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Muy buenos días desde Madrid.Como ustedes pueden comprobar, estamos en verano, pero tenemos una mañana nubosa, corre un poquito de viento, es un día perfecto para pasear por el parque.Hoy les voy a hacer dos preguntas. Vamos a empezar con la primera, que es la más importante.¿Cómo creen ustedes que se va a cubrir la escasez de mano de obra a nivel mundial que se va a dar en la próxima década?Sí, sí, sí. Esta pregunta es muy importante, porque en función de la respuesta que le demos a esta pregunta, diremos, las bolsas van a subir o las bolsas se van a desplomar.En este sentido, a mí me gustaría que ustedes tuviesen en cuenta que la mayor parte de los analistas técnicos, y con razón, están preocupados. Sí, sí, están preocupados. ¿Por qué? Porque se echan las manos a la cabeza porque ven que existe una enorme divergencia en los mercados de valores.¿Cuál es esta divergencia? Bueno, porque las subidas están lideradas por un puñado de valores. Cinco, siete valores, no hay más. Y el resto del mercado está parado.Entonces, ellos dicen, cada vez que hemos visto que en la historia se ha dado esta situación, al final las bolsas terminan cayendo. Y tienen razón, y tienen razón. Ahora bien, ¿aquí quién es el que manda? Aquí no mandan los analistas técnicos, aquí el que manda es el precio.Vamos a ver unos gráficos de valores que están en este grupo de siete magníficos.Vamos a empezar, por ejemplo, con el gráfico de Nvidia.José Luis Cava | La enorme divergencia bajista se resolverá con subidas [00:01:24]Tal y como pueden ver ustedes, esto es un gráfico mensual que se encuentra en el precio en una clara tendencia alcista.Ahora se ha parado, ¿por qué? No, por nada especial, porque ha llegado a la resistencia de la zona 140 y ahí estaba el muro de opciones call y ahí lo lógico es que se pare y se mueva lateralmente. Pero la tendencia ¿cómo es? Alcista.Siguiente cuestión, vean ustedes este gráfico de Google.José Luis Cava | La enorme divergencia bajista se resolverá con subidas [00:01:38]Bueno, ven ustedes que también se cuenta en la tendencia alcista.Si ahora ustedes ven el gráfico de Amazon, pues verán lo mismo.Entonces, ¿qué hacemos? ¿Nos cuidamos de los analistas técnicos o nos cuidamos del precio? Siempre del precio. Y los analistas técnicos también lo saben y lo dicen. Porque la tendencia, lo primero que se le enseña a un analista técnico, el primero de especulación, es que la tendencia es nuestra amiga. Y nosotros debemos apostar por la continuación de la tendencia hasta que haya síntomas o pruebas de que ha concluido. Y no vemos que esta tendencia haya concluido.Bueno, ¿y estos gráficos cómo afectan a la pregunta que he hecho anteriormente de cómo se va a cubrir la escasez de mano de obra a nivel mundial?Bueno, es muy importante. Lo que estamos viendo en los mercados es que el mercado está dividido. Por un lado vemos los valores tradicionales, entre comillas, y por otro lado vemos a estos siete magníficos que no paran de subir y lideran las subidas.Bueno, ¿esto qué nos está diciendo? Bueno, yo creo que están contestando a la pregunta que yo les he hecho.La única manera de cubrir la escasez de mano de obra a nivel mundial es recurriendo a la inteligencia artificial. Y por eso estos valores están subiendo con fuerza, porque saben que va a haber una gran demanda de la inteligencia artificial y por lo tanto va a haber una gran demanda de los superchips de Nvidia, ¿de acuerdo? Es la única manera de cubrir la escasez de mano de obra. Y ustedes me dirán, bueno, pero es que nada más que suben a Estados Unidos, porque son los únicos que están invirtiendo. Europa ha perdido el tren, Europa está en la nada más absoluta.Por lo tanto, suben estas empresas porque son las que van a liderar el movimiento y son las que van a tener una gran demanda. Las empresas de tecnología estadounidenses, ¿de acuerdo? Esta es la razón por la que suben.Entonces, ¿es preocupante esta divergencia? Yo os lo digo con toda la humildad del mundo. Pues no, ¿de acuerdo? Pues no. ¿Por qué? Porque no estamos fijando la tendencia del precio y además hay una razón fundamental de peso.Bien. Entonces, si decimos que la inteligencia artificial va a cubrir en parte la escasez de la mano de obra, entonces, ¿la bolsa debería seguir subiendo? Pues bueno, yo creo que sí, ¿de acuerdo? Y sobre todo porque estos valores son los que más ponderan.Dicho esto, nos vamos a echar unas risas. A costa del viceministro de finanzas de Japón. Lo de este hombre es espectacular. Miren lo que dice ayer. Bayer le entrevistan y dice que él está muy preocupado. Claro, un cargo público tiene que estar muy preocupado por el bienestar de los ciudadanos, ¿de acuerdo? Entonces dice que está muy preocupado porque, claro, no consiguen frenar la caída del yen, ¿de acuerdo?Fíjense ustedes en este gráfico.José Luis Cava | La enorme divergencia bajista se resolverá con subidas [00:03:45]Tal y como pueden ver ustedes, la caída del yen se encuentra en una fuerte tendencia bajista con respecto al dólar.Claro, la preocupación que se preocupe ahora me parece que llega un poquito tarde. Porque fíjense ustedes la caída tan importante que ha tenido. Piensen ustedes que sean ciudadanos japoneses. Vean el timo que les han metido a los japoneses. ¿De acuerdo? Su moneda ha perdido todo valor. Esta es la razón por la que la mayor parte de los japoneses se ahorran en dólares. Porque, bueno, no se fían de su moneda, no se fían de su gobierno y no se fían de su Banco Central.Bien, la siguiente pregunta que nos voy a hacer en este sentido es, bien, bien, todo esto es muy divertido, pero ¿cómo me afecta a mí? Bien, bien, ¿cómo nos afecta a nosotros? Bueno, muy fácil. El Banco Central de Japón se ha gastado cerca de 60.000 millones de dólares en comprar yenes.La pregunta que les quiero hacer a ustedes es, bueno, ¿y de dónde han salido los dólares que han cogido, han vendido y a cambio les han dado yenes?Pues han salido de que han vendido deuda pública estadounidense, concretamente pagarés del tesoro, que es, piensen ustedes, que Japón es el mayor tenedor de deuda pública estadounidense.Por lo tanto, si tenemos que el banco, cuanto más caiga el yen y el Banco Central de Japón quiera intervenir, más va a vender bonos. Por lo tanto, no podemos comprar renta fija a largo plazo norteamericana y mantendríamos también una predisposición a que los tipos de interés van a seguir siendo altos en la deuda pública norteamericana y que es improbable que los bonos inicien una fuerte tendencia alcista. Me refiero al precio de los bonos.Finalmente, SP500.El SP500, gracias a los siete magníficos, vieron ustedes cómo subió Nvidia al final de la sesión, pues se mantiene por encima del soporte de la zona 5.450. Ven ustedes que llegó ahí a ese nivel y rebotó. Por lo tanto, como la tendencia es nuestra amiga, vamos a considerar como el escenario más probable que el SP500 siga subiendo.Adiós hasta luego, que pasen muy buen día.
[...] España, [...]Saludos cordiales
No se va a solucionar esto si no se abordan los hechos causales: demagogia y políticas socialdemócratas coloniales de los EEUU. O sea, no va a ser fácil de conseguir.
[...] España, [...] A su vez tenemos una inflación alimentaria real superior al 40% así que imaginen ustedes lo fácil que resulta encontrar el deflactor del PIB que nos permita mostrar algún falso crecimiento. Vean el desvergonzado "Hockey Stick" https://es.statista.com/estadisticas/501035/producto-interior-bruto-pib-per-capita-en-espana/ Todo va mal pero en el futuro mejorará.
2023 30.320 € 7,7%2022 28.160 € 9,2%2021 25.800 € 9,1%2020 23.640 € -10,6%2019 26.440 € 2,6%2018 25.760 € 3,1%2017 24.980 € 4,1%2016 23.990 € 3,3%2015 23.230 € 2,0%2014 22.780 € 1,2%2013 22.518 € -0,2%2012 22.562 € -0,9%2011 22.760 € -1,2%2010 23.040 € -0,1%2009 23.060 € -4,4%2008 24.130 € 1,5%2007 23.780 € 5,1%2006 22.630 € 6,5%2005 21.240 € 5,9%2004 20.050 € 5,5%2003 19.010 € 5,1%2002 18.090 € 5,2%2001 17.200 € 7,7%2000 15.970 € 8,2%1999 14.760 € 7,3%1998 13.760 € 5,9%1997 13.000 € 2,4%1996 12.700 € 7,3%1995 11.840 € 9,6%1994 10.800 € 0%1993 10.800 € -8,5%1992 11.800 € 3,5%1991 11.400 € 10,4%1990 10.331 € 12,2%1989 9.211 € 18,1%1988 7.800 € 14,8%1987 6.794 € 7,9%1986 6.299 € 7,3%1985 5.873 € 8,6%1984 5.410 € 13,2%1983 4.778 € -4,4%1982 4.996 € 9,2%1981 4.576 € 8,2%1980 4.227 € 81,4%
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/06/upshot/manhattan-real-estate-cash.htmlCitarIn Manhattan Real Estate, Cash Is EverythingAll-cash purchases shot up to 64 percent of home sales in the borough. Here’s who’s buying.Across the country, buying a home in cash is increasingly common. In Manhattan, it’s become the standard.In April, buyers paid entirely in cash for 64 percent of the homes sold in Manhattan, according to Marketproof, a provider of New York City real estate data. In contrast, cash buyers accounted for 39 percent of April sales in large U.S. metro areas, according to ATTOM, which provides national real estate data. (Manhattan was a similar outlier even within New York City.) The gap between Manhattan and the rest of the country has grown since 2022, when interest rates first spiked, making cash a more attractive option for those who have plenty of it.In New York, “cash buyer” might bring to mind an oligarch who parks millions in a palatial apartment that sits empty most of the year. But a New York Times analysis of recent sales paints a far more expansive portrait.Over two days in February, 52 of the 76 closings were in cash. Interviews with 28 buyers on those days and some of their agents, as well as a review of public records, revealed that the people paying cash were mostly American and often New Yorkers. They worked in health care, tech, fashion and the arts. Their ages spanned from the late 20s to the 80s. They got the cash by selling stock or a previous home, or from their parents, or from years of saving. The places they bought touched every corner of Manhattan, from the city’s most exclusive condos to its most affordable co-ops.Notably, the highest rate of growth in cash purchases from 2021 to 2023 was among apartments under $3 million. For most Americans, spending even $1 million for an apartment may sound like an eye-popping sum, but the median sales price in the borough was $1.1 million in April, according to StreetEasy. Most of the apartments sold on Feb. 13-14 were listed for well under $1 million — the cheapest cash closing was a $250,000 studio.The cash buyers necessarily had one thing in common: access to a lot of money. It’s a capacity that escapes most Americans, and even most New Yorkers, who find themselves priced out even more than usual with interest rates around 7 percent. While sales are down overall, prices have largely held steady because there are few apartments available to buy. As cash buyers extend their reach into the bottom of Manhattan’s market, they create another barrier for buyers who depend on mortgages. For many Americans, homeownership is the gateway to building wealth, and the overwhelming majority of first-time buyers use mortgages.“You have a lot of power when you’re all cash,” said Bess Freedman, the chief executive of Brown Harris Stevens. “People are wielding that now.”CitarThe InheritorsFamily money plays an outsize role in Manhattan real estate, and many of the buyers interviewed for this article relied, one way or another, on funds passed down from the previous generation. Americans aged 60 to 78 hold half of the nation’s wealth, and will pass on $16 trillion of it over the next decade to their children, in what has been coined the “great wealth transfer.”“The baby boomers, some are passing on,” said Bruce Wayne Solomon, an associate broker with Douglas Elliman. Their estates are now in part “fueling the real estate market.”Christen Genga, 50, a district manager at Forever 21, had never felt in a position to become a homeowner, with a modest income and graduate student loan debt. But then her mother died after a brief illness last summer, leaving her grieving, but with enough of an inheritance to consider buying.She sank much of that money into a two-bedroom in Washington Heights for $369,000, paying cash in part to simplify the income-restricted co-op’s onerous approval process. Ms. Genga, who is divorced and has a 7-year-old son, sees an irony in the fact that without the windfall that accompanied the loss of her mother, she would not have had enough money to buy even in a building intended for people with modest incomes. “It almost has to be an inheritance,” she said. “It feels very weird.”
In Manhattan Real Estate, Cash Is EverythingAll-cash purchases shot up to 64 percent of home sales in the borough. Here’s who’s buying.Across the country, buying a home in cash is increasingly common. In Manhattan, it’s become the standard.In April, buyers paid entirely in cash for 64 percent of the homes sold in Manhattan, according to Marketproof, a provider of New York City real estate data. In contrast, cash buyers accounted for 39 percent of April sales in large U.S. metro areas, according to ATTOM, which provides national real estate data. (Manhattan was a similar outlier even within New York City.) The gap between Manhattan and the rest of the country has grown since 2022, when interest rates first spiked, making cash a more attractive option for those who have plenty of it.In New York, “cash buyer” might bring to mind an oligarch who parks millions in a palatial apartment that sits empty most of the year. But a New York Times analysis of recent sales paints a far more expansive portrait.Over two days in February, 52 of the 76 closings were in cash. Interviews with 28 buyers on those days and some of their agents, as well as a review of public records, revealed that the people paying cash were mostly American and often New Yorkers. They worked in health care, tech, fashion and the arts. Their ages spanned from the late 20s to the 80s. They got the cash by selling stock or a previous home, or from their parents, or from years of saving. The places they bought touched every corner of Manhattan, from the city’s most exclusive condos to its most affordable co-ops.Notably, the highest rate of growth in cash purchases from 2021 to 2023 was among apartments under $3 million. For most Americans, spending even $1 million for an apartment may sound like an eye-popping sum, but the median sales price in the borough was $1.1 million in April, according to StreetEasy. Most of the apartments sold on Feb. 13-14 were listed for well under $1 million — the cheapest cash closing was a $250,000 studio.The cash buyers necessarily had one thing in common: access to a lot of money. It’s a capacity that escapes most Americans, and even most New Yorkers, who find themselves priced out even more than usual with interest rates around 7 percent. While sales are down overall, prices have largely held steady because there are few apartments available to buy. As cash buyers extend their reach into the bottom of Manhattan’s market, they create another barrier for buyers who depend on mortgages. For many Americans, homeownership is the gateway to building wealth, and the overwhelming majority of first-time buyers use mortgages.“You have a lot of power when you’re all cash,” said Bess Freedman, the chief executive of Brown Harris Stevens. “People are wielding that now.”CitarThe InheritorsFamily money plays an outsize role in Manhattan real estate, and many of the buyers interviewed for this article relied, one way or another, on funds passed down from the previous generation. Americans aged 60 to 78 hold half of the nation’s wealth, and will pass on $16 trillion of it over the next decade to their children, in what has been coined the “great wealth transfer.”“The baby boomers, some are passing on,” said Bruce Wayne Solomon, an associate broker with Douglas Elliman. Their estates are now in part “fueling the real estate market.”Christen Genga, 50, a district manager at Forever 21, had never felt in a position to become a homeowner, with a modest income and graduate student loan debt. But then her mother died after a brief illness last summer, leaving her grieving, but with enough of an inheritance to consider buying.She sank much of that money into a two-bedroom in Washington Heights for $369,000, paying cash in part to simplify the income-restricted co-op’s onerous approval process. Ms. Genga, who is divorced and has a 7-year-old son, sees an irony in the fact that without the windfall that accompanied the loss of her mother, she would not have had enough money to buy even in a building intended for people with modest incomes. “It almost has to be an inheritance,” she said. “It feels very weird.”
The InheritorsFamily money plays an outsize role in Manhattan real estate, and many of the buyers interviewed for this article relied, one way or another, on funds passed down from the previous generation. Americans aged 60 to 78 hold half of the nation’s wealth, and will pass on $16 trillion of it over the next decade to their children, in what has been coined the “great wealth transfer.”“The baby boomers, some are passing on,” said Bruce Wayne Solomon, an associate broker with Douglas Elliman. Their estates are now in part “fueling the real estate market.”Christen Genga, 50, a district manager at Forever 21, had never felt in a position to become a homeowner, with a modest income and graduate student loan debt. But then her mother died after a brief illness last summer, leaving her grieving, but with enough of an inheritance to consider buying.She sank much of that money into a two-bedroom in Washington Heights for $369,000, paying cash in part to simplify the income-restricted co-op’s onerous approval process. Ms. Genga, who is divorced and has a 7-year-old son, sees an irony in the fact that without the windfall that accompanied the loss of her mother, she would not have had enough money to buy even in a building intended for people with modest incomes. “It almost has to be an inheritance,” she said. “It feels very weird.”
Citar[...]La única manera de cubrir la escasez de mano de obra a nivel mundial es recurriendo a la inteligencia artificial[...]
[...]La única manera de cubrir la escasez de mano de obra a nivel mundial es recurriendo a la inteligencia artificial[...]
[...] España, Saludos cordiales
The rush to exit commercial real-estate funds is going mainstreamMore Main Street funds — not just non-traded REITs — are putting up gates to limit withdrawals “A lot of investors are wanting out,” one real-estate consultant says. MarketWatch photo illustration/iStockphoto The plight of investors looking to pull money out of commercial real-estate funds has gone mainstream.Big-name property funds like Barry Sternlicht’s $10 billion Starwood Real Estate Income Trust have been scrutinized for limiting investor withdrawals from niche funds that exploded in popularity among the well-heeled over the past decade.But investors with millions of dollars at their fingertips aren’t the only ones frustrated by funds putting up gates. Outflows and redemption queues also have been piling up at mainstream funds.“A lot of investors are wanting out, but there are minimal distributions,” said real-estate consultant Scott Maynard, a senior vice president at Meketa. “Until we start to see transactions pick up, we will see redemption queues in place.”Queues have hit roughly 95% of the commercial real-estate industry’s benchmark “Odyssey” index, an equivalent to the S&P 500 index, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter.Its group of 25 private property funds, officially known as the NFI-Open End Diversified Core Equity, or NFI-ODCE index, has been around for nearly a half-century. The strategy appeals to pension funds and registered investment advisers as a lower-risk way to invest beyond bonds and stocks.Yet Odyssey funds have been swept up by the same higher borrowing costs, falling property prices and wave of maturing debt that has roiled the broader market since 2022, when the Federal Reserve began jacking up interest rates to a two-decade high.The National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries, which oversees the Odyssey index, doesn’t track redemption queues or widely distribute its data on fund flows. A spokesperson, however, confirmed to MarketWatch that the group of funds had negative net flows for the past six quarters, starting with the first quarter of 2019, to the tune of almost $19 billion.Nearly $60 billion has been raised for U.S.-focused real-estate funds since 2020, according to Preqin data through early June.Adrianna Giesey, a portfolio manager at Russell Investments, said investors waiting in redemption queues have been receiving payments in “drips and drabs” since reduced transaction volume put pressure on liquidity at many core open-end funds.The U.S. has about 2,400 commercial real-estate funds dedicated to the five main property types, comprised of office, industrial, retail and hospitality, according to Chad Littell, national director of capital market analytics at the CoStar Group. Most focus on areas other than core strategies.CoStar doesn’t track redemption queues, nor does Preqin, making it difficult to pinpoint overall redemption requests.But one thing that could bolster confidence in the sector would be a Fed pivot to rate cuts, which is expected later this year. The hope is that steadier benchmark rates could help determine if property prices have finally found a floor.Green Street pegged commercial real-estate prices as up 1% on the year through May, but 21% below March 2022 peak levels. RCA’s index had prices down 2.3% in May from a year ago.In public markets, shares of the Dow Jones Equity REIT XX:DJDBK touched a bottom in October, and have been in recovery mode since.“It’s been hard to find price discovery,” Giesey at Russell Investments said, speaking to the sharp drop in U.S. property transactions since the Fed began raising its policy rate to the current 5.25% to 5.5% range.The Fed’s policy rate was close to zero during the COVID crisis and near historical lows for much of the past decade, a period in which most of the estimated $4.7 trillion pile of outstanding property loans were originated.Typically, when a fund puts up gates, it works something like this: An investor with a $100 million exposure to an index might put in a $10 million quarterly cash-out request. Redemption limits, however, mean they might receive only $1 million back.“Obviously, it is a challenge,” said Sara Cassidy, head of portfolio management for AEW’s private equity group. But while redemption limits can be frustrating, investors also don’t want to put a fund in jeopardy by requiring them to sell strategic assets to satisfy all redemption requests at once, she said. AEW is one of the sector’s largest managers, overseeing about $85.1 billion in real-estate assets globally.When gates go up, investors get nervous and often put in bigger quarterly redemption requests than they anticipate getting back, which can paint a very ugly picture of cash fleeing a sector.“I don’t think it’s all doom and gloom,” Cassidy said, adding that pockets of commercial real estate outside of office have held up well, and there’s a lot of dry powder on the sidelines that could be deployed if investors feel prices are near a bottom.“I don’t know that is going to universally solve everybody’s problem,” Cassidy said. “But I don’t think everybody’s portfolio is problematic.”
El Frente Popular habría ganado las elecciones en Francia y contenido la extrema derechahttps://www.lavanguardia.com/internacional/20240707/9788022/elecciones-francia-frente-popular-izquierda-gana-extrema-derecha.htmlLa izquierda rebasaría al partido de Marine le Pen según las primeras estimacionesFrancia frena a la ultraderecha, según los sondeoshttps://elpais.com/internacional/2024-07-07/elecciones-en-francia-segunda-vuelta-de-las-legislativas-en-directo.htmlLa movilización contra Le Pen da la victoria a la izquierda (entre 180 y 215 escaños) en la segunda vuelta de las elecciones legislativas, según las proyecciones de Ifop para el canal de televisión TF1. El partido ultra quedaría en tercera posición (120-150) por detrás de la formación de Macron (150-180)https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/live/2024/07/07/en-direct-resultats-des-legislatives-2024-suivez-la-soiree-electorale-du-second-tour_6247441_823448.htmlLa distopía fascista tendrá que esperar.
Cita de: sudden and sharp en Julio 07, 2024, 20:20:27 pmEl Frente Popular habría ganado las elecciones en Francia y contenido la extrema derechahttps://www.lavanguardia.com/internacional/20240707/9788022/elecciones-francia-frente-popular-izquierda-gana-extrema-derecha.htmlLa izquierda rebasaría al partido de Marine le Pen según las primeras estimacionesFrancia frena a la ultraderecha, según los sondeoshttps://elpais.com/internacional/2024-07-07/elecciones-en-francia-segunda-vuelta-de-las-legislativas-en-directo.htmlLa movilización contra Le Pen da la victoria a la izquierda (entre 180 y 215 escaños) en la segunda vuelta de las elecciones legislativas, según las proyecciones de Ifop para el canal de televisión TF1. El partido ultra quedaría en tercera posición (120-150) por detrás de la formación de Macron (150-180)https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/live/2024/07/07/en-direct-resultats-des-legislatives-2024-suivez-la-soiree-electorale-du-second-tour_6247441_823448.htmlLa distopía fascista tendrá que esperar.La distopía fascista ya la tenemos aquí desde hace tiempo. Pero la llaman de otra forma.
Cita de: Centinela en Julio 08, 2024, 11:58:04 amCita de: sudden and sharp en Julio 07, 2024, 20:20:27 pmEl Frente Popular habría ganado las elecciones en Francia y contenido la extrema derechahttps://www.lavanguardia.com/internacional/20240707/9788022/elecciones-francia-frente-popular-izquierda-gana-extrema-derecha.htmlLa izquierda rebasaría al partido de Marine le Pen según las primeras estimacionesFrancia frena a la ultraderecha, según los sondeoshttps://elpais.com/internacional/2024-07-07/elecciones-en-francia-segunda-vuelta-de-las-legislativas-en-directo.htmlLa movilización contra Le Pen da la victoria a la izquierda (entre 180 y 215 escaños) en la segunda vuelta de las elecciones legislativas, según las proyecciones de Ifop para el canal de televisión TF1. El partido ultra quedaría en tercera posición (120-150) por detrás de la formación de Macron (150-180)https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/live/2024/07/07/en-direct-resultats-des-legislatives-2024-suivez-la-soiree-electorale-du-second-tour_6247441_823448.htmlLa distopía fascista tendrá que esperar.La distopía fascista ya la tenemos aquí desde hace tiempo. Pero la llaman de otra forma.Explícate, o (re)define "fascista". (El comentario iba por el miedo expresado por tomasjos... que se antojaba excesivo, y que de momento está claro que era prematuro. Pero es mejor opinar y equivocarse, que no decir nunca nada.)Yo aquí, en España, veo poco fascismo. Tal como lo entiendo yo, claro.