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Entiendo que la tendencia, más que el inglés, debería ser el francés y el alemán, aunque durante la transición el inglés siga siendo lingua franca. ¿Ese traductor múltiple podría pasar también el texto a estos dos idiomas?
What a wonderful idea!I think we should make a TOP topics list specially those related to Europe and the main Spain-about topics in order to get a few but excellent birdcalls to those non-Spanish speakers which may be interested. That TOP topics list should be translated as a summary. The problem would be that there wouldn't be movement at least at first...the solution could be an auto-translator that if I write something in Spanish in "La Unificación de Europa..." for example, automatically my post were posted translated in English in "The unification of Europe"The sooner we start sooner we'll get foreigner public!!
Cita de: sudden-and sharp en Enero 03, 2012, 13:06:57 pmTHE BIG PRICE CUT... Ese era "the big sale" (sales, rebajas).BRICKSWALLOWERTHE CASTETOOTHPICK MENRICEBOWLISM
I believe its a good idea, but i dont quite see the need for translation.Lets just open a thread to post everything in English.