutions to follow in 2024.
Un abogado usó ChatGPT en un juicio. Ahora es él quien debe dar explicaciones a un juez por incluir citas falsas.Que ChatGTP es una herramienta alucinante, capaz de superar exámenes universitarios e incluso mejorar la productividad en nuestras oficinas, no es ninguna sorpresa a estas alturas. Que está lejos de ser infalible, tampoco. Steven A. Schwartz, abogado con despacho en Nueva York, acaba de comprobarlo de la peor de las formas imaginables: con un sonoro patinazo profesional que lo ha dejado en evidencia ante el juez del caso en la que trabaja. No solo eso. Como ha revelado The New York Times, ahora deberá dar explicaciones y se enfrenta a una sanción.Todo por fiarse en exceso de la herramienta de OpenAI.[...] (sigue en la noticia)
Pues ahí va otra: el vehículo autónomo nunca será realidad por la ingente cantidad de datos que produce y que requiere procesar:https://www.xataka.com/movilidad/coches-autonomos-se-han-encontrado-problema-inesperado-centros-datoshttps://www.niusdiario.es/economia/motor/20230528/coche-autonomo-no-dominara-mundo-consumiria-energia-centros_18_09628347.htmlComo ya he dicho en varias ocasiones, a mí no me impresiona ninguna IA por la ingente cantidad de datos que maneje y lo certero de sus respuestas (que además, no es el caso, sino porque fallara de manera auténticamente creativa manejando pocos datos, y por supuesto, sin requerir las ingentes cantidades de julios de tal bicho.
Me voy a empezar a cansar de tener razón en este tema una y otra vez... (aunque Xataka me de un poco de grima)https://www.xataka.com/legislacion-y-derechos/abogado-uso-chatgpt-juicio-ahora-quien-debe-dar-explicaciones-a-juez-incluir-citas-falsasCitarUn abogado usó ChatGPT en un juicio. Ahora es él quien debe dar explicaciones a un juez por incluir citas falsas.Que ChatGTP es una herramienta alucinante, capaz de superar exámenes universitarios e incluso mejorar la productividad en nuestras oficinas, no es ninguna sorpresa a estas alturas. Que está lejos de ser infalible, tampoco. Steven A. Schwartz, abogado con despacho en Nueva York, acaba de comprobarlo de la peor de las formas imaginables: con un sonoro patinazo profesional que lo ha dejado en evidencia ante el juez del caso en la que trabaja. No solo eso. Como ha revelado The New York Times, ahora deberá dar explicaciones y se enfrenta a una sanción.Todo por fiarse en exceso de la herramienta de OpenAI.[...] (sigue en la noticia)