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Cita de: sudden and sharp en Marzo 16, 2024, 16:51:05 pm---------------Miguel Ángel Rodríguez a elDiario.es: “Os vamos a triturar, vais a tener que cerrar” https://www.eldiario.es/blog/el-boletin-del-director/miguel-angel-rodriguez-eldiario-triturar-cerrar_132_11218385.htmlQue MAR tenga cuidado, no sea que en el lote de defenestraciones entre él mismo también.Cosa que por cierto ya pasó a finales de los 90 cuando Aznar lo fulminó y lo sacó de su equipo.Se gestionará de una forma más soterrada o más evidente, pero si el cuadro macro es el que es, y las órdenes de arriba son las que son, se repetirá la historia de Gladio al final del franquismo y finales de los 70: a los carcas franquistas más recalcitrantes se les enseñaron todos los pufos que tenían y se les dio a elegir entre retirarse discretamente o que les apartasen por la fuerza. Fue justo ahí cuando los del llamado Búnker se dieron cuenta de que eran cuatro gatos, y que el poder que creían tener no existía.
---------------Miguel Ángel Rodríguez a elDiario.es: “Os vamos a triturar, vais a tener que cerrar” https://www.eldiario.es/blog/el-boletin-del-director/miguel-angel-rodriguez-eldiario-triturar-cerrar_132_11218385.html
¿Porqué Margarita Robles se posiciona tan obscenamente en un conflicto que afecta a dos países extranjeros?¿Ésto es la diplomacia española y europea? Están comprados y/o amenazados.Sino no se explica.
Dell Workers Can Stay Remote - But They're Not Going to Get PromotedPosted by EditorDavid on Sunday March 17, 2024 @04:54PM from the remote-chances dept."Dell's strict new RTO mandate excludes fully remote workers from promotion," reports Business Insider.The site calls it "one of the most abrupt changes to remote work policies," noting that Dell "has had a hybrid working culture in place for more than a decade — long before the pandemic struck."Citar"Dell cared about the work, not the location," a senior employee at Dell who's worked remotely for more than a decade, told Business Insider last month. "I would say 10% to 15% of every team was remote." That flexibility has enabled staff to sustain their careers in the face of major life changes, several employees told BI. It has also helped Dell to be placed on the "Best Place to Work for Disability Equality Index" since 2018. But in February Dell introduced a strict return-to-office mandate, with punitive measures for those who want to stay at home.Under the new policy, staff were told that from May almost all will be classified as either "hybrid," or "remote." Hybrid workers will be required to come into an "approved" office at least 39 days a quarter — the equivalent of about three days a week, internal documents seen by BI show. If they want to keep working from home, staff can opt to go fully remote. But that option has a downside: fully remote workers will not be considered for promotion, or be able to change roles.Workers have said Dell's approach might be intended to lower headcount without having to pay severance by inducing some employees to quit. But reached by Business Insider for a comment, Dell defended their approach as instead "critical to drive innovation and value differentiation."But Professor Cary Cooper, an organizational psychologist and cofounder of the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing at work, tells the site Dell could be following a "pack mentality" among tech companies — or reacting to a sluggish world economy. "Senior execs somehow think that people in the office are more productive than at home, even though there's no evidence to back that up."Business Insider added that Dell's approach "differs from founder and CEO Michael Dell's previous support for remote workers," who famously said "If you are counting on forced hours spent in a traditional office to create collaboration and provide a feeling of belonging within your organization, you're doing it wrong."
"Dell cared about the work, not the location," a senior employee at Dell who's worked remotely for more than a decade, told Business Insider last month. "I would say 10% to 15% of every team was remote." That flexibility has enabled staff to sustain their careers in the face of major life changes, several employees told BI. It has also helped Dell to be placed on the "Best Place to Work for Disability Equality Index" since 2018. But in February Dell introduced a strict return-to-office mandate, with punitive measures for those who want to stay at home.Under the new policy, staff were told that from May almost all will be classified as either "hybrid," or "remote." Hybrid workers will be required to come into an "approved" office at least 39 days a quarter — the equivalent of about three days a week, internal documents seen by BI show. If they want to keep working from home, staff can opt to go fully remote. But that option has a downside: fully remote workers will not be considered for promotion, or be able to change roles.