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Without a drastic change in the attitude to family life and reproduction in Western society, the fertility rates of native Europeans will not increase. A relative high number of children per family in some European countries are due to (especially) first generation immigrants. For example the overall (indigenous and immigrant) fertility rate in the Netherlands is 1.67 while the fertility rate of the women born in the Netherlands is a meager 1.5.Life expectancy will not change significantly the overall demographic picture. The death rate for the cohort of people aged up to 65 in Western countries is so low that improvements in this respect are hardly possible. Life expectancy of seniors can increase a little, but that will not affect the growth of a population in any significant way. Fertility generally ends at the age of 55. Demographers know precisely the future of the western native populations, and yet there is little or no academic debate about their looming extinction.There is a large group of social scientists who cling to the belief (and that’s the right word for it) that migrants from Morocco, Congo or Zimbabwe will absorb the Italian culture and blend into the Italian nation. The common reply to critics of immigration policies is that ”problems will disappear after the second generation” or that ”it will be like the US” where there are Italian-Americans, Chinese-Americans, African-Americans and so on. In other words, within one or two generations the new black Italians will behave as Italians, and no difference will be noticeable apart from their dark skin colour. A different opinion, based on tangible evidence, is deemed racist and treated accordingly. The discussion in “polite society” is focused on the size and speed of migration and the integration of the arrivals. Like it was in Galileo’s days, the believers have the upper hand over those who adduce observation and facts. The future US is not going to resemble the past US: the present US is already in the process of change. And yet, problems do not ”disappear after two generations”. France, which now has the third generation of third-world immigrants, faced ethnic riots over a decade ago, with the then President Sarkozy labelling the North African rioters ”scum”. Such conflicts can never be ironed out. Cultural clashes between Catholics and Protestant migrant communities in the US weren’t uncommon, yes, but they never evolved into the regular outbreaks of Islamic terrorism we are seeing in Europe today. Immigrants to the US were also never expected to benefit from a developed welfare system equivalent to the ones we have in Europe nowadays Mark Faber, a Swiss investor, was removed from many public functions for his remark that if Africans had founded America, the USA would look like Africa. While this seems a truism for ordinary people, the investor was forced to apologise by the politically correct community, high minded academics and journalists. Any person who believes mass migration from Africa will change the face and soul of the nation is labelled a racist....Even if migration does not accelerate, the Italians will be a minority by 2080. If we consider the migration rate of the last five years, this can happen even sooner.While the general public is unaware of its fate, top policy-makers know the numbers. German, Spanish, Norwegian, Irish and Dutch NGOs as well as the European Navy have ferried a shocking 600 thousand non-Western migrants from Libya to Italy since 2014. This has been done with the full complicity of the current Italian authorities. The grand replacement is no accident nor is it intended to be stopped. It is a well designed, devious program without the European natives having a say.
Bueno, también oí el otro día en el telediario que ahora la pubertad en los países desarrollados habría que considerar que se extiende hasta los 25 años...
Cita de: wanderer en Enero 23, 2018, 19:12:13 pmBueno, también oí el otro día en el telediario que ahora la pubertad en los países desarrollados habría que considerar que se extiende hasta los 25 años...Entiendo que entonces habría que hacer lo mismo con la mayoría de edad legal y el derecho al voto, no?
Cita de: Currobena en Enero 23, 2018, 20:34:53 pmCita de: wanderer en Enero 23, 2018, 19:12:13 pmBueno, también oí el otro día en el telediario que ahora la pubertad en los países desarrollados habría que considerar que se extiende hasta los 25 años...Entiendo que entonces habría que hacer lo mismo con la mayoría de edad legal y el derecho al voto, no? Más en serio: en muchos países la mayoría de edad se solía alcanzar con 21 años, que me parece mucho más razonable.Y yo nunca he encontrado especial placer en cosas como ir a votar, aunque lo haga por obligación cívica.
Dejo un link que ya se había posteado (creo que El Malo). Es una conferencia de un político conservador británico que ahora dirige un think tank. Lo repito porque explica el conflicto generacional la mar de bien. En inglés y sin subtítulos, pero pronuncia tan claro que hasta sirve como minicurso de fonética.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuXzvjBYW8ADos cosas que creo que influyen en el análisis generacional: la primera es el cambio en la pirámide demográfica y la masificación de la educación superior. No es lo mismo que se te muera un hijo en la guerra cuando tienes cinco que trabajan desde adolescentes, que cuando tienes dos hijos y les has financiado la vida y los estudios hasta que ya tienen el colesterol alto.La segunda es si la estructura familiar en distintas sociedades puede hacer que en algunos países el conflicto generacional sea más intenso que en otros. No es lo mismo la familia griega que la sueca o la americana.
The post-war baby boom of 1945-65 produced the biggest and richest generation in British history. David Willetts discusses how these boomers have attained this position at the expense of younger generations.Lord Willett's book "The Pinch - How the Baby Boomers Took Their Children's Future - And Why They Should Give it Back" is available now - https://geni.us/B0GvqWatch the Q&A: https://youtu.be/O9kYLPbOyQALord Willetts is a visiting Professor at King’s College London, Governor of the Ditchley Foundation, Chair of the British Science Association and a member of the Council of the Institute for Fiscal Studies. He is also an Honorary Fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford. Lord Willetts has written widely on economic and social policy. His book ‘The Pinch’, which focused on intergenerational equity, was published in 2010, and he recently published ‘A University Education’.Lord Willetts served as the Member of Parliament for Havant, as Minister for Universities and Science and previously worked at HM Treasury and the No. 10 Policy Unit.This talk was filmed in the Ri on 28 November 2019.
Si señor, lo traigo aqui -- Es de Enero 2020Watch the Q&A: https://youtu.be/O9kYLPbOyQA
'Trinchera cultural'Vuestros hijos fachas: por qué cada vez hay más jóvenes reaccionariosEl temperamento de la juventud es la rebeldía. Ellos detectan lo que irrita a sus padres y a sus profesores y, por este motivo, exclusivamente por este motivo, lo hacenhttps://www.elconfidencial.com/cultura/2022-05-29/vuestros-hijos-fachas-hay-mas-jovenes-reaccionarios_3432534/
'TRINCHERA CULTURAL'Todos los intelectuales envidian la vida de las cajeras del MercadonaHay un 'boom' del antitrabajismo fomentado por gente que suele matarse a trabajarhttps://www.elconfidencial.com/cultura/2022-05-29/todos-intelectual-envidia-vida-cajeras-mercadona_3430886/