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Cita de: Lem en Septiembre 25, 2023, 20:43:52 pmCita de: sudden and sharp en Septiembre 25, 2023, 20:32:27 pmQue pasa de +20 a -8 en vertical.Hay tres puntos que tocan abajo pero este es la caída más rapida.Insisto, la gráfica (como la de la FRED, gracias @senslev) anuncia "Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States".Todos los comentario que yo he visto ya sea en medios o Twitter (cuentas establishment, y todo lo que quieran), es que en EEUU lo que se vende ahora son apartamentos y condos en lugar de casas. Es decir, su precio es menor.Change my mind, y en cualquier caso, me reitero en el resto de mi comentario. Clavoardientismo me parece a mí, y no es la primera vez, pero otras me he mordido la lengua.Son porcentajes de subida o bajada del precio mediano, no precios. Da una idea del movimiento. Como el movimiento del centro de masas de un solido.O tal vez no te entiendo.
Cita de: sudden and sharp en Septiembre 25, 2023, 20:32:27 pmQue pasa de +20 a -8 en vertical.Hay tres puntos que tocan abajo pero este es la caída más rapida.Insisto, la gráfica (como la de la FRED, gracias @senslev) anuncia "Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States".Todos los comentario que yo he visto ya sea en medios o Twitter (cuentas establishment, y todo lo que quieran), es que en EEUU lo que se vende ahora son apartamentos y condos en lugar de casas. Es decir, su precio es menor.Change my mind, y en cualquier caso, me reitero en el resto de mi comentario. Clavoardientismo me parece a mí, y no es la primera vez, pero otras me he mordido la lengua.
Que pasa de +20 a -8 en vertical.Hay tres puntos que tocan abajo pero este es la caída más rapida.
To the moon.
This REIT Is Getting Rid Of Its Entire Office Building Portfolio — And Is Gearing Up For A Dividend Reset(...) W. P. Carey Inc. (NYSE:WPC), a real estate investment trust (REIT) headquartered in New York City, recently announced that it would exit the office sector. W.P. Carey would spin off 59 office properties into a separate publicly-traded REIT called Net Lease Office Properties (NLOP) and start an asset sale program for the remaining 87 office properties.CEO Jason Fox said that although the company has already been reducing its office exposure, the new plan "vastly accelerates" the exit process."Ultimately, with a clear path to monetizing our legacy office assets, we believe we will achieve a lower cost of capital and be better positioned for long-term value creation for our shareholders," he said.Resetting Dividend PolicyOne of the reasons many investors are drawn to REITs is that they tend to pay generous dividends. Earlier this month, W.P. Carey's board increased the company's quarterly cash dividend from $1.069 to $1.071 per share. The dividend will be paid on Oct. 16 to shareholders of record as of Sept. 29.In light of the newly announced plan to exit office properties, the dividend policy will be reset.In an investor presentation accompanying the announcement, the company said, "WPC positioned to further drive growth through a dividend reset, targeting an AFFO [adjusted funds from operations] payout ratio of low- to mid-70s, enabling a higher proportion of cash flow to be retained going forward that can be accretively reinvested."W.P. Carey Chief Financial Officer Toni Sanzone said in a conference call that the dividend reset will take place after the spin-off of NLOP and will not affect the previously announced dividend that will be paid on Oct. 16.Regarding the timeline of W.P. Carey's office exit, management expects the spin-off to close on or around Nov. 1, while the sale of the remaining office properties is expected to be completed by January.Better Days Ahead?The REIT said that after the proposed transactions, its portfolio will consist mainly of industrial and warehouse, essential retail and self-storage assets with a weighted average lease term of 11-plus years and "favorable rent increases."However, market participants did not seem to be impressed with the plan. On the day of the REIT's office exit announcement, W.P. Carey shares tumbled 8%, followed by another 2% decline the next day.On Friday, Evercore ISI Group analyst Steve Sakwa lowered the price target on W.P. Carey from $76 to $66 while maintaining an In-Line rating. The new target is still around 14% above where the stock currently sits.
Cita de: sudden and sharp en Septiembre 25, 2023, 21:08:05 pmCita de: Lem en Septiembre 25, 2023, 20:43:52 pmCita de: sudden and sharp en Septiembre 25, 2023, 20:32:27 pmQue pasa de +20 a -8 en vertical.Hay tres puntos que tocan abajo pero este es la caída más rapida.Insisto, la gráfica (como la de la FRED, gracias @senslev) anuncia "Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States".Todos los comentario que yo he visto ya sea en medios o Twitter (cuentas establishment, y todo lo que quieran), es que en EEUU lo que se vende ahora son apartamentos y condos en lugar de casas. Es decir, su precio es menor.Change my mind, y en cualquier caso, me reitero en el resto de mi comentario. Clavoardientismo me parece a mí, y no es la primera vez, pero otras me he mordido la lengua.Son porcentajes de subida o bajada del precio mediano, no precios. Da una idea del movimiento. Como el movimiento del centro de masas de un solido.O tal vez no te entiendo.A ver si explicando de otra forma: antes se venían 100 casas unifamiliares a 500k, ahora se venden 100 condos o apartamentos a 300k."Caída abrupta de precios"? Que nos podemos poner a discutir que esto puede reflejarse en algún momento en una caída de precios que no vendrá expresada en dicha gráfica, lo acepto.
Global trade falls at fastest pace since pandemicDemand for goods exports weakens on the back of higher inflation, rate rises and spending on servicesWorld trade volumes fell at their fastest annual pace for almost three years in July, according to closely watched figures that signal rising interest rates are beginning to impact global demand for goods.Trade volumes were down 3.2 per cent in July compared with the same month last year, the steepest drop since the early months of the pandemic in August 2020.The latest World Trade Monitor figure, published by the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, or CPB, followed a 2.4 per cent contraction in June and added to evidence that global growth was slowing.After booming during the pandemic, demand for global goods exports has weakened on the back of higher inflation, bumper rate rises by the world’s central banks in 2022, and more spending on domestic services as economies reopened following lockdowns.The about-turn in export volumes was broad based, with most of the world reporting falling trade volumes in July.China, the world’s largest goods exporter, posted a 1.5 per cent annual fall, the eurozone a 2.5 per cent contraction, and the US a 0.6 per cent decrease.Sentiment indicators suggested that world trade would remain weak in the coming months.The S&P Global purchasing managers’ index tracking new export orders indicated a sharp contraction in August and September across the US, the eurozone and the UK. Economists now expect eurozone export volumes to be flat on the year, after forecasting an expansion of 2 per cent at the start of the year.While interest rates are not expected to rise further in the coming months, central banks are unlikely to cut borrowing costs until there is more evidence that underlying price pressures have been contained.Analysts believe the lack of credit easing will continue to weigh down on exports.“With the lagged impact of high interest rates likely to weigh more heavily on demand for certain goods, it could be several months before global trade reaches its trough,” said Ariane Curtis, global economist at the consultancy Capital Economics.Demand for imports of goods that are often bought using borrowed funds — such as cars, home furnishings and capital goods — would weaken the most, Curtis said.Mohit Kumar, economist at the financial services firm Jefferies, said trade was likely to follow the trend in global economic growth, where he forecast a “slowdown in every single major economy in the coming quarters”.Along with weaker growth, geopolitical tensions were also hitting trade.In its latest economic outlook, the Paris-based Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development highlighted how trade restrictions have limited export sales since 2018.“Geoeconomic fragmentation and a shift to more inward-looking trade policies would curtail the gains from global trade and hit living standards, especially in the poorest countries and households,” the OECD warned.The CPB also reported that global industrial production fell 0.1 per cent compared with the previous month, driven by sharp falls in output in Japan, the eurozone and the UK.US industrial output was up 0.7 per cent, raising hopes of a soft landing for the world’s largest economy, with inflation falling back to tolerable levels without triggering a recession.
Jim McCormick (Citi): “Los bancos centrales nunca van a llegar al objetivo del 2% de inflación”https://cincodias.elpais.com/mercados-financieros/2023-09-25/jim-mccormick-citi-los-bancos-centrales-nunca-van-a-llegar-al-objetivo-del-2-de-inflacion.htmlEl experto cree que la política monetaria chocará contra un crecimiento débil de forma persistente. Avisa de que el gran riesgo es asumir un discurso de resiliencia de la economíaCitarP. ¿Cuándo cree que se logrará el objetivo del 2% de inflación?R. ¿Puedo decir nunca? Los bancos centrales pueden lograr cualquier nivel de inflación que deseen. Pero creo que cuando se enfrenten a una mezcla de inflación superior al 2% junto a un crecimiento muy débil, tomarán la decisión de retrasar el regreso al 2%. Por ejemplo, si se encuentran en niveles del 3%.-----------Los susodichos.... ... que harán dicho sea de paso, lo que les de la gana.
P. ¿Cuándo cree que se logrará el objetivo del 2% de inflación?R. ¿Puedo decir nunca? Los bancos centrales pueden lograr cualquier nivel de inflación que deseen. Pero creo que cuando se enfrenten a una mezcla de inflación superior al 2% junto a un crecimiento muy débil, tomarán la decisión de retrasar el regreso al 2%. Por ejemplo, si se encuentran en niveles del 3%.